Opposition proposes gov’t borrows to tackle infrastructure, slow economy & crime

Mr Skelton made the calls during a special Opposition press conference held at the Office of the House of Assembly (HoA) Conference Room on Thursday, October 26, 2023.
“We are extremely concerned at the level of crime that is presently in the country. We are also concerned about the infrastructure of the country: Healthcare, water, electricity, roads and ports. The economy is also sluggish and we need to be able to jumpstart the economy so that jobs can be created,” he said.
Hon Skelton added, “We are encouraging the government and I am not here to bash the government… I am here to lend my voice and my support to programmes and policies that the government is willing to implement to advance the cause of this country. We are encouraging the government to go out there and borrow the level of funding that is required to fix the infrastructure of this country,” he said.
The Opposition Leader added that members in the districts continue to complain about water woes, where water still can't get to homes, including in Virgin Gorda, referred to as the hub of tourism in the VI.
Hon Skelton also said he understands fixing infrastructural problems is not a quick fix unless there is military-level funding where issues can be solved overnight.
Crime an issue - Hon Skelton
Touching on crime, he said the Opposition is extremely concerned and has met with Police Commissioner Mark Collins on the matter.
“And I think he [Collins] was upfront and honest with us and we in turn pledge to lend or support, where it is necessary, to get the resources he needs in order to fight crime,” Hon Skelton said while quoting murder rates and a spate of recent burglaries.
“And I do listen to my colleagues here at the table… That it just stems from the lack of job opportunities in your country, some of it, not all of it. It is important for us to start finding ways when our economy is sluggish, the private sector is not moving, for the government… to get people back to work at [getting] the economy moving.”
Hon Skelton said there's no doubt in his mind that people are hurting and the cost of living is high, “as an Opposition and the Government we need to find means and ways to assist the people who need food [and] needs assistance with house rent,” he said.
'You will hear more about our plans to borrow' Premier
Meanwhile, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking at the contract signing for the rehabilitation of the roadway from Hodges Creek Marina to Paraquita Bay on October 24, 2023, said the government has plans to borrow, including to be able to solve the age-old challenges that the Territory has in relation to road infrastructure.
“As the budget speech is coming up, you will hear more about our plans to borrow so that we can provide the public with the roads that they deserve,” Dr Wheatley stated.

31 Responses to “Opposition proposes gov’t borrows to tackle infrastructure, slow economy & crime”
The VI has myriad of physical infrastructure, health, education, economic, among other needs. The physical infrastructure is in a deplorable and deteriorated state but government lacks the money/funds to fund the capital projects needed to address the needs. Consequently, government must prudently borrow to fund the projects. In another commentary about $2.3M road project from Paraquita Bay to Hodges Creek, another blogger (E. Leonard) commented, that residents increasingly demand more services but demonstrate a disdain for paying additional taxes or fees for providing and delivering the services. And also suggest the need to borrow. Well, I too endorse this view. The territory does not have the cash on hand/in reserve to directly fund these urgent and important needs and must prudently borrow to fund them. No taxpayer enjoy paying taxes or fees. Nevertheless, borrowing is needed to fund these needed public goods. Our elected officials must make the case to residents why borrowing, how much, mode of paying back principal and interest, and any proposed increase taxes or fees, if needed, is needed.
Here we need a couple of millions of doblarse for our Roads to be drivable, we need more for our WATER worship, our Health system, Educational, and just about every other damn thing, but look what we want to do, extend air Port, puso up the Ferry Terminals ,and not regulares our s/s and our ni which that one doctor dnu kill...
Well what about the Jose' Hill House project? Money there waiting to Rotten down.., they going fin rodas then these Bridges going callapse on us and we cant go or come.. Finally we are so close to the Sea, yet we are flooded if two or there persons decide to piss anyywhere at the SAME time.But we got money to parte and supporting friends who want to spread..
How come we hear nothing about all this Drugs monies we confiscate ? Needless ask about the drugs itself. And now we going the Police Vehicles again, to destruye without incidents and without any responsibility.
