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Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard released from US prison

The former Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) in the Virgin Islands, Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard, has been released from prison, less than a year after being sentenced to nine years in jail in the United States for her involvement in a drug smuggling plot. Photo: Facebook/File
Kadeem S. Maynard, who is being held at FCI Miami, a low-security federal prison in Florida, will be released on April 1, 2025. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Kadeem S. Maynard, who is being held at FCI Miami, a low-security federal prison in Florida, will be released on April 1, 2025. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Former Virgin Islands’ Premier Mr Andrew A. Fahie, who was convicted in February 2024 on charges of conspiracy to import cocaine and money laundering, remains incarcerated at FCI Coleman Low, a low-security federal prison in Florida. He is set to be released in 2033. Photo: VINO/File
Former Virgin Islands’ Premier Mr Andrew A. Fahie, who was convicted in February 2024 on charges of conspiracy to import cocaine and money laundering, remains incarcerated at FCI Coleman Low, a low-security federal prison in Florida. He is set to be released in 2033. Photo: VINO/File
According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Maynard, 63, who was incarcerated at RRM Baltimore in Maryland, was released on March 21, 2025. Photo: BoP
According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Maynard, 63, who was incarcerated at RRM Baltimore in Maryland, was released on March 21, 2025. Photo: BoP
BALTIMORE, Maryland, USA- The former Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA) in the Virgin Islands, Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard, has been released from prison, less than a year after being sentenced to nine years in jail in the United States for her involvement in a drug smuggling plot that also implicated her son Kadeem S. Maynard and former premier Andrew A. Fahie.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Maynard, 63, who was incarcerated at RRM Baltimore in Maryland, was released on March 21, 2025.

The reason for her early release is unknown.

Kadeem S. Maynard to be released April 1

Her son Kadeem, who was sentenced to 4.75 years in jail in November 2023 for his role in the conspiracy, is also set for early release.

Kadeem, who is being held at FCI Miami, a low-security federal prison in Florida, will be released on April 1, 2025.

Both had pleaded guilty under a plea deal reached in June 2023 to conspiracy to import a controlled substance. The proffer agreements for the Maynards indicated that they, alongside former VI Premier Andrew A. Fahie, conspired with a confidential source of the Drug Enforcement Administration to smuggle thousands of kilograms of cocaine through Tortola waters.

Meanwhile, Mr Fahie, who was convicted in February 2024 on charges of conspiracy to import cocaine and money laundering, remains incarcerated at Jesup Federal Correctional Institution, a low-security federal prison in Georgia.

He has a release date of June 4, 2033.

56 Responses to “Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard released from US prison”

  • V for Vendetta (23/03/2025, 07:03) Like (45) Dislike (24) Reply
    Don't come back here!!
    • Aggie (23/03/2025, 08:31) Like (58) Dislike (10) Reply
      She will be deported under the Trump scheme, once you are involved in the business she was she will likely need to watch her back.
      Hopefully local charges are laid against her and she is sent to Bali. She helped to bring the BVI name into much dispute and embarrassment. No hero’s welcome for she
      • You are without sin (23/03/2025, 10:45) Like (10) Dislike (19) Reply
        Cast the first stone.
      • Now you care? (23/03/2025, 11:53) Like (12) Dislike (9) Reply
        Keep that same energy for Andrew Fahie. Even with evidence, you will turn a blind eye to his part in the whole mess. She has a right to come back to the BVI.
      • We go see (23/03/2025, 13:17) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
        She’s a rat that the only way to get off so early. Yet the people of the bvi glorifying her, She’s and her sone are both criminal and has disgraced the BVI name, using her position at the BVI port, god alone know how long she’s been allowing drugs and guns into the bvi. Let’s see how the Governor and the UK deal with her. She has broken the laws in the BVI.
    • @V for Vendetta (23/03/2025, 09:53) Like (24) Dislike (10) Reply
      So where should be go?? This is her home.
      • @@V for Vendetta (24/03/2025, 14:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        She should go back to hell. If not, the RVIPF should start an investigation into what she did. I am sure their US counterparts would share info to start the process. She should be held accountable just like her son and Mr Fahie if and when he returns. I am sure this investigation would ensure a lot of the other players get their behinds locked up. However, I doubt it would ever come to that. Somebody in her position should keep their head on a swivel because everybody knows the Cartels don't like Rats. Most people think she would have been safer in prison. Only time will tell. I just hope she has learnt her lesson. Thankfully, her husband is deceased or this entire ordeal would have killed him. She has a second chance. May she use it wisely, start over and put herself in a position to teach others to not go down that road and to make better choices. Good luck, Mrs Maynard.
    • @Vendetta (23/03/2025, 10:44) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      So you own here then?
    • @ V (23/03/2025, 11:33) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      She will be ok. She will survive. Hope she Rat out all those Jacket & Tie Criminals walking around here like kings and queens
    • No Name (23/03/2025, 13:29) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ V for Vendetta

