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'Originator of hate’ Cindy Rosan now claims slander; Files lawsuit

Cindy Rosan, who has been accused and even sued for slander and libel, is now suing a radio show host for slander. Photo: Facebook
Ms Patsy C. Lake, left, and cultural icon Ms Eileene L. Parsons OBE, right, have been victims of Cindy Rosan’s slander. Photo: VINO/File
Ms Patsy C. Lake, left, and cultural icon Ms Eileene L. Parsons OBE, right, have been victims of Cindy Rosan’s slander. Photo: VINO/File
Ex-Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), left, and current Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, have also faced the onslaught of Cindy Rosan. Photo: VINO/File
Ex-Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), left, and current Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, have also faced the onslaught of Cindy Rosan. Photo: VINO/File
HODGE’S CREEK, Tortola, VI- Controversial and alleged hater of Virgin Islanders, Cindy Rosan is now being bitten by what she has allegedly started. For months, from early 2021, she has developed a reputation for slander and libel against residents found to be out of favour with her, claiming she is entitled to her own opinion.

Late last year, while on Tola Radio 100.5 FM, Rosan described the current Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) as a “fool” and she was “sorry I voted for him”.

She also stated last year that she would “work day and night to get Natalio out of office."

The same Cindy, who is said to be a hater of Virgin Islanders, had declared that the Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Neville A. Smith (AL), must resign, when he brought his security contract with Government to the HoA to declare, in keeping with the constitution.

Cindy hates locals?

Ms Rosan has for over two years engaged in slander and libel against former Speaker Julian Willock, and earlier this year staged a small protest against him, claiming that he should pay a bill that was incurred in his official capacity.

However, her hypocrisy was clear when a similar situation occurred when Governor John J. Rankin, CMG hired an Attorney to represent him during the Commission of Inquiry. He asked that taxpayers pay the bill of over 45 thousand dollars.

She said publicly she supported taxpayers footing the United Kingdom-appointed Governor’s bill.

Ms Rosan has in the past lambasted and slandered respected women in the Territory, including Ms Patsy C. Lake and cultural icon Ms Eileene L. Parsons OBE. It is our understanding that Cindy has been banned from going to Ms Lake’s business at One Stop Mall.

Ms Rosan known for slander

The controversial Ms Rosan said earlier this year on Tola Radio that the former Premier, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), was a “thief”; however, he did not sue her but instead tried to employ her with his administration via a public relations contract.

On different social media platforms, Ms Rosan had said slanderous things about Mr Vance M. Lewis of Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park. He subsequently filed a lawsuit against her and, in court records obtained by our news centre, she has lost her case to Mr Lewis via a default judgement.

The court is now assessing damages to see what Ms Rosan will have to pay.

Rosan also took to her Facebook page a few months ago and slandered a prominent attorney, Michael Fay QC, accusing him of having his house used for an alleged drug deal. Mr Fay has taken legal action and the police had seized Ms Rosan’s phone as part of the investigation.

It is our understanding that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is now pursuing the matter against Ms Rosan.

Her usual rant?

A few weeks ago, Rosan attended a press conference hosted by Governor Rankin and once she returned from the press conference she had some outbursts on Tola Radio, calling the Governor a “racist” and saying “he must go”.

Ironically, Ms Rosan, who announced that she is seeking public office, is now in a legal and social media battle with Da International Morning Braff host Floyd Burnett aka ‘Heritage’, claiming slander. This is after she spent months slandering many residents and local businesses.

Many residents have said it’s the chicken coming home to roost and Rosan is starting to receive what, for years, she has displayed against residents in an effort to bully them and try to shape public opinion.

It remains unclear if Rosan will still be a candidate in the upcoming 2023 General elections.

She was fired from the BVI Tourist Board where her post was made redundant.

Our news centre will be following the case against Mr Burnett and the other numerous lawsuits filed against Ms Rosan by residents for slander and libel.

43 Responses to “'Originator of hate’ Cindy Rosan now claims slander; Files lawsuit”

  • WEW (28/07/2022, 13:23) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ignore her and she'll go away
    • Host with the most (28/07/2022, 15:16) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply

      Cindy has no mo*** and can’t afford to issue legal proceedings.she talks the talk but cannot walk the walk. STFU you noisy waste of space.

