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Opposition Member Hon Stacy Mather is Deputy Speaker of Fifth HoA

History has been created in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), with Hon Stacy Mather (AL), left, becoming the first Member of the Opposition to be Deputy Speaker. Photo: VINO
Deputy Speaker Hon Stacy Mather, an At Large Representative, was the highest vote getter at the April 24, 2023 general elections. Photo: VINO
Deputy Speaker Hon Stacy Mather, an At Large Representative, was the highest vote getter at the April 24, 2023 general elections. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- History has been created in the Virgin Islands House of Assembly (HoA), with Hon Stacy Mather (AL) becoming the first Member of the Opposition to be Deputy Speaker.

Hon Mather of Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) became the Deputy Speaker of the Fifth HoA after the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) withdrew its nomination of Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith (R4), following a challenge by the tri-party Opposition.

Following a brief recess of the proceedings being held at Multi-Purpose Sports Complex today, May 18, 2023, Premier Wheatley agreed with the Opposition's argument that the constitution stated that ministers were ineligible for the post of Speaker.

He then announced the withdrawal of his nomination and said his government will support the Opposition's nomination.

All seven of the Members on the Government side are Ministers and Junior Ministers.

Deputy Speaker Hon Mather, an At Large Representative, was the highest vote getter at the April 24, 2023 general elections.

More details to follow.

26 Responses to “Opposition Member Hon Stacy Mather is Deputy Speaker of Fifth HoA ”

  • East lady (18/05/2023, 12:03) Like (28) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am confident the VIP Government once remaining levelheaded and respectful to each other while keeping country above self, will successfully navigate the country and themselves through these modern day worldwide turbulent times.
    • Bumble Bee (18/05/2023, 12:39) Like (26) Dislike (14) Reply
      I am saddened by the fact that the gov did not do due dillengence, and actually nominated someone who could not hold the post according to the Law.
      This tells me that they have not learnt from the last government, they need to study what the law says regarding what they would like to do before proposing them in the HOA, in other words they need to stop the frig.
      • To Bumble Bee: This is a legal debate (18/05/2023, 13:47) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
        I have picked no sides, but the government should get a judiciary review on certain issues one being is a Junior Minister really a Minister. If this is so then there are many other laws of the Virgin Islands which contradicts such and those would need to be amended. A Jr. Minister can only sit in Cabinet if they are sworn in as a Minister which means they are not a Minister. This issue as well as a few others need legal judiciary review for clarity for future reference rather than relying on conventional interpretations. Do not wait for another COI to prove us wrong.
        • Bumblebee bee #2 (18/05/2023, 15:02) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
          Leave bumblebee bee alone he is right. Haven't the Hon Luce already served as acting minister when De Castro was away. Would we have to remove her as deputy speaker for a few days and then nominate her again. You have to be a fly in order to think you can correct a bumblebee bee.
      • The shining (18/05/2023, 19:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Bumble bee, maybe they need a new attorney general. Simple as that.
    • @East Woman (18/05/2023, 16:02) Like (10) Dislike (13) Reply
      I love my VIP, and I love this new Government. I feel good things about this Government. From 2019 to this day I have seen how much the Premier has evolved.I wish him the best
  • My Take (18/05/2023, 12:05) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Government is engaging in true democracy which allows the democratic process to decide who will get any public office as these positions are not guaranteed to anyone.
  • youth man (18/05/2023, 12:12) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    What foolishness some mean why Massicote has to go through this process. The position does not belong to her or no one else. Note I am supporting her, but I also support democracy, and this is true democracy at work. We trust that the Government will always make the correct decision but let democracy take its course so when or if she gets it again or not, or Mather becomes Deputy or not, she and everyone else in public life will understand that nothing is automatic or guaranteed in life.
  • Big Congratulations (18/05/2023, 13:06) Like (35) Dislike (3) Reply
    Congrats to you Honorable Mather. What an awesome accomplishment.
  • EXPERIENCE MATTERS (18/05/2023, 13:26) Like (29) Dislike (27) Reply
    • hon fraser (18/05/2023, 13:47) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
      To the rescue!
    • @Experience Matters (18/05/2023, 15:51) Like (9) Dislike (21) Reply
      The Premier simply err, and we all err. He was not trying to break any laws. So don’t be out here trying to stir up the wo wo for the for the other ignoramas to join you with the foolishness. It is not that serious. To ERR is human
  • natural mystic (18/05/2023, 13:29) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
  • cant be trusted (18/05/2023, 13:33) Like (24) Dislike (15) Reply
  • Rhythm up.. (18/05/2023, 13:53) Like (32) Dislike (7) Reply
    God don't make mistake. This is excellent..Mather is 10 times a better choice, .In every possible way. However, This is a huge failure on the Govt Side not knowing the constitution, not seeking Attorney general advice which basically is part of her job...Bad start.. Mr. Premier you need to get the relative experts involved when you are making decisions..
    • @Rhythm up.. (18/05/2023, 15:23) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      It is not a failure at all because the interpretation of choice still needs to be validated in a court of law. Most attorneys seem to differ in their interpretation on if a Jr. Minister is in fact a Minister or not. This needs to be rectified once and for all.
  • question (18/05/2023, 14:13) Like (19) Dislike (6) Reply
    Why didn't the AG know the law to advice them who can or cannot be the deputy speaker,? Isn't this her role to provide them with advice on the rule of law?And if she did advice them it was the wrong advice. Disappointing! First day and the Premier had to take egg to his face.
    • to question (18/05/2023, 17:01) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
      Oh please. You can tell that you are one of the few who will never see anything good the government does.
      • hmm (18/05/2023, 21:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        Who it hurt it hurt! It's only my opinion based on what transpired. Don't get your thoughts twisted. I am for the government of the day. So please relax and breath easy
  • Everyone besides (18/05/2023, 14:27) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Everything is showing signs of progression and doing something with themselves. The only person who ain’t seems to be moving forward is sindy. Unfortunately you killed her own self. Look how everyone else is shining bright.
  • Well Sah (18/05/2023, 15:26) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    It seems as if our leader dont know the laws...God bless the representative for the 3rd district was there or else it would have been another mistake on the first fay
  • Arrion (18/05/2023, 15:38) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congratulations Mr. Mather. You have been active in the BVI for a very long time and have proven yourself to be patient, kind, and fair to people. You put more time in with our children than some of their own parents. Now show the BVI that you are the right choice. Hold your head high, forward ever.
  • my2cents (18/05/2023, 15:48) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congrats my brother. I wonder how you will handle your opposition colleagues when necessary as fairness is needed in this role.
  • Tired (18/05/2023, 17:05) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    I am not a full party supporter but I am tired of the haters of the VIP always trying to negatively brand them for every little thing. If the Opposition was not greedy, full of ego & all about power and not the people they would be the government today and not just a shadow.
  • rambo (20/05/2023, 12:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What happened in the house on Thursday with the Premier being embarrassed should not have but it's what it is.

    The AG should have advised the Govt on that matter. She need to get with the programme
  • rambo (20/05/2023, 12:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    What happened in the house on Thursday with the Premier being embarrassed should not have but it's what it is.

    The AG should have advised the Govt on that matter. She need to get with the programme

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