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Opposition snubbed meetings to provide updates on District needs- Premier Fahie

- said his Gov’t has always welcomed good ideas of the Opposition
It has been revealed that the tri-party Opposition of Hons Marlon A. Penn (R8) of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Julian Fraser RA (R3) of Progressives United (PU) and Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) of Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) absented themselves from several meetings that provided them opportunities to give feedback on the needs of their districts as elected representatives. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a live update on May 19, 2020, said even though the Opposition shunned meetings to address the needs of their District, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government was able to still ensure representation of those Districts through the four At-Large Territorial members. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a live update on May 19, 2020, said even though the Opposition shunned meetings to address the needs of their District, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government was able to still ensure representation of those Districts through the four At-Large Territorial members. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As the Opposition has been coming to the media as truly caring for the people and portraying to have all the answers in this global coronavirus pandemic, while accusing the Government of shutting them out, it has been revealed that they absented themselves from several meetings that provided them opportunities to give feedback on the needs of their districts as elected representatives.

This was disclosed by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a live update on May 19, 2020.

Tri-party Opposition went AWOL

“I must remind you that going into these difficult measures, your Government consulted with all our stakeholders and we maintained a very transparent and collaborative approach throughout. This included members of the business community and Members of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.”

According to the Premier, in the case of the “tri-party Opposition,” special formal and informal meetings were convened to facilitate Members of the House of Assembly who, for one reason or another, did not attend the public forums, and did not attend the meetings to provide updates on the needs of their respective Districts in their capacity as elected Representatives of the people.

“We wanted to hear from all of them to ensure that no District was left behind in COVID-19, and we ensured that we provided the opportunity for them to do so. After all, we all have the same objective, I believe, and that is to keep our people safe.”

Premier Fahie said, thankfully, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government was able to still ensure representation of those Districts through the four At-Large Territorial members.

‘A good idea is a good idea no matter who brings it’

Hon Fahie also emphasised his Government has always welcomed the ideas and input of the Opposition since Government is open-minded.

“I am on record saying – which I said in the presence of the Honourable Leader of the Opposition in our 24 March, 2020, joint press conference – that very good suggestions were received from Opposition members, and your Government is mature enough to know that a good idea is a good idea no matter who brings it.”

Premier Fahie’s disclosure is a telling counterblow to the Opposition publicly stating that this Government has been sidelining them as they formulate plans for the Territory’s economic response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Opposition went as far as even formulating its own economic recovery plans.

24 Responses to “Opposition snubbed meetings to provide updates on District needs- Premier Fahie”

  • lord o. (20/05/2020, 06:45) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Were they invited to give an input in the Covid 19 prevention and stimulus plan? Politics at its best...
  • My girl (20/05/2020, 06:54) Like (5) Dislike (22) Reply
    the Opposition got a job and they are tying to do it...but Marlon weak Fraser should be Opposition Leader
  • Wear Masks Properly (20/05/2020, 06:54) Like (5) Dislike (22) Reply
    You see how that mask under your neck...all you're doing is dragging germs right back up to your mouth and nose.
  • Really (20/05/2020, 07:33) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    there is a fine line between politics and reality: those who stand on those podiums continues collecting monthly payments: last I check BVI do not print money so where will the funds come from to fulfill some the political promises: in reality some residents may not work until next years
    • BuzzBvi (21/05/2020, 11:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      BVI don't print money but it thinks it printed 7% of peoples hard earned money. That the VI's own money?? VI has no money till it gets crypto money.
  • @## (20/05/2020, 07:44) Like (44) Dislike (7) Reply

    This what they here doing is not helping us. It is only wasting time. They should work with the government and bring a plan, that all of them put together that will work long term for the people. This thing with each side doing their own plan is not helping us. It is also disrespectful playing politics at this time. Tell them to go do their $%&* job. Bull sh_t

