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No reason for $40K fine on Sistah Joyce – Natalio Wheatley

Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru believes that there was no reason for $40K fine on Sistah Joyce. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Radio talk show host and public activist Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru believes Sistah Joyce should have never received the hefty fine of $40,000 for the crime she was recently convicted of.
Mr. Wheatley made his feelings known on the matter during ZROD FM's Morning Ride Show on September 21, 2012.
A caller to the programme at the time, Mr. Wheatley was asked by host of the show, Paul ‘Gadiethz’ Peart, whether he felt Sistah Joyce could have been utilised in a better way by the system, perhaps by using her to educate the public further about marijuana rather than having her deal with the threat of a $40,000 fine and a suspended sentence.
Mr. Wheatley then explained that within the current judicial system, “for certain offences, there are certain penalties, and so I think within the penalties they had they had to give her some type of penalty of that sort”. He said people might have felt that she was receiving special treatment otherwise because of her status as a public figure.
But he said Sistah Joyce is a positive person in the community and there was no reason why she should have been given the burden of paying $40,000 or even face the possibility of going to prison, just for a simple choice that she was making.
Seeking to make a distinction between a supplier and user of the prohibited drug, Sowande said “if somebody is smoking marijuana that means somebody has to grow the marijuana and somebody has to get it into their hands.”
Sistah Joyce, he expressed, was already educating the public on her own about politics, the state of the "poor class" as well as equal rights and justice but needed assistance on many occasions from leaders in the community and others in society to be able to spread her positive messages.
Mr. Wheatley said he felt that Sistah Joyce wasn’t given enough support from the leaders and other members of the community in spreading these positive messages around the community at times. He further stated "maybe we have not given enough suppoort that she should not be persecuted now for that choice that many members of the rastafarian community make and beyond that, many members of the public make."
Meanwhile, commenting on the current issue of space affecting the prison, Mr. Wheatley had earlier theorised that if marijuana was to be decriminalized and the situation where many young people that were "unnecessarily sent to prison" for such a trivial offence was stopped, then there would be a lot of space for some of the ‘real offenders’ such as child molesters and murderers.
He also stressed that negativity would not deter himself and persons like Sistah Joyce from pushing for justice.
Joycelyn Searles aka Sistah Joyce, who had pleaded guilty to the charge of possession of marijuana for the purpose of distribution, was on September 11, 2012 fined $40,000 and handed a two-year prison term with a three-year suspension for the offence.

