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Opposition leader playing brand new- Hon Walwyn

- said Hon Andrew A. Fahie was party to the same financial management he now is speaking out against
Opposition Leader Andrew A. Fahie (R1), left, drew fire from controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL), right, who said the Opposition Leader was playing ‘brand new’ when criticising the National Democratic Party Government’s management of the territory’s finances. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) has come under severe criticism for the state of public schools while wasting money on a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School leading up to the 2015 snap elections, making everything he touches political, victimisation and bullyism. Photo: VINO/File
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) has come under severe criticism for the state of public schools while wasting money on a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School leading up to the 2015 snap elections, making everything he touches political, victimisation and bullyism. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Always keen to address the topic of the territory’s finances and often flaying the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) for what he termed as mismanagement of the public funds, Opposition Leader Andrew A. Fahie (R1) drew fire from controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) who said the Opposition Leader was playing “brand new.”

Speaking in the House of Assembly during the 2017 Budget Debate on March 1, 2017 Hon Walwyn started off by saying there are critics who have their own agenda and sometimes when you hear people speak you have to look at who is speaking and to try to make some connections to understand sometimes why somebody might take a particular view on a particular matter.

He pointed out too that it has not been two years since the last general elections but the “behaviour” in the territory is almost like an election mode.

Noting that there is a saying that there is nothing so admirable in politics as a short memory, Hon Walwyn, who has come under severe criticism for the state of public schools while wasting money on a small wall around the Elmore Stoutt High School leading up to the 2015 snap elections, making everything he touches political, victimisation and bullyism, speculated that some of the persons “who are creating that level of confusion” are doing it for political purposes.

“They are many who are also genuine and you have to listen…but there are others, Madam Speaker, who you would think they are brand new the way they say certain things. And so you have to go back, Madam Speaker, in order to have gratefulness and be thankful to God how he has brought this country. Sometimes you have to examine the past because…nothing is so admirable in politics than a short memory, and politicians love for you to have a short memory. They enjoy it, but sometimes you have to revisit the past in order to appreciate, Madam Speaker, where we are.”

No paper work

One of the issues that Hon Fahie raised during his contribution to the debate on the Appropriation Act of 2017 on February 28, 2017 was that persons were being given jobs without any proper paper work and sometimes “by just a phone call.” Added to that, persons are not being paid on time and it is causing a problem because he gets the blame sometimes.

But, according to Hon Walwyn, when he ran for office in 2011 there were issues with the management of the finances of the territory. “Many issues…I recall, Madam Speaker, that the Government initially when we got into office in 2011, we were faced with a set of bills, Madam Speaker, that came in to the Government and I heard the Honourable Member for the Opposition speaking about financial prudence and how things should be done, but he was also a party to it Madam Speaker.”

The Minister claimed that in his first year in the Ministry of Education most of his money went to pay old bills. “A lot of the things were done the same way the member spoke about phone calls being made to give work. That is what they did because there was absolutely no paperwork, no paperwork for a lot of the things we had to deal with.”

“The day before elections people were getting contracts, phone calls, contracts, you can’t find nothing in the Ministry and not in my Ministry alone. The evidence is there and we have had to pay those bills because you had a contractual arrangements with the people….so the Member now is acting brand new when he knows that he has been culpable in many of these things.”

According to Hon Walwyn, he can bring the evidence to the House if he has to.

23 Responses to “Opposition leader playing brand new- Hon Walwyn”

  • ABC (02/03/2017, 08:59) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Please reject funny man lies
    • Speakingtruth (02/03/2017, 09:59) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
      He aint lying. All you got a short memory. All you know they handed out contracts left right and centre the last two weeks of election when Andrew was in Government, and the incoming Government had to honour those bills before. Can't people in this country speak and accept the truth anymore? That is our downfall because we don't want to live with integrity like Ministers of Government of yore. Return to those principles, man. They have guided many strong societies and countries from time immemorial. Speaking the truth brings rewards.
      • Lilly (02/03/2017, 14:13) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        Where are the car race track and medical school studies? We paid big bucks for those, but I cannot recall hearing about the results
      • Really (02/03/2017, 15:29) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        NDP did the same thing last election.
      • Sunshine (02/03/2017, 19:02) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        @Speakingtruth, I am one of Myron's critics but, I agree with you 100%. I'm keeping it real. Sometimes he rub me the wrong way and I put him on blast but it is not personal it is only business. This time, I am in agreement with him.
  • Tall Baby (02/03/2017, 09:03) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some things just don't require an answer. We want to know what the ministry is doing now. Why these ndp love to pick fight so. Fahie kindly ignore and stick to the current issue. No time for his distraction. It gets the country no where.
  • Pe"O Smoke (02/03/2017, 09:07) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    Look who talking after $1million on a wall and close to another million on mold contracts where there is still mold everywhere he has zero credibility to lecture anyone. Boss go back to Antigua
    • Sigh (02/03/2017, 14:15) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Open the damn windows and let the air in and that will take care of the monds. When I went to school we use to sit outside and read etc. We had no A/C or mold. The place was always open (:-)
  • hello! (02/03/2017, 09:30) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Egghead go sit down
    • ha (02/03/2017, 10:01) Like (3) Dislike (17) Reply
      That egg head will be Premier next go round, watch!
      • BvIslander, NYC (03/03/2017, 07:23) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        @ha, I believe that to. Remember how they had all kind of things to say about Donald Trump? and he is now President of the USA. Everyone was so sure Hillary was going to win, the day after elections, NYC was in so much shock, you could hear a pin drop in the City people was walking around like they were lost. Myron is going to be the next Premier. Just watch.
  • small axe cutdown tall tree (02/03/2017, 09:47) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    funnyman is just a funny bully. Don't allow this funny bully to intimidate you Fahie. Keep the pressure on; they will eventually crack.
  • Food for thought (02/03/2017, 09:55) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    The only things I have to say regarding this Minister and his actions are " Advertising Billboards" "ESHS Wall"...look at who are involved in these projects and draw your own conclusions.
    • Daisy (02/03/2017, 16:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Regardless of who is involved there will be criticism. You object to those involved and others will have the same thoughts depending who else was involved. That is just how life is. Everyone will never agree to what another does, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Think about that and draw your own conclusions.
  • wize up (02/03/2017, 10:52) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    here is what I think(had the proper checks and balances been in place year ago) the tax money will have been better accounted for you.i will be happy to see a bill brought to the house of assembly that seeks to regulate government spending of our tax dollars BUT none of the politicians have enough ball to move such a motion because all of them once elected put self interest and the interest of their circle before most of us....bring motions to the house of assembly that will better regulate all administrations
  • Fahie gets my vote (02/03/2017, 10:53) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Election or not.... Mr Fahie brings important issues to light and uses his platform to ask the questions that we the people of the BVI want answers to! Myron's accusations and answers are childish (like when a child knows they are wrong and they lash out...well he did this and he did that). Mr. Fahie has always supported his district as best he can with the resources he is given and I believe he will do the same for the territory - he gets my vote at the next election no contest!
  • Sue (02/03/2017, 11:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    funny man keep quiet before the whole bag burst you luckly andrew does not spill the beans you beter watch out andrew is no fraser who will just inore you. the bag is soon going to burst remember there are other persons who know you all daalings
  • Me (02/03/2017, 11:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    I want a lil bouy
  • True (02/03/2017, 13:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You have had six years to pay the bills and sort the problems but you are all more interested in what you can get out of it not what the country needs.
  • ndp (02/03/2017, 13:45) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fahie got plenty more blows coming his way more worst than fraser
  • youths for willock (02/03/2017, 15:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    that's a good match up with funny man and brox bummer but if you put the esteem in the mix too much fore power
  • bay (02/03/2017, 22:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the mvw is now suddenly interested in country strupps

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