Ogier goes green
The ChicoBags are strong and can hold 45lb. They are also recyclable. According to William Baxter , Marketing Manager, Ogier, “as one of the initial sponsors of the Glass Studio, we are delighted to continue our support for Green VI, the bags will help raise awareness and also provide Green VI with another income stream to re-invest in future environmental projects“
The bags have been donated to Green VI who will use the bags as a fundraising tool and will be available for sale at the Glass Studio in Cane Garden Bay and Green VI’s outlet store at the Sol gas station at the roundabout in town. All proceeds go toward environmental projects in the BVI, which include a recycling programme for the Territory.
“This comes at a good time as the BVI supermarkets are sitting around the table to discuss the BVI becoming the first country in the world to voluntarily ban the plastic bag” says Charlotte McDevitt, the Executive Director of Green VI. “Not only does the Ogier sponsorship support Green VI as a fundraiser, but it also works to begin reducing plastic waste and litter in the BVI” she continued to say.
Plastic bags are particularly problematic in the Territory as they are the number one litter item, they block drains which lead to flooding and they kill marine life either through strangulation or ingestion.
Plastic bag legislation is a growing worldwide trend with a quarter of the world’s countries now implementing it. Usually, the legislation forces consumers to purchase a plastic bag if they do not bring back their own reusable bag. It is a small step to the overall waste problems we experience but does clearly demonstrate that there are little things we can do everyday to clean up our beautiful country.

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