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OJ Smith will not be invisible in 3rd district

OJ Smith speaking to a journalist on Tuesday November 8, at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The fact that he came so close to unseating the incumbent Julian Fraser in the 3rd district demonstrates the frustration of the constituents that they want better representation, opined Kevin ‘OJ’ Smith in an interview with Virgin Islands News Online at the Sir Rupert Briercliffe on Wednesday, November 8, 2011.

And with the campaign over, Smith vows that he does not intend to be invisible in the district.

“It is my intention to go from campaign mode to activist mode. There are some things I still want to do that may not be in the spotlight. One of the things I mentioned at my launch is that I want to work with all the non-profit groups especially those that work with young people to shape those lives,” he opened up to this news agency.

Moreover, he is willing to work with Hon. Fraser to make it a reality.

No hard feelings

While at times during the campaign trail, things got heated and sometimes personal - Smith revealed he harbours no ill feeling towards Hon. Fraser.

After the votes were counted, in favour of Hon. Fraser 613 to 557, Smith said the district representative congratulated him on a well fought campaign.

“I know it’s hard for some people to fully comprehend but one of the first things the military did when they were training me was to fire shots at me. I am always well prepared to take some shots. Throughout the campaign I was able to maintain my composure...we knew going in what he was going to do,” Smith disclosed.

He added that his greatest compass has been the bible.

Furthermore, he wishes Hon. Fraser the best, “the people have made a decision, and democracy has been served. I respect the will of the people and I thanked those who supported me.”

26 Responses to “OJ Smith will not be invisible in 3rd district”

  • sea cows bay massive (09/11/2011, 13:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we keeping Frazer in for life BAM
    • open wide (09/11/2011, 15:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      tell dem tell dem sec cows bay...we aint going sleep
    • Take it easy (09/11/2011, 19:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      While you busy keeping Feaser in the 3rd district the rest of the BVI is busy keeping him out of office and away from our tax dollars.
      • Welsa (09/11/2011, 21:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @take it easy... I LOVE THAT COMMENT... The rest of 3rd didnt do what they were suppose to do so the rest of the territory did ... SO BAM TAKE THAT!!!!
    • Welsa (09/11/2011, 21:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I'm from the 3rd district. You sound so ignorant. It is people like Mr. Frazer that has this country in the mess that it is in.
  • Jack the Ass (09/11/2011, 13:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    OJ will definitely be the District Rep in 2015- watch and see!
  • WONDER WOMAN (09/11/2011, 14:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • botty boy (09/11/2011, 14:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    it was a shame to see oj and the rest had to register people that donot live in the district to vote for him otherwise he would not have gotten that much votes in sea cows bay it was sad to see while people were at the funeral mourning the death of a family member oj was at the funeral begging for votes let he mother teck that we the sea cows bay boy kept our boy in the race
    • Hmmm (09/11/2011, 21:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Same thing in the 8th. If that jail boy didn't register all them people in there who live other place, marlon would not be there. But, God don't sleep. People never prosper on lies and deceit. The world will forever be round. To he who knows... the young people who you registered in the 8th done say what you told them. Shhhh, it's a secret.
    • the rock (09/11/2011, 21:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      hush yah rash..u sound so dumb!
  • jf (09/11/2011, 14:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the harder he come the harder he will fall go and look where this creep live he think them people sea cows bay stupid
    • Real Talk (09/11/2011, 17:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      LMAO! Who you calling a creep? LMAO!!!! I bet Fraser don't want to see any of your ignorant backsides who were up and down looking to fight off people for him! I bet none of you can't go near his home right now. Take that! The man is all about himself and although I was a bit disappointed OJ came close and didn't beat him, I think I will enjoy him being badgered in the opposition and forced to answer all those questions he didn't want to when he was a Minister. In my book, OJ won that race! Why? He ran an honest campaign, he was the underdog, he had a young committee new to politics and was up against the Government Treasury, bribes, hand outs and 12yrs of representation!! He tried all the tricks in the book, spend hundreds of thousands and still only won by 56!! Don't mind the haters!! When you see OJ next post and how he will be able to positively impact the 3rd, you will see what time it is? Lil boy? FAR FROM! LOL!!!
      • Well saw (10/11/2011, 10:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You know NOTHING!!! All of us were by his house on Tuesday so stop talking what you don't know!!! I bet you don't know him personally yall always going off of hear say!!! You want to talk about schemes?? 1. He Registered people from outside the district so he could beat Fraser and he STILL LOST; 2. He and his team NDP PAID the young men of the district to vote out Fraser and I HEARD IT WITH MY OWN EARS from one 2 of them that received money and he STILL LOST!!! 3. He had family that came from St. Thomas that wasn't tola for years to vote for him and he STILL LOST 4. He had his clan of boys harrassing people in the line on election day to vote for him and he STILL LOST That is to show that God don't like ugly!!! All ayuh who talking nonsense about Fraser living hand to mouth. Fraser is well off whether he is in government or NOT!!! Ayuh just disappointed because ayuh had expect OJ to give ayuh handouts when he got in office HAHAHA Tek dat!!!!
    • observer (09/11/2011, 17:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      JF you most be stupid who you calling creep he living better than you and have always you parasite
    • Shay (11/11/2011, 13:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Look at where Fraser live. I have never seen a wall so long and high in my life. He don't want a soul live around him.
  • thatsafact (09/11/2011, 14:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    OJ you going get him next time those 56 old people will get lost their scenes and can’t come to Tortola to vote so don’t worry.
  • This is It (09/11/2011, 14:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not that I really like Fraser....but I'm glad this preacher didnt win....and not that I dont like OJ.....but I hate that pastors and preachers getting caught up in this. I know people will say they are the right ones for the job, but I disagree! That's my opinion; like it or not.
  • Simply the Best (09/11/2011, 17:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon Fraser you won! Please take some time to really enjoy your 32nd wedding anniversary! A huge congrats to you!
    • Candy Cane (11/11/2011, 00:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Oh God! Imagine being married to that man for 32 years. That is the new definition for grief!
  • Yes!!!! (09/11/2011, 18:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Big ups 2 OJ, I respect and commend that attitude, yeah you did give him a run for his money and i agree with many that say that 2015 he'll be the 3rd district rep, I voted for OJ and I will vote for him again come 2015, Lord's willing. And to Sea Cow's Bay massive, you don't speak for all, 1530 by 2015 there will be even more to vote for OJ next time around, so speak for yourself.
  • smh (09/11/2011, 19:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • loveann (10/11/2011, 09:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    OJ is a winner our winner. A lady from St. Thomas told me she was given a ticket to come and vote in Tortola and she dont no who Fraser never met met him she has been away so long. All those people who was born in Tortola and live in Stt Thomas make a muk. Dont worry OJ keep your campaign going, stay in touch with your people and do what you have to do with your mouth shut. Investigations on Fraser begins today. Anymore LPO's bring them out. OJ we are sooooooooooooproud of you.
    • Truth (10/11/2011, 21:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You mean OJ the investigation will start on for the government vehicle he cant give proper account for, and i wont mention the mele with the mail. That young man is so corrupt that the NDP had to haul him away from CITCO
      • rice and egg (11/11/2011, 15:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        and Frazer people even did not use that information and he waz crying like a baby over what some lady said....but time longer than twine
    • billyb (11/11/2011, 11:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      there wouldn't be anymore LPO's. We bell that cat!!!!!

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