31 Responses to “No reason for $40K fine on Sistah Joyce – Natalio Wheatley ”

  • pope (24/09/2012, 07:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i agree with you for once Sowande
    • the rock (24/09/2012, 16:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      u are talkin nonsense..get caught doing the crime then deal with the time...why do we have to give special treatment to her dude?...cant believe this s..t!
    • SandmanIndy (26/09/2012, 10:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Brother you are so wrong on this. For someone who wants to be elected, should you not want people to follow the rule of law? I am glad she did not go to jail but this was not getting caught with a few joints.
  • hello - anyone there? (24/09/2012, 08:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    She was caught pedalling drugs so I dont understand what this moron is thinking. Drugs have brought this society down to where it is today. They are illegal, she got caught and now she has to pay the price as should anyone else
    • smh (24/09/2012, 08:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If cigarettes, tobacco and alcohol is legal. What sense does it make for weed to be illegal ? common sense question. These three things cause thousands of deaths every year !! .....
    • hmmmm (24/09/2012, 08:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you know the meaning of the word DRUGS. 'POWERS that be' have you all so messed up that it ain't funny. Herbs is our God given rights if you don't know. We have no rights to cocaine and prescription drugs but to every God given herb. You all need to know you all history because 'powers that be' got you all where they want you. They want to control the masses ...
    • @hello-anyone there (24/09/2012, 10:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Calling him a moron makes you sound like a moron. Stick to the debate and stop name calling. There are many legal drugs out there being peddled that have many side effects. Alcohol is legal and it has much more detrimental effects than marijuana. Let's be fair
      • sistahjoyce (26/09/2012, 09:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        again i took full responsibility for my actions. 40 grand is injustice. do you have 40 grand to give me? anyway it is what it is and am a strong woman who has already picked myself up, dusted myself off and pushing through even if i go to prison. am not looking for sympathy from no one. am wrong and that i know. this is my struggle and i embrace with god at my side. i did not break a commandment i broke a man made law. at least if i go to prison it wont be for thiefing. u can now call me a ganjah peddler but not a thief. hope you dont get no stumbling block or make any mistakes that put you in my hot seat for the rest of your life HELLO ANYONE THERE. JAH IS TRUE AND PERFECT MORE HOLY THAN MAN. now you can eat me up some more. guess we are allllllllllllllllllllll morons huh. HAVE A PRODUCTIVE DAY. BLESSED LOVE. YES ITS ME SISTAH JOYCE.
  • critic (24/09/2012, 08:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    advantage never done
  • drop the fine (24/09/2012, 08:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @hello-anyone there! for your fact, drugs did not bring us down, it's the bad mind & cold heart people who bring this place down, i'm not for had drugs, but look at miami what you think build Miami? the miami heat's or the foot ball games? no it was drugs that build miami,not say we should have drugs build the virgin islands, but when we talking about herbs, we have to be open mind about it, its band because there cant find a way to control the people, i did my home work about it & realize there is no harm in herbs, i try it once just to prove a point, that was 3 years ago, never 1 time taste it or even sell it, we need a better system, sending people to prison for a joint and charging them 40,000$ for herbs is very wrong, the gun man dose get less fine and lest jail time, not everyone that drink booze get drunk or cause problem, the doctors need to take a stand, for herbs been using for many years now and not 1 on the google records ever been killed by herbs, but was killled by the heavy fine, come on people, we have to get this thing legal.
  • L (24/09/2012, 08:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Have youu ever stopped to think WHY it is illegal? What is the real harm in marijuana? It is illegal because the USA said it should be illegal? In many countries worldwide, cannabis is legal and widely used and there is no adverse affect on society. Do you know that Queen Victoria herself used cannabis for her many ailments including her menstrual pains? In early 1900 they deliberately used a Mexican name for cannabis in order to "turn the US populace against the idea that it should be legal by playing to negative attitudes towards that nationality. (See 1937 Marihuana Tax Act)." Those who demonized the drug by calling it marihuana omitted the fact that the "deadly marihuana" was identical to Cannabis sativa, which had at the time a reputation for pharmaceutical safety. They didnot tell the uneducated public that marihuana (which they hated because of the name's mexican sound) was the very same thing as cannabis sativa (which was widely being used medicinally by everyone). Now the USA has a "war on drugs" and the rest of the world like moo-moos just following blindly. With one stroke of the pen, we could decriminalize cannabis, the government could tax its production and sale, gang turf wars over "weed" would stop (now we could go to the pharmacy or store and buy freely so no need to go the scary dark corner in the hood anymore) and we could create a new Tourism market like Denmark or the Netherlands.
    • smh2 (24/09/2012, 11:22) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      America don’t have a dam thing to do with BVI laws....If the bvi want this thing to be legal it shall be so.....stop the ignorance...for instance look at the gay vibes and what Obama said about it a few months ago...Did the bvi Defend that...No did not so don’t come here and write garbage bout it’s because America want it illegal and that’s why it is illegal in the bvi...That’s crap....every country has their own laws and every country don’t follow America laws
      • L (24/09/2012, 21:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You clearly missed EVERYTHING I said and stuck on some American thing. Its a pity that you missed the more important points.
        • smh2 (24/09/2012, 23:56) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
          Clearly I did not feel like addressing all the other garbage that you wrote so yes I did address the first stupid point you made which was about America.....
    • True (24/09/2012, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Name all these countries you say the herb as its called is legal? Netherlands has just restricted its sale and use in cafes and you know that's the only place I know of that's legal.
      • L (24/09/2012, 21:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The following countries have either decriminalized or legalized the small personal use of Cannabis: Brazil, Canada, Belgium, Argentina, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czeck, Ecuador
  • Sahra Parlin (24/09/2012, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    His tis dude encouraging people to break the law?
  • sistahjoyce (24/09/2012, 09:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    you is the moron you stupid fool. yes i got caught and take full resposibility for such actions but we talking about justice here. while you are entitled to your own oppinion your just a make believe christian or just a heartless foolish human. hello anyone there?
    • hello - anyone there (24/09/2012, 10:35) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Justice has been served - its about time the magistrates stopped messing around with little fines. I bet you will think twice about doing this again or any other crime which is ultimatly where marijuana leads to. Its illegal regardless of your view about it, be a law abiding citizen and you wont have this problem.

