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No Opposition reps. contacted on last minute projects

- projects being seen as election gimmicks which warrant investigation for violations
Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) had no consultation with Government on projects in their districts. Photo: VINO
Hon J. Alvin Christopher (R2) called for an investigation into the award of contracts, alleging irregularities. Hon Ralph T. O'Neal said that he was not consulted over last minute projects in District Nine for which he is Representative. Photo: Provided/VINO
Hon J. Alvin Christopher (R2) called for an investigation into the award of contracts, alleging irregularities. Hon Ralph T. O'Neal said that he was not consulted over last minute projects in District Nine for which he is Representative. Photo: Provided/VINO
Works ongoing for the Carrot Bay Fisherman's Dock recently awarded. Photo: VINO
Works ongoing for the Carrot Bay Fisherman's Dock recently awarded. Photo: VINO
Another view of the work site in Carrot Bay. Photo: VINO
Another view of the work site in Carrot Bay. Photo: VINO
Heavy equipment on standby for the works. Photo: VINO
Heavy equipment on standby for the works. Photo: VINO
Spanking new roads in Carrot Bay. Some believe that the road works were not a dire need as the roads were in reasonable shape hitherto the works. Photo: VINO
Spanking new roads in Carrot Bay. Some believe that the road works were not a dire need as the roads were in reasonable shape hitherto the works. Photo: VINO
Another section of the new road. Photo: VINO
Another section of the new road. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - As the days to elections countdown to June 8, 2015, the National Democratic Party (NDP) has issued contracts in Districts 1, 2, 3 and 9 without any consultation with the district representatives, again confirming what has been described as the blatant disregard for the authority vested in those representatives as has been the norm over the past three and a half years.

The four Opposition representatives, with whom this new site spoke, all confirmed that they were not consulted on those projects. It is also alleged that persons are being told that if they do not put the NDP back in power they will not get paid for their work.

Not under a VIP Government

Speaking with this news site, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said this did not happen during the time that the Virgin Islands Party was in power.

"I want to see whatever is best for my people in First District and all the nine Districts. When the Virgin Islands Party was in office each Minister in our VIP Government respected each District Representative whether they were Members of the VIP Government or not. The current representative for the Seventh District who is a Member of the NDP can attest to this," said Fahie in a comment to this news site.

He said that although they as elected officials may and will have differences in political philosophies and methodologies "we must maintain respect for each other and respect for the duties that we are called upon to perform in our constituencies."
He said that under this current Administration this continues not to be the case.

"Sadly to say, under this current Administration, respect, accountability, transparency and for the most part, value for money continue to be areas of great concern although the NDP tries to state otherwise," he said.

According to Honourable Fahie, so many things are being done in a manner that questions sound fiscal management as well as the ability for the requisite authorities to do thorough monitoring of these last minute major projects.

"In addition, it is clear that most projects are political gimmicks because when one looks in the 2015 budget for most of these last minute major projects, the funding is either nowhere to be found or the funding provided is not sufficient to cover the amounts being expended," he said.

Tender process ignored

The former Minister for Education under the Virgin Islands Party government said too that it is clear the tender process is being fully ignored, which brings into question whether or not this Administration's actions, once again, are in direct contravention with the Protocol for Effective Financial Management that was signed by this current Administration in 2012 for which the document clearly dictates the way that projects are to be done henceforth.

“So the excuse of you did it a certain way so I can do it too is now null and void,” he said.

"A VIP Government will, among many other areas, restore respect for all district representatives and all elected officials,” declared Honourable Fahie.

Hon Fraser & Hon O’Neal not contacted

Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) confirmed that he was not contacted regarding any project awarded in his district.
"I was not contacted, and yes they were given out by their candidates," he said when contacted.

Former Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party and Ninth District Representative Honourable Ralph T. O'Neal OBE said that no one in government contacted him regarding projects in his district.

This must be investigated

Representative for the Second District Honourable J. Alvin Christopher said that he was not contacted about projects in his district but said he heard of it from NDP candidates.

Further, he said that the manner in which the contracts were given out warrant investigation. He alleged that purchase orders were handed out without the requisite signatures rendering them incomplete.

26 Responses to “No Opposition reps. contacted on last minute projects”

  • Sigh (01/06/2015, 08:41) Like (58) Dislike (6) Reply

    They come with stacks of envelopes, and asking people if they could vote--even giving to people who cannot vote. All I am saying is that, if actions speak louder than words, then why do you have bribe and trick people? Let your record speak for itself. We are starting a very bad habitual/culture in the BVI where people will be expecting handouts for their votes around election time. So only the ruling government, who can swindle and hide the government money will be able to afford such a campaign.
    I really hope our young people do not fall for this. It is a shame that such a party would stoop to such lows as to buy their votes. That's illegal ad someone must look into it

    • Stop Tell Lies (01/06/2015, 09:35) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply

      Ask those boys in Belle Vue what j**** was giving them last week under the weed tree. If you are seeing the NDP coming with stacks of envelopes, why don't you snap a picture of it and post it on here or on FaceBook. You know there is nothing more than VIP political propoganda behind your post. The works of the NDP will show you on election day!!!!!

      • hold on (02/06/2015, 22:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Are you saying that he gave anbillwgal substance to the guys under the weed tree? Speak not n parables
    • Country first before self (01/06/2015, 14:54) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      U people need to stop thinking about yourself and put your country first, everybody thinking about what thay can get from the country instead of what thay can give to the country to make it better, It so sad.
  • tellme (01/06/2015, 08:50) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    who we rolling with for atlarge?
  • Speaking (01/06/2015, 08:56) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    We were told by the Ministry representatives to make sure this Government get back in or we would not be paid. Can somebody tell us how this work because we have contracts.
  • Goodwork (01/06/2015, 08:58) Like (13) Dislike (18) Reply
    The roads are being improved and their is complaint that the roads were fairly okay. You can't please people. Money was borrowed to fix all the roads in the BVI. Thanks, whoever, for starting to fix our roads. You are welcome!! Signed NDP.
    • @Goodwork (01/06/2015, 18:53) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes there is fresh asphalt on some roads BUT the execution of laying the asphalt is of the worst quality. The roads now have more hills and valleys than a roller coaster. Even going the speed limit of 20mph on the carriageway for example is a risk because it feels like the vehicles will bounce off the roads and flip.

      And yes I know you will say that everyone can't be pleased but if something is going to be done I say do it right whether it is NDP or VIP. The rush jobs on resurfacing the roads after 3 long years for votes was in poor taste.
  • ndp (01/06/2015, 09:09) Like (