No reason for $40K fine on Sistah Joyce – Natalio Wheatley
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Radio talk show host and public activist Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru believes Sistah Joyce should have never received the hefty fine of $40,000 for the crime she was recently convicted of.
Mr. Wheatley made his feelings known on the matter during ZROD FM's Morning Ride Show on September 21, 2012.
A caller to the programme at the time, Mr. Wheatley was asked by host of the show, Paul ‘Gadiethz’ Peart, whether he felt Sistah Joyce could have been utilised in a better way by the system, perhaps by using her to educate the public further about marijuana rather than having her deal with the threat of a $40,000 fine and a suspended sentence.
Mr. Wheatley then explained that within the current judicial system, “for certain offences, there are certain penalties, and so I think within the penalties they had they had to give her some type of penalty of that sort”. He said people might have felt that she was receiving special treatment otherwise because of her status as a public figure.
But he said Sistah Joyce is a positive person in the community and there was no reason why she should have been given the burden of paying $40,000 or even face the possibility of going to prison, just for a simple choice that she was making.
Seeking to make a distinction between a supplier and user of the prohibited drug, Sowande said “if somebody is smoking marijuana that means somebody has to grow the marijuana and somebody has to get it into their hands.”
Sistah Joyce, he expressed, was already educating the public on her own about politics, the state of the "poor class" as well as equal rights and justice but needed assistance on many occasions from leaders in the community and others in society to be able to spread her positive messages.
Mr. Wheatley said he felt that Sistah Joyce wasn’t given enough support from the leaders and other members of the community in spreading these positive messages around the community at times. He further stated "maybe we have not given enough suppoort that she should not be persecuted now for that choice that many members of the rastafarian community make and beyond that, many members of the public make."
Meanwhile, commenting on the current issue of space affecting the prison, Mr. Wheatley had earlier theorised that if marijuana was to be decriminalized and the situation where many young people that were "unnecessarily sent to prison" for such a trivial offence was stopped, then there would be a lot of space for some of the ‘real offenders’ such as child molesters and murderers.
He also stressed that negativity would not deter himself and persons like Sistah Joyce from pushing for justice.
Joycelyn Searles aka Sistah Joyce, who had pleaded guilty to the charge of possession of marijuana for the purpose of distribution, was on September 11, 2012 fined $40,000 and handed a two-year prison term with a three-year suspension for the offence.
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31 Responses to “No reason for $40K fine on Sistah Joyce – Natalio Wheatley ”
And I am neither a christian nor a heartless foolish human, but i do have a low tolerance level for morons!
If it was a white man from the UK in the same predicament, would Gadiethz and Sowande be singing the same tune? It's only because they know Sista Joyce they're talking this crap. I don't agree with the fine either, I think for a struggling person $10k with 6 months to pay it off would be a suitable punishment. But I won't be on the airwaves talking about not deserving and making excuses. She knew the risk. I would bet Sowande knows marijuana is illegal and therefore won't be walking around willy nilly with it because he believes it should be legal. It is what it is, cut the bull. The only ones I feel for are her kids becuase if she can't pay and go to jail, they will suffer. But they should think about that before doing foolishness.
Alcohol done a problem already..u want to legalize weed? Everybody in the place tun up..even those who dont smoke cause of 2nd hand smoke. If its illegal..its illegal. Thats the law..Leave it alone. We still got to build a bigger prison. Thats just my take.