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No water for the year! North Sound VG residents complain of water shortage

- residents say the problem has been existing for more than a week now
For the past week or so residents of North Sound, Virgin Gorda have been experiencing severe water shortage as a result of a damaged pump used to distribute water throughout the areas. Photo: VINO/File
When contacted yesterday January 4, 2015, Ninth District Representative Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal said that he has received similar complaints from residents of the affected areas and has since made inquiries regarding the problem. Photo: VINO/File
When contacted yesterday January 4, 2015, Ninth District Representative Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal said that he has received similar complaints from residents of the affected areas and has since made inquiries regarding the problem. Photo: VINO/File
NORTH SOUND, Virgin Gorda, VI – For the past week or so residents of North Sound, Virgin Gorda have been experiencing severe water shortage reportedly as a result of a damaged pump used to distribute water throughout the areas.

This news site received several calls over the course of the weekend from persons complaining of the inconvenience they suffered as a result of the water shortages.

When contacted yesterday January 4, 2015, Ninth District Representative Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal said he had received similar complaints from residents of the affected areas and has since made inquiries regarding the problem.

According to the representative, he received word from the Water and Sewerage Department authorities that the problem originated from the malfunctioning of a pump used to distribute water. However, Dr O’Neal said that since his initial interaction with the Water and Sewerage Department he is yet to get another update with regards to when the issue will be addressed to the point that residents are receiving water again.

“Yes I did receive reports. That was since last week. I did inquire and it seems as though it is mechanical problems with a water pump to do with the distribution. There was a mechanical breakdown of the pumping system. They have technicians now working on it. But I haven’t checked back to see whether they have it repaired or not,” he told this news site.

'Some people not getting water period!'

North Sound resident Delores Creque was one of the persons affected by the water shortage.

“It started last week and it is only in some areas, the upper areas,” she said.

“I heard it has something to do with a pump. That is what I have been hearing. But it has been too long. It has been about two weeks now. Some people are saying that they are not getting water period,” she said.

Efforts to contact officials at the Water and Sewerage Department on Virgin Gorda proved futile.

Even on Tortola, persons have been complaining about the length of time it takes to resolve water issues caused by damaged pipe lines or mechanical problems.

16 Responses to “No water for the year! North Sound VG residents complain of water shortage”

  • dog (05/01/2016, 08:36) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is political North Sound is a VIP storing hold... Same thing they did made the people on Tola suffer because they hated Biwater. Wickedness
  • Valley (05/01/2016, 09:07) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    look at dr burtee strupps
  • wize up (05/01/2016, 09:12) Like (7) Dislike (17) Reply
    not to worry NDP got this!! Give them til next week?
  • chad (05/01/2016, 12:07) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    You could read into the weakness of Dr, Oneal. He ckecked water and sewage
    and didn't check back, He didn't get any update. Is he that nieved or just naturally silly.

  • VG Resident (05/01/2016, 12:42) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is an ongoing situation. VINO need to state that Virgin Gorda has been without water for a long time.... Just like our sister islands we need water for everything... Could we have the District Rep and the Minister responsible for Water & Sewerage check this out and rectify the situation once and for all??? What good if the water comes on at 5:00 am and comes off at 8:00 am? This is happening everyday and I for one am sick of it. It's a new year and we need to get this fixed ASAP!!!
    • I TIRED (05/01/2016, 14:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      At least you get some water. I live in the third district. I don't know the last day I got decent water supply from Water & Sewage. When the water is on it only last for an hour sometimes half by the time I try to fill up, take a shower the water gone. We need proper water supply for the entire BVI. This is unacceptable people paying for a service that they are not receiving. Where is the water from BIwater. My wish for 2016 is to get decent water supply.
    • @vg resident (05/01/2016, 17:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What's also a situation is daily power outage in Fahie Hill, Christmas Day the power was off twice that day. Power off and on for all of 2015. Its really dismal
    • South Valley Man (06/01/2016, 08:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      The people that live South Valley all along Crab Hill Road, Windy Hill, the basketball area and up Coppermine Road don't get water period. For years no steady water for these areas and all Water & Sewarage dem say is that there is no water pressure in these areas. This is a disgrace. You going tell me with all the technology available today dem cant figure out how to get pressure up dem lil hill them? Tola got bigger hills and people getting water in most areas. It is nonsense. What the government sign another contract with Aqua Design for? And what our representative doing bout it?
  • poison dog (05/01/2016, 20:40) Like (42) Dislike (0) Reply
    berty always grinning he teeth like wen a dog get poisoned. he is a waste
  • vgman (05/01/2016, 20:53) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    This government has failed virgin gorda with this water issue, enough is enough i have had it with waking up and the water already off its total b.s, and what makes it worse is that we have no one to complain to who can do anything about it
  • Residence of VG (05/01/2016, 21:19) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Representative just don't understand what funny means, always grinning
    and there is no joking matter. He says he checked and never come and say anything
    to the people who elected him. He lacks serious coaching. If there was recalls laws
    he would be a gonna without a douth.

    I know he is freshman Rep. but why is acting like a freshman politician? He obviously learned
    nothing in 16 years? unbelievable to say the lease, mind boggling.
  • wize up (05/01/2016, 22:01) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    when NDP took up office the infrastructure of the territory was alrady in shambles
  • GRANNY (06/01/2016, 07:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You think these dawn politicians care about the average person not having water?

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