  • 3+ (20/05/2020, 07:59) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
    Opposition try hard to stick to current issues. Join the government and offer service to your district first.
  • ONENESS (20/05/2020, 08:34) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    If there was ever a time that we all need to work together it is now. Stop with the immature school yard fighting and come together to make good decisions. Pray together, work together, and stop with the nonsense. Do something for your district instead of wasting time trying to make the Premier look bad. He is doing what he can and you should be helping him. Mitch, get a contract for that sad dock in CGB before the tourist come back!
  • BIG M (20/05/2020, 08:44) Like (26) Dislike (5) Reply
    The opposition needs to humble themselves and work with the government. To me the opposition came off like they are the government. The virus ain't going anywhere now. You have to plan wisely. Penn is talking about the opposition plan. We'll since it is the opposition plan then go and execute your plan. My question to Penn, do you have a plan to get back the plane money, do you have a plan for the Sewage money that was move under your watch.
    • Observe (20/05/2020, 09:20) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      Big M you throwing upper cut and body jabs Marlon stay down for the count clearly you have been knocked out. Marlon no bitting or Premier built like holyfield and tuff like Riddick .He can take it and still back you off with his wicked jabs.

  • 13 of them (20/05/2020, 09:17) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    All 13 were voted into political office to represent all of residents in the territory. All 13 are charged with an obligation to develop this territory. All 13 should sit at one table to exchange concerns and develop solutions. I have grown to realize that it all wishful thinking. In closing, the only member of the current opposition that can point a finger is the member for #3. History books will recall how most of the current opposition conducted themselves form 2011-2019 just play the tape
  • wacky (20/05/2020, 09:38) Like (35) Dislike (13) Reply
    The Premier is playing games.
  • shak (20/05/2020, 09:58) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    How come the opposition has not addressed allegations on the school wall, sewerage money,and the $7mil plane giveaway but yet they want come up with a whole recovery plan just for politics mileages and then back to old Vindictive ndp. All them excess millions on the bvi pier park could come handy now.
  • Smoking Gun (20/05/2020, 10:44) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Just like the three stooges. Blah, Blah, blah with no solutions. When they were asked about the complaints they are getting from residents, Marlon and Fraser couldn’t answer, Mitch mumbles something goes to show that they are not candid.
  • @## (20/05/2020, 10:54) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    People who side with the opposition with this like problem. This is what the opposition is trying to create. Why continue with this kind of politics when by yourselves the plan will not see the light of day. Meet with the government and come up with a plan together. If at this crazy time without a play book, and these guys cannot work together for the betterment of the people something is seriously wrong!
    At the end of the day, we will continue to suffer and they get their big salaries for doing nothing. So continue to side opposition with there bull sh_t and see what happens. SMFH
    • tretretrete (20/05/2020, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Clearly you cannot read!
      • @## (20/05/2020, 13:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Clearly u is one of those persons that would like this country go fast backwards. At this time when we have the opposition playing politics, I am not wasting time reading 2 much bull sh_t. Why are they missing from meetings. Who they working for? Everyone should be working together to make life better for us. When that happens, I will be interested in reading everything. We don't have time for this back and forth sh_t.
  • Foul (20/05/2020, 11:38) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Calling on HONOURABLE PREMIER ANDREW ALTURO FAHIE to cut all 13 elected officers salaries and allowances. How come that not in the opposition game plan.
  • True (20/05/2020, 12:29) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    If the borders are closed and we have no cases of Covid-19 in the country why is everyone required to

    1: Wear a mask
    2: Social Distance
    3: Implement procedure that create fear
    4: Constrict businesses
  • hmm (20/05/2020, 12:43) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Where is the action man? Is he busy counting that pandemic food money or he is missing in action? Strange how the rest of the opposition stuck by his side when he was denied swearing in and now he ditching them. This is the second time i've noticed he is a no show
    • @ lol (20/05/2020, 21:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      just a picture you looking at: Mark have a right to be counting. The same man VIP gave so much issues is the very same one came to the rescue for the distribution of food yes he is being financially compensated....
    • BuzzBvi (21/05/2020, 11:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Been a no show for people of his distric since he resigned himself back in. Who was that for?
  • Local (20/05/2020, 15:30) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Message to the people:
    Here goes Mr. Fiasco aka Mark Vanterpool again who demonstrated after the election his the irresponsible behavior and disrespect to the people that elected him. Mitch Turnbull where is the proposal for the collection monies owed to the government? You need to sit down. Marlon A. Penn and Julian Fraser when will both of you stop living off the public trough and struggling for power. All of you really represent what an opposition is (Totally self centered and power hungry against the people and the rightly elected officials). Lastly all of you would perform different if were paid by commission rather than doing noting and collecting a check on the backs of the people that elected all of you.

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