      Here belongs to you???????
    • El Demonio Negro (24/03/2025, 08:07) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply

      Go tell your m**** and her sour underneath don't come back here.

  • This (23/03/2025, 07:16) Like (9) Dislike (13) Reply
    God is good.
  • Jehovah (23/03/2025, 07:53) Like (13) Dislike (36) Reply
    Look what the Lord has done!
    Ayo can’t keep the Maynard’s out ayo mouth !
    All you haters feel they would rot in jail !
    God has come through for them .
    You all say she wicked, but God is the judge eat you all hearts out!
    • What God (23/03/2025, 13:31) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
      See that the problem with you all that love to call Jehovah, whats so good about what they have done. She’s a criminal. You are saying it ok to bring drugs and guns into the BVI. That’s what she Andrew and her son are doing. Jehovah yuh so you sound more like a Judas to me, because you ok with it.
      • God is merciful (23/03/2025, 19:57) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
        God have mercy on who he wants to have mercy on. Worry about your own mercies and no one else. Moses killed and what happened?
        Leave what you can’t understand alone
  • bobby (23/03/2025, 08:22) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    They US let out the rats, I am sure the bvi government will put them in witness protection because they have friends in gov, I hope the governor put them in trial here in the bvi for drugs operation and mistrust in gov office, don't send them to jail let them pay a fine.
  • fact (23/03/2025, 08:29) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    She will be deported if she does not have a US passport. But I bet she does.
  • time will tell (23/03/2025, 09:07) Like (13) Dislike (33) Reply
    As time passes, the story of how Andrew Fahie was set up by the UK will unfold but it will be too late. The masa will have already succeeded in their buck breaking mission.
  • John (23/03/2025, 09:08) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    The woman is from Here
  • Blacka (23/03/2025, 09:38) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Thank God dem gay parden by the MAGA Corporation. LOL.
  • hmm (23/03/2025, 09:50) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    She'll have to start independent motivational singing. Her life of crime is over as she will tell & her professional life over government cant have her managing the ports.
  • smh (23/03/2025, 10:13) Like (53) Dislike (4) Reply
    Oleanvine Pickering-Maynard disgraced the Virgin Islands on an international scale through her involvement in serious criminal activities. As the Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority, she abused her position of power to facilitate drug trafficking, conspiring to use the territory as a transit point for illegal narcotics. She was caught planning to use the BVI’s ports to smuggle large quantities of cocaine. This level of corruption is beyond shameful and disgusting. Its a direct threat to the safety and reputation of the Virgin Islands.

    Where are the morals of people like her? And the people who are supporting her? She is no hero. She is a criminal who sought to gain wealth through illegal means, disregarding the consequences for her own people. This is the kind of person who should be held accountable and shunned by society, not excused or defended. The Virgin Islands deserves better. Those who support her are a disgrace and reveal their own lack of integrity.

    • Harold (23/03/2025, 13:29) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      The bigger question is how much did she get away with, doubtful this was her only rodeo
  • Local charges (23/03/2025, 10:14) Like (39) Dislike (2) Reply
    Where are they? She used her position and office to further an international drug scheme. That is abuse of office. Lock her mampie, trailer park looking self up when she comes back here!