      • Gus (28/07/2022, 19:57) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        Where is the law suit Cindy? Heritage says you aint serve it on him. Is you lying?
    • Really? (28/07/2022, 22:12) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      Ignoring her is the answer? Wasn’t there also some issues with her landlord’s wife and how about the incident with the dogs? She also cursed out Ms. Crab on Tola Radio because she couldn’t get her own way and the list goes on and on…. The government needs to build a mental health facility urgently!
    • Camile (29/07/2022, 08:50) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply

      She has no life, and is miserable. 

    • Reply (30/07/2022, 10:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      She should have respect at least for women
  • The watchdog (28/07/2022, 13:41) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply

    Well said vino let her cra** @## take that!

  • green flag (28/07/2022, 13:48) Like (16) Dislike (15) Reply
    She is not a Virgin Islander and because she can’t trace her three generations back to who born here. All my people that she have attacked and failed only reveals a deep jealousy and hate of my people. She is not alone because there’s a lot of them who enjoy this country and just so they want the red carpet rolled out for them. She now have the guest of karma in her life and have to swallow back all her vomit. Your microphone is muted for your protection girl… take free warning, leave people alone who ain’t trouble you or who don’t owe you.If you was a genuine Virgin Islander you would know that. Well trying to be revenant and looking attention, like you need some water.
  • Masa Higginbottom (28/07/2022, 13:49) Like (19) Dislike (12) Reply
    This lady dumb. She is very cantankerous and like a loose cannon with litigation, yet she is the first to defame peoples’ character. Someone need to get back at her til she penniless. I hope whatever money she win from these cases, she use it to fix that mouth and teeth, cause chile, she look like she need to be sea cows bay on the tracking running with them horses.
  • ... (28/07/2022, 13:54) Like (14) Dislike (11) Reply
    she need a man to keep her busy case closed
  • josiah'sbay (28/07/2022, 14:03) Like (14) Dislike (11) Reply
    How can you say that she has slandered people if she hasn't been prosecuted and found guilty of the offense? Report the
    incidence and don't do the convicting. I think the Governor is a racist is that slander or my opinion?
  • Black devil (28/07/2022, 14:06) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply

    Why vino even waste ink on this *ac* @$%, nothing but national disgrace

  • The Voice (28/07/2022, 14:08) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply

    That woman is a loose Cannon waiting to explore. She will eventually get whats coming to her. Karma is worst than Obeah.Just give it time.

  • facts man (28/07/2022, 15:34) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ha ha good for her the headline is so accurate
  • WEW (28/07/2022, 15:35) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    Wasn’t Slowande just speaking on the need to address mental illness?
    • @wew (28/07/2022, 22:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      I believe it was Hon. Frasier, but the government has been talking about this issue for years and has ignored it like many of the potholes in the roads. ‘It’s a nuisance to all but just keep covering it up and ignoring the depth of the issue until it pops up again every few months.’
  • hjj (28/07/2022, 15:36) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    RVIPF should sue her as well for sladering the officer name when the police seized her phone . Now ,she can spell the word slander .foolishness.
  • HAHA (28/07/2022, 15:44) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I couldn’t wait for this well sa and ayo want she go run to lead ppl woiii that woman is a child body
  • really?? (28/07/2022, 16:14) Like (16) Dislike (11) Reply
    Why everyone hating on Cindy so? While her delivery may be harsh, most of the time she is speaking the truth. As for her lawsuit against Heritage who is her cousin I think that is a bit much. One the other hand, Heritage is also a loose cannon calling people "Homo" and such because they don't provide the response he wants is unprofessional!! At the end of day, she has a right to her opinion up to a point of defaming others character.

