OTs to discuss scaling back powers of Governors- Premier Smith
Premier Smith, on Friday October 14, 2016, led a delegation to the Asian Pacific Region, and will then head to London from Hong Kong.
Responding to questions from reporters/media practitioners on October 12, 2016 Premier Smith said that as OTs move apace with discussions relating to constitutional reform with the United Kingdom, one of the areas of focus would be the scaling down of the responsibilities of the Governor.
“When we speak of constitution reform in countries such as independent territories we are looking at how we can have the Governors have less responsibilities for managing the territory,” said Premier Smith as he noted that this would give room for elected officials to assume more responsibilities in their given territory.
Premier said that next year OTs in their constitutional talks would be looking forward to a continuation in their discussion as it relates to ‘self-determination’, which according to him, entails pulling back some of the powers given to the Governor.
“We have had one meeting so far to organise how we would be taking forward with the discussions. We are about to appoint a group of persons who would be responsible for taking the discussions to the territory. So what we will be looking at really is what the people of the country would like to see as far as constitution reform is concerned,” he told reporters.
Modifications to constitution necessary
In his address at the press conference, Premier Smith said that in the margins of the JMC he will have a bilateral meeting with the UK Government in which he will discuss his NDP Government’s plans for a constitutional review in 2017.
“As our Constitution turns 10 years old it is only appropriate that we consider modifications to our current constitutional arrangements to better enable us to meet new and emerging challenges in the 21st century,” said Premier Smith.
He said he will also raise this in the UK Parliament at the House of Commons where OT Leaders will meet members of the Foreign Affairs Committee. The committee’s support will be critical in building momentum for constitutional changes.
Also at the parliament he will be meeting with members of the BVI All Party Parliamentary Group which is chaired by former UK OT Minister Sir Henry Bellingham.
“I will provide an update on the progress we are making in the territory and hear views on how we can strengthen our relationship with the UK Government going forward,” said Premier Smith.
He added, “I will highlight my Government’s positive international engagement on tax and transparency, the imminent opening of our International Arbitration Centre and the measures we are taking to strengthen tourism.”

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