    Stand up for the law!
  • born here (23/03/2025, 10:33) Like (31) Dislike (1) Reply
    She committed a crime and she used her office at the ports which is managed by the BVI government to do her illegal transactions. This is illegal. Other persons who did similar things were arrested, charged and lost their jobs and gratuities. The same should apply to she and her son. But we all know how BIG she is in the ruling party. Them done set up the Drew, throw he under the bus and now them free. BVI watching to see what’s next.
  • Go on facebook (23/03/2025, 10:48) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    “And you’d see the number of people supporting someone who was and has been involved with drugs, including cases of people who are probably missing. Those who are happy and celebrating that she’s free are some of the same hypocrites who want to hold Kartel’s past over his head—but let’s forget Maynard’s past. Let’s remind the Premier every day about supporting a convicted criminal, yet celebrate a drug lord who was convicted and charged with a crime we all know she was involved in long before. But, as always, when it suits us, we show who we really are.”
    • smh (23/03/2025, 11:46) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
      This territory glorifies criminal behavior and is steeped in corruption. The celebration of the release of a convicted drug trafficker. Someone who exploited her position of power to aid the transportation of illegal narcotics is deeply troubling. Even more unsettling is the attribution of her release to divine intervention, as some claim it was 'God's doing.' Such actions point to a moral decline in the country's values and principles.
    • Deh Watcha (23/03/2025, 16:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look up the lady who rob all that money from Tourist Board for her family and friends. See where she landed.

      Nothing this place loves more than rewarding these types of persons. This lady in this instance probably has her "big job" waiting on her return.
  • She from here. (23/03/2025, 11:30) Like (11) Dislike (18) Reply
    Home is home she is always welcome back to her born in land, She did wrong she paid for it, she learnt a life lesson. Now its redemption time, she is not the first or the worse. Why she got out this early. I won't speculate, happy she is out. Time for her to live and enjoy the rest of her days...
  • Just wondering (23/03/2025, 11:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the Radio Station man is going to be on the Radio in the morning ranting FREE THE DREW AFTER MIA FOR A WEEK.
  • mixed feelings (23/03/2025, 12:05) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    First let me state upfront, I know Ms. Maynard. We grew up together as children. We attended the same schools from primary all the way thru high school. We even attended the same church. I know her family as well including her deceased parents who were hard working decent people.

    So, it was shocking & disappointing when I heard she and her son were caught up in this mess with the former Premier. As a law abiding person and someone who often speak out against those who commit crimes in our community on these blogs, I have spoken out in general against their actions consistent with my stance on criminal activity.

    I'm the type of person who can love you and tell you that you are wrong as well.

    However, I did not then nor now wish them harm including our former Premier. Yes, they did wrong, but I am not one to judge. I've had my say on these blogs about their actions specifically their legal outlook. I made no excuses for them. In my view, they had made their beds and will have to lay in it.

    Now that all three have gone thru the legal process, and are paying or have paid their debt to society, I personally am happy that she has been released and given a second chance. I think she paid a heavy price for her wrongdoings that not only entangled her but her son as well. She will be paying that heavy price for the remainder of her life.

    I believe that she will be a better person moving forward, and understand going forward that she as parents have to set the example for her children, and not follow them down a criminal road.

    Now, it's likely if she did not have US citizenship, she will definitely be deported back to Tortola. Where else can they send her? It's her home. The same for her son once he is released.

    As for the former Premier, I predicted based on my knowledge on how these cases unfold, how all these cases were going to turn out, in terms of their convictions. I was not surprised by their convictions, and am I not surprised by these early releases. I predict that the former Premier will be released way before the stated release time in 2026. They will hold on to him a little longer before he is released, but he also will be released earlier than stated.

    As I said before on these blogs, let this be a lesson for everyone who gets involved in the drug trade. Its a prison cell or death. Pick your poison. Get out while you can. Your choices are not good. There is nothing wrong making an honest living. Trying to get rich fast comes at a steep price. Proceed with caution.

    • @mixed (24/03/2025, 20:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      That is lame. You use a lot of words to wrap around the fact that you think this woman should get off without paying any real price for her crimes. Why? Because you grew up with her? And her parents weren't criminals? What about the 3 million other criminals incarcerated in the USA who also would come into that category? "Oh, they were good people deep down, they learned a lesson."
      Nah. Just because she is a middle class BVI woman does not mean she should get extra special treatment.
      Same entitledness as always.
      And I bet you got a set of millions hidden away in a secret bank account from her previous abuses of her position in the port.
      • @@mixed (24/03/2025, 22:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        You clearly don't understand my way of thinking. Lets be clear, I do not think as you suggested that "this woman should get off without paying any real price for her crimes."