    For those who say she is not from Tola, where is she from? Her lineage is right there East/End & Fat Hogs Bay on her mother's side.
    • @Really (28/07/2022, 21:36) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
      By definition she is a non BVIslander and can never be.
      Her classless behaviour is also indicative.
      • Silly people (29/07/2022, 01:02) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        She’s a non Virgin Islander by who’s definition….?
        • Harry Tom (29/07/2022, 09:20) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
          Too bad. She is a nothing as identified by her classless behaviour and horse mouth. If it walks and quacks lik"xe a duck,it is a duck.
        • @silly People (29/07/2022, 16:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          She has not even a pot in which to urinate...VIslanders as a rule , definitely HAVE at a certain age and expect to have from birth and most especially if they advanced in age and absolutely if they have children. The subject of this blog neither have had nor expect.
          Definitely not a BVIslander.
    • bvi (30/07/2022, 09:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Craziest of them come from the East.
    • Hmm (30/07/2022, 12:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why should she have an opinion and miss parson should not have onen. Cindy problem is that she thinks when she opens her mouth she is always right and no one else is. She needs to understand that each person has an opinion and she cannot determine what persons are saying/thinking for their own opinion. She has a lot to learn and stop being so angry and stirring up animosity amongst people. Learn to say what you have to say without being so angry and learn to listen to other people's opinion.
  • Cindy Fan (28/07/2022, 16:22) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
    I was a Cindy fan but I’m highly disappointed that she turned on someone who she rubbed shoulders with. Judas move for true.
  • hmm (28/07/2022, 16:50) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yow!!!! These woman needs the attention on her. It's a cycle she's going through mehn. Ignore her foolish backside. She'll still look attention someplace else. What a fool!!!!!
  • Awesome (28/07/2022, 18:16) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Cindy needs some help, she is not a stable person.Only a matter of time before she put her foot in her mouth. I don't know her shoe size but it doesn't choke her. Cindy behave yourself and let the people alone.
  • Crazy as a bee (28/07/2022, 18:19) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let's wait to hear she is suing vino the child need mental help!
  • dr.greenthumb (28/07/2022, 18:24) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI is a soap opera and these people clearly have major issues. Cindy needs some healing to happen in her life.
  • DJ T (28/07/2022, 19:06) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    The thing is I heard all that she said against thoes people that vino highlighted in the story

    She is bad news damaged goods
  • ADVICE TO CINDY (28/07/2022, 20:07) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The further you stay away from all these demons the better. Forget about politics you will have to sell your soul or be a target. Try to find a way to make an independent living even though the puppet politicians are passing legislation to block persons from making an independent living. The results of their actions will have us right back in slavery very soon. All of these so called politicians and so called leaders are clueless faking the funk for their personal benefit. At the end of the day we'll all be screwed. According to Gladys Knight "there can be no way this can have a happy ending but we just go on hurting and pretending." I've seen it many times where players in high positions in the system have come to me pouring out their heart and soul when they were being victimized. We give our strength to the beast only to be devoured by injustice, sickness from the poisonous unnatural diet, air pollution and many other tricks and traps. Then here comes Mr. Preacher another pirate whose indoctrination is the mental shackles of slavery and he is highly rewarded by the god of this world. We are all trapped in BABYLON many will go down with her. Money won't save you. Have you ever seen a U HAUL behind a hearse. We have all been had so it's time to do the necessary work on self before we can do for anyone else. Here comes the conman coming with his con plan promises, promises, promises while we slaughter and kill each other victims of the situation. My advice to you try to set up something for self don't be afraid to start small a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Be encouraged.
  • Skeletons (28/07/2022, 21:59) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply

    Is it true someone was stealing current before they got evicted?

  • Pasch. (28/07/2022, 23:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not sure who suffer from worse Halitosis, the petitioner or the respondent.
  • Shady Cindy (29/07/2022, 16:30) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    She ,is over the top in many ways.Recently she took it upon herself to secretly and illicitly acquire a work in progress video belongjng to the UK,in its unedited condition,and released it to the World at large guaranteeing a VI through dark lens. Sadistic,scandalous woman from thither. Definitely she oozes non VIslander to the bone.
  • Shem (31/07/2022, 16:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    Let she take that in a h*l* .she was against expat too , god is good all the time .hold your trophy strong

  • karma (01/08/2022, 12:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You see, God don’t like ugly.
    This horse face woman slanders everybody and think she can sue?
    Same way she, heritage and Dameon had that reporter girl name and business all over the radio. No business built on other people demise will prosper!
    Yuh heart dutty Cindy. Focus on fixing that before your sins follow your children.

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