It is true that the present ruling team, and the opposition both do not have our Country citizens best interest at heart, as far as past evidence showed. But due to the weakness of the ruling Party policies, I do agree with the opposition leader outreach to the government in power for teamwork.
We may try by means of subtleness to downplay the urgent need for urgent, and proper infrastructure development, but it is in fact should be seen an urgent need.
Many of us natives, and residents are as so drugged by party affiliation, that we see, yet not recognizing the urgent need for a total need for our country's cleanup of wrecked vehicles, and gabbage scattered here, and there. This must be one of our top priority in conjunction with our needed infrastructural development.
Where for or against, the leader of the opposition, Hon Ronnie Skelton proposal to our sitting Premier is one of urgent necessity.
He, the Hon. Ronnie Skelton has his weaknesses, as do us all. But as far as business as we know it is concern, he is among the top five, if not the top local businessman. The proof speaks for itself. What done is already done. What is in need to be done when it need to be done. We should we should stop wasting our needed finances things we don't need. if we do so now, we will be in position to begin upgrading our infrastructural development for the Spiritual, physical needs, and the need of Al people's that come to visit our country, namely: The British Virgin Islands.
May God our Creator continue blessing us daily.
We were offered British navy ships to help stop drug and human trafficking and turned that down.
Our government is the route of our problems and we know it.
How many work permit applications pending? How long is the processing time? How many declined and for what reasons? Again no-one can tell you.
What skill shortages are there amongst BVIslanders / Belonger to fill those work permit positions? What steps are being taken to ensure our educators are offering appropriate training to fill those skill shortages? No-one knows, no-one thought to check.
How many trade licenses pending? How long is the processing time? How many declined and for what reasons? Again no-one can tell you!
What analysis has been undertaken to assess the net benefit of the migrant workers to the BVI Economy? No idea, no-one checked, no-one can tell you!
What can government do to reduce its operating costs and slim down the civil service? What benefits could digitalisation and e-service could bring to the economy in terms of efficiency? No-one thought to check , no-one knows.
This is the problem in BVI, nothing is based on objective evidence at all. The place is a joke. Most of these politicians couldn't run a lemonade stall let alone a country.
We have serious issues here and many are actually not too tricky to solve (see for example, use of renewable energy, waste management and recycling) but we go backwards not forward, whilst the rhetoric about those nasty non-Belongers, the nasty colonialists continues to increase.
In my next life, I'd like to come back of head of the Statistics department for the BVI government, must be the easiest job in the world.
Now he back chatting piss like we forgot his record and his corruption over the high school wall. The first political scandal where a politician is charged for breach of trust
Nevertheless, governing SNAFU not withstanding, the BVI has a myriad of critical needs but lack the funds to get them done. Most governments typically have two funding sources,, ie, taxes and fees, and debt. The level of government revenues from taxes and fees are insufficient to meet O&M requirements much less capital projects needs. The apparent option is borrowing but the idea seems to landing fiat. If government cannot borrow, economic growth and development will be retarded, the BVI stays a Third World and little sleet hollow. Some of us are of the belief that government has a money tree at the back of the R. T . Oneal Admin Bldg, get/.wants things done but others expense, etc. Here is a news flash the BVI does not have a fairy Godmother. I would say though that Ministries, Departments, Divisions, Branches, etc must strive to attain positive outcomes within budget limits by maximizing budget efficiency. No one is going to have all resources to do everything. Adjust to the new normal of doing more with fewer resources. Can we strive to do that. The Premier and MoF must lead that charge. People should be recognize for attaining positive outcomes with assigned budget.
Mitch was one of the loudest against the loan guarantee but is now complaining about money needed for his district. What a set of %^&* idiots. Nothing is free, everything requires funding.
Get cash from outside or produce items for visitor consumption.
If there was say a government run casino & amenities, personal attendant/host role for men & women. Part time basis, training, easy access... would persons rather sell stuff men & women that can get them in trouble for a quick buck or head to the casino or whatever "get cash" industries the government backs, trained them for, & guides tourist towards.
Start up the cannabis legalization, do it right similar to no fast food with more service. Attract more tourism, do more training and allow easy access to cash from outside visitors.