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OT Minister wants ‘top priority’ given to outstanding CoI reform actions

-Calls on Wheatley Gov’t to deliver the agreed programme of reform by the end of May 2024
UK Minister for Overseas Territory (OT), David H. Rutley has laid down the gauntlet and called for top priority to be given to the outstanding CoI reforms actions to be carried out in the Virgin Islands under the Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley administration. Photo: Internet Source/File
The Premier in a statement Yesterday, February 7, 2023, said Minister Rutley listened carefully, gave sound advice, and offered support in the common goal of concluding obligations under the framework for the implementation of the recommendations of the CoI report and other reforms. Photo: Office of the Governor/Facebook
The Premier in a statement Yesterday, February 7, 2023, said Minister Rutley listened carefully, gave sound advice, and offered support in the common goal of concluding obligations under the framework for the implementation of the recommendations of the CoI report and other reforms. Photo: Office of the Governor/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– UK Minister for Overseas Territory (OT) David H. Rutley has laid down the gauntlet and called for top priority to be given to the outstanding Commission of Inquiry (CoI) reforms to be carried out in the Virgin Islands under the Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley administration.

The Minister’s statement came during a video posted on February 7, 2024, on the Facebook page of Government Information Service (GIS).

According to the minister, “I’ve been honored to pay my first visit to the British Virgin Islands this week and have been grateful for the very warm welcome that I've received during my visit. It's been good to see the progress being made to accelerate work on the Commission of Inquiry priorities.” 

He said he had a series of productive meetings with the Premier, his Cabinet and several of the permanent secretaries, as well as the Governor's Office, as highlighted by the Premier in an earlier statement.

The Premier in a statement on February 7, 2024, said Minister Rutley listened carefully, gave sound advice, and offered support in the common goal of concluding obligations under the framework for the implementation of the recommendations of the CoI report and other reforms.

May 2024 deadline 

However, the OT Minister has called for the outstanding actions to be completed by the end of May 2024.

“We've all worked extremely hard together over these past days to establish the progress that's been made already and what still needs to be done. It's clear that there are still outstanding actions to work through to deliver the agreed programme of reform by the end of May, as set out by the Premier. It must be a top priority to get this back on track,” he said.

According to the then-governor John J. Rankin in his last CoI Quarterly update in early January 2024, outstanding actions included an amended Register of Interests Act and a new education grants policy, a policy setting out the principles of how Statutory Boards should operate, a new Public Service Management Act, revised Criminal Procedure Rules, improvements to the way the discretionary powers of Ministers are exercised, a strengthened Integrity in Public Life Act, and a functioning Whistleblower Act.

Minister Rutley, while adding that the issues must be a priority, said Good governance is the foundation of a safer, fairer, and more prosperous VI, which is what the people of the VI deserve.

15 Responses to “OT Minister wants ‘top priority’ given to outstanding CoI reform actions”

  • Robbery (09/02/2024, 13:50) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can top priority be given to the national security of the BVI instead.
  • herbs power (09/02/2024, 14:17) Like (29) Dislike (10) Reply
    Coi just came out and they on it like krazy glue. But when it comes to paying Reparations they def.
  • Tapayer (09/02/2024, 14:26) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    They will not be ready in time, except for having an excuse ready.
  • It hurt (09/02/2024, 14:59) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    But yet we still have robberies and other crimes going on and none ain't getting solved by your governor and police. That should be top priority too.
  • Josiahsbay (09/02/2024, 15:15) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    If the constitution does not back the COI The UK can't force-feed it down our throat. We can cherry-pick what we want and implement it at our discretion. We have rights, fight for them!
  • TurtleDove (09/02/2024, 15:24) Like (25) Dislike (11) Reply
    Why the hell this man don’t go fix the uk from here with his slavery type behavior
  • MASA (09/02/2024, 17:03) Like (21) Dislike (11) Reply

    Are BVIslanders children? He came during Andrew’s trial because he knew that the verdict would be “guilty”. I don’t know when we will wake up as a people and see that these w*** people UK/US government do not have the interest of the people. Come on man, who is he talking to, we are not his children. Have some respect, They come here with their Royal Yacht and take all the drugs confiscated and sell it to fatten their pockets and talking mess about COI…run him out of here man.

  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (09/02/2024, 17:11) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Many among remain opposed the UK's rule over one of its Overseas Territory, namely: British Virgin Islands. But as things have been and currently are, politically, economically, socially, etc., show clear evidence that our local political leaders are incompetent of good governance of this country, regardless of there verbal assurance that things under their control.. We didn't voted for political leaders to have our country's finances, as has been, and now is under their control. Such behaviors contradict good governance.

    It is true that are experiencing many problems, as do all countries in this world, but if you were to compare the population of the UK: millions, to BVI population: 33,000, lower estimate, 35,000 higher approximate, the UK wins over the BVI, because in the majority of comparison, in reference to government to people day by day services.

    Our government leaders and people at large should understand that the New appointed UK's governor and the OT Minister are not in the BVI on a vacation trip. The OT Minister and the New governor are here force constitution reformation base on the CoI recommendations.
    The majority of the people of the BVI need, not just want, but need swift political reforms in order better governance becomes a reality in the BVI, for betterment of, hopefully, all the people, friends and visitors.

  • BuzzBvi (09/02/2024, 17:45) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    They busy. Busy working on excuses and clever racist comments, hidden in slavery speak, trying to convince everyone they would be better shackled under them. Any thing but build a better country. That doesn't look likely. Better we make some good changes as recommended and to try and mature a little.
  • just wrong (10/02/2024, 07:05) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    More lip service from the england minister with no plans to contribute nothing to our development only to colonize
  • Don't hold your breath.. (10/02/2024, 07:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    That gives the Premier and cronies over three months to craft their excuse for missing the next deadline....again
  • Real Talk (10/02/2024, 07:24) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
  • round rock (10/02/2024, 09:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is written in the Holy Bible that you must clean the beam in your own eyes before cleaning the speck in another person's eye. The British government has so much corruption taking place with the Prime Minister's wife and her family IT business getting contracts with the U.K government and her family's firm in the sum of over 500,000 pounds and that is swept under the rog. The Virgin Islands should tell them to clean their own house before coming to us. What is Britain giving to us here? Can anyone tell me.
  • Yes to UK (10/02/2024, 10:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    @MASA You talk a lot of crap.
  • Patrick mcgroin (10/02/2024, 13:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need help, let’s be honest here. Shooting up a car in cane, robbery in town, x premier guilty of drug trafficking …and that’s just the daily news.
    We’re all struggling with rent, food, roads trashing veichles We need the money to be for the people not the people in power and family/cronies.
    Human rights is a thing, google it.

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