        If you read what I wrote carefully, you should have noted that

        a) I stated they made their beds and will have to lie in them.
        b) I make nor judgments. It was up to the court, and they were found guilty and have paid or are paying the price for their crimes.
        c) I do not condone crime as so many people here in the BVI does.
        d) If you were able to follow my previous postings on this matter, it would be clear to you that I am a law and order type. I have and will never support of criminal activity. I always speak against it.
        e) I have also spoken out about the lack of local criminal charges at the beginning of this mess.

        Now, I said what I said based on fact that these trials are over and punishments have been administered. Yes, she was sentenced to 9 years but clearly due to her cooperation with the government, she has been rewarded with early release. It is what it is. I gain none from it. It's up to the BVI to pursue if they will local charges, but I doubt they will.

        As I said, I was surprised and disappointed to learn of her criminal behavior. Never condoned it or suggested they should be treated with kids gloves. They were convicted of serious crimes that placed the country in a very bad light. However, it's no secret that many people in the BVI are allegedly involved in the drug trade. It's just happens those three got caught. Others will.

        Now, if the US has determined that she has been adequately punished for her crime, I am not going to argue against their decision. Only them and her know the extent of her corporation and why she is now free. It is what it is.

        Again, I urge anyone to stay away from drugs either using them or selling them. The countless of people who have been gunned down in this country over drugs who are in the graveyards and those who have been incarcerated included these three should give any thinking person reasons to get out while they can. Its on them.

  • vi (23/03/2025, 12:08) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    May the red carpet roll out and a welcome committee greet them. It seems these are the type or people the BVI celebrate and support these days.
  • for real (23/03/2025, 13:03) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe they’ll meet her at the port of entry and the lady will conduct the Big Story. We shall see what we shall see, according to GM.
  • Really? (23/03/2025, 13:41) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    There is nothing to rejoice about here. We are a nation that is rotting from the roots. We continue to pardon these types of people, and they will continue to think what they did was ok. Maynard and Fahie BOTH owe us an apology. I was hoping that Fahie would have released a statement to the “people of the British Virgin Islands” by NOW. But he is a coward that has out lived his purpose. And all the goons that rejoicing about his return are the ones whose palms he greased at one time or another, in one way or another. When we sleeping at night they busy crawling around selling their souls to the devil. Respect is not given because you are Premier, or older, or have more money, etc. True respect is EARNED. Do not sell YOUR soul for a retaining wall, a house, college money for your child, a job, monies under the table, a trip, etc. We are supposed to be a community built on spirituality, if you are true to your word you have to know that the physical world is not the only place facing battles, the spiritual world is also facing battles. We have to STOP aligning ourselves with demons who continue to rob us our salvation. We are too weak!!!
  • BRAD BOYNES (23/03/2025, 15:07) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    @mixed feelingz. Who are you?
    • @Brad Boynes (23/03/2025, 23:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      "Who are you?"

      Your inquiring mind wishes to know. Ok. I'm just a blogger who pays attention and knows quite a bit about the doings about these islands. I see things from Sage Mountain from 360 degrees angles and my hawk's eye view. I am everywhere. I may be next to you in a bank, on the ferry, at a church, at a restaurant on the beach. You will not find me at a strip club. I may be your neighbor. You may have passed me on the streets while driving. I'm everywhere. Next time I see you, I will wink. Look out for it.
  • ... (23/03/2025, 15:20) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    she needs her job back at the ports
  • Real 1 (23/03/2025, 15:29) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    She stayed quiet from the beginning. Didn’t go on bail and plead guilty early. Then your girl got wheeled into court in a wheelchair. Short story shorter she got in there and learned the lay of the land. Medical problems plus a few programs you’re outta there. Fahie was doin too much wasting time and lawyer money. Good for this lady. Also helps she knows the bad guys so she’ll be just fine heading back Tortola.
  • Arrest (23/03/2025, 16:23) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    she needs to be arrested as soon as she arrives at any port of entry, charged for drug smuggling and all the other offences she commited HERE IN THE BVI and then be sent to jail , same as soon as her son set foot back on the soil...
    • agreed (24/03/2025, 00:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      She received mercy and do not have to spend a long time in federal prison; however, the BVI needs to punish the local crimes. We have to ensure that no one in authority tries to do this ever again.
  • Zero sympathy (23/03/2025, 17:51) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    As a parent I have zero sympathy for Ms Maynard and Mr Fahie. They too are parents, how can they facilitate the flow of drugs knowing the damage they do, drugs destroys lives, our children’s lives. I could never look these people in the eye, the lies they must have spun. These were not people struggling to make ends meet or feed a starving family, they were people in positions of power that simply abused their positions for the sake of greed.
    • @zero sympathy (24/03/2025, 07:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      As a parent as well I feel the same way and will continue to feel this way. When she get back here let her continue to live in shame and be looked upon as a traitor to her homeland. Her and Andrew is traitors to their homeland. How can a person with children do something like that. PURE GREEDINESS ON THE PART OF HER AND ANDREW FAHIE. THEY SOLD OUT THEIR HOMELAND AND WILL FOREVER BE LABLED AS TRAITORS. CANNOT TRUST A TRAITOR.
  • traitor (23/03/2025, 19:48) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
  • 7 camp (23/03/2025, 20:54) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    She did the right thing she was never a gangster they use her to make millions for themselves she was getting small money . If you from the street u would know never put soft people or police in your crime
  • Wellsah (23/03/2025, 21:50) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    welcome home queen. hope she got out in time to save her home from foreclosure
  • Just like wha ayo do for Kartel (23/03/2025, 22:17) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    Give her 250 thou to catch herself
  • Just Sayin (24/03/2025, 09:12) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It will be really interesting if she is prosecuted here for " breach of trust". Hers is about the only case that has all the evidence already presented publicly, no bvi Court can claim she didnt use her government position for personal gain.
    Of course, she may not last if she comes back here..she must have sung like a canary to get out early like that.


  • foreign (24/03/2025, 11:49) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    If that lady was from down Island no soap no water would be able to wash her. From the U S Jail straight back to down Island. But thank God she is a Native BVI Islander so embrace you all shame and embarrassment.
  • cat o nine (24/03/2025, 12:09) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    The USA now has a grip on these VI. We will be used and abused to theirbenefit and we will never ever be trusted. by the World Nations. Our key location into the rest of the World will never be made full available as it is now. My how we enjoy and employ our wide open borders but but not for long..just watch. The drug runners are in full swing slkbg with the various cartels as they were before the naked 3 now released were hung out to dry. Trump will get his revenge as he intends. We are mucked and deservingly so.
  • Arrest on arrival? (24/03/2025, 12:36) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Assuming a warrant for arrest had been issued in the event she returns to the BVI? Assuming since BVI laws were broken and the crime and unlawful behavior started here and not abroad. Assuming the actual answer is a big NO. NO charges, not even pending charges and certainly no arrest warrant is my guess.
    • @arrest on arrival (24/03/2025, 18:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      An absolute, irrefutable breach of trust happened, using her government position for self gain
      Pleaded guilty in usa for conspiring (( in the bvi) to smuggle drugs.

      Crime commited if she is not charged and arrested here our legal system is broke.
  • Just like that (24/03/2025, 14:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well you can be a big drug lord/organizer and do less than 5years in a federal jail? When is the next running available??!!!
  • my 2 cents (24/03/2025, 19:36) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hello all the comments is personal feelings and thoughts about the matter and here what ayo correct
    We all fail our love ones at some point
    Yes most of us got punished and may have learnt from our many many wrongs
    My prayer is that Miss Lady here learnt and say Sorry for Failing her Country, family and herself
    Woman if you Praying Pray more
    Yes you free but persons upset with you.
    Lady Be Serious ask God to Pardon you the church will embrace you
    You know what do some free service
    Turn your life In God Hands
    Amen every one
    Remember we all Sin
    But God he pardon us Truly done
    Hello don’t cast stones
    There is a some children that bring surprise and shame to Families
    Can we pray our Children don’t go the wrong road
    Today is them
    Tomorrow is who next… think on that
    Don’t be rude with answers
    Let us all Examine our self and check our back yard
  • leave (25/03/2025, 11:20) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Leave the lady alone, it is nothing that can be done at this time. She is sick and is now home to get her medical treatment on the tax payers money. Her son is also out to help take care of her and spend time with her along with his siblings in her last days, weeks or years God willing.

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