      And I am neither a christian nor a heartless foolish human, but i do have a low tolerance level for morons!
      • smh2 (24/09/2012, 11:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I think you are stupid for saying what you said "Hello anyone there".....That was not justice....The crime did not warrant such a heavy fine in no way
  • Teacher (24/09/2012, 10:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with you Mr. wheatley! they have men on the street committing bigger crimes and getting away! strupesss...
    • Online Now (24/09/2012, 11:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Just because one person gets away with a crime doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to an other. Whatever your feelings on marijuana, she is a convicted drug dealer and if that is really her commenting above, she doesn't sound very sorry for her crime - sorry she got caught, yes. Her jail term is only suspended so she should be very careful commenting on her illegal activities on public forums.
  • M (24/09/2012, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is the appearance that the fine is excessive.
  • school child (24/09/2012, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Wheatley shame on you, as a educator you are sending the wrong message to our children, she knows the law and she broke it, justice was kind of low to me it should of being more, because she is someone that we look up too and she not above the law. Pay up or go Up.
  • Mary J (24/09/2012, 13:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we all know they took advantage of sister Joyce with this silly fine for just a little bush..come on we pushing bush!
  • Man Thing (24/09/2012, 13:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    If it was a white man from the UK in the same predicament, would Gadiethz and Sowande be singing the same tune? It's only because they know Sista Joyce they're talking this crap. I don't agree with the fine either, I think for a struggling person $10k with 6 months to pay it off would be a suitable punishment. But I won't be on the airwaves talking about not deserving and making excuses. She knew the risk. I would bet Sowande knows marijuana is illegal and therefore won't be walking around willy nilly with it because he believes it should be legal. It is what it is, cut the bull. The only ones I feel for are her kids becuase if she can't pay and go to jail, they will suffer. But they should think about that before doing foolishness.

  • sayso (24/09/2012, 13:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Natalio man if you are smoking da thing just tell us man or leave the topic alone stop defending it it is not good for the young people leave it alone natalio sha
  • Hmm.. (24/09/2012, 17:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Chupss..wa piss Natalio talking? At the end of the day..ITS THE LAW. SHE BROKE THE LAW. She knew the risk of dealing with it..She is a big woman. I bet Natalio wont walk around the place wid weed on he just cause he think it should be legal. Everyone young man that up in the jail for it knew the risk.
    Alcohol done a problem already..u want to legalize weed? Everybody in the place tun up..even those who dont smoke cause of 2nd hand smoke. If its illegal..its illegal. Thats the law..Leave it alone. We still got to build a bigger prison. Thats just my take.
  • smh2 (25/09/2012, 00:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ya'll are so stupid and naive.....yea it’s a law but at the end of the day the penalty was harsh as hell....And if alcohol is such a problem why is it legal and weed is not...tobacco is also legal.....ya'll just missing the whole point.....The man have a valid point and he has a right to his opinion so shut the hell up
  • hmmm (25/09/2012, 11:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sowande don't mind those fools. They will forever be in the dark. As the book said: 'my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge'. Just leave those fools to themselves ....
  • sistahjoyce (26/09/2012, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    wow some of you people just dirty minded. anyway am solid as a rock and i dont have to watch wat i say niether hide behind a fake name. am ready to face watever comes my way so all you negative people got your share coming. i love my life and wont change it for no one. who jah bless no one curse. what we need is equal rights and justice not injustice. you negative minds can sip on this. your opinions are yours. i n i no feel no way. lioness fe life.

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