Omicron: 'Vaxxed' persons having milder symptoms, recovering faster– Dr Georges

Appearing as a virtual presenter during an update on the territory’s COVID-19 situation on January 7, 2022, Dr Georges made a clear distinction between the vaccinated and unvaccinated and said the impacts of Omicron on both are raising concerns.
Omicron & Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed
“Even though persons who are vaccinated still could get infected, they have a much, much, much milder course of infection, and they recover much quicker,” he said.
For those who are unvaccinated, he said the risks are greater and global data shows it. Dr Georges added that unvaccinated persons can expect severe impacts of the Omicron variant.
“Persons who are unvaccinated have a greater chance of having a more severe course and a longer course, and then having a greater chance of complications and hospitalisation, that’s one point.”
Further, having both doses of a two-shot vaccine and then a third dose comes with added benefits, according to the medical doctor.
He said booster shots have been shown to reduce the level of infection and infectivity by Omicron by 50% to 75%.
Also appearing in the update was Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), who reiterated his call for persons to get vaccinated as the ultimate tool of protection against the virus.
Dr Georges added, “So this is why as the Minister mentioned, vaccination and boosters remain one of the mainstays of our strategy to deal with this surge.”
Impacts on healthcare system
Meanwhile, Dr Georges detailed that due to the large number of cases that come from the Omicron variant, challenges emerge where it becomes difficult to track the cases, including more challenges with the variant overwhelming the capacity to effectively contact trace.
“So, as I mentioned before, the Omicron variant outbreaks are generally much faster and larger than other variants, so the curve shoots up very quickly. And there's a considerable number of persons who are impacted, even though it's mild, the number is generally quite large.”
He said to mitigate the effects, health authorities will try to maintain and protect the local hospital capacity, given the large numbers of cases expected.
Dr Georges added that the hospital is also making provision for more medication, PPE’s and critical supplies, with conversations ongoing for public/private partnership regarding the management of mild cases in the community.

39 Responses to “Omicron: 'Vaxxed' persons having milder symptoms, recovering faster– Dr Georges”
Are you all idiots???
This man is trying to HELP and all these IDIOT bloggers with their misinformation and disinformation and twisting of facts and outright BS...and using God to back up their self righteous beliefs and garbage “information”.
You are prolonging the pandemic for everyone!
If you refuse to get vaccinated then Just STFU and @-off!!
While it’s correct that there is no vaccination against the common cold, it is incorrect to say there is no vaccination against flu. It’s been around for many many decades. First used by military troupe in WWII. Widely used since the 1950’s.
Michael Jordan and I both play basketball...
99% of the people who get covid survive it and I am sure they are a lot of unvaxxed in that 99%. At the end of the day it should come down to personal choice but it is not that way. Everywhere around you bullying and coercion.
Them could say what them want cause them aint no sh**, Almighty of ALL this living created up to fight or wilt. Vaccine aint stopping sh** u still getting sick, if u meant you die ,u will
1. According to virologist and many other experts in the field a virus can only survive if it’s attach to a living (humans and animals). Once the virus exit the body it have a minimum time survive. It is my understanding from what was said that if someone infected cough, sneeze, it must fall directly into the next person for it to survive. Thus hand washing and sanitizing. If it falls on other surfaces especially in areas such as our it burn out in few second. If this is the case then why does everyone need as mask and to be vaccinated. Why treat those that have been infected.
2. As I said before I read a lot and came across a few interesting articles but two stand out. One was the Oxford AstraZeneca study and the other about complain file by countries against China. They all had something in common. They claim the strain of the virus that started this pandemic was out since 2014. Do you know anything about this or the articles? Do you have any info on what could have happened between 2014 and March 2020 that now have us in our current situation?
3. How old is the vaccine? This is serious and I ask this because on several occasions, I’ve heard President Biden say it over 20 years old. I can recall him saying this when he got is first shout and more recent when he mandated the vaccine thru Executive Orders and again thru his legal team that currently arguing said mandate at the Supreme Court.
Looking forward to a response.
Had Nothing to
Do with unvaccinated or vaccinated
Soo why is it being twisted here ?
I ain vaccinated and had covid since 29th of december , got tested came out postive . i have been quarantine for 10 days. feel better and redo my test again i came out negative. That vaccination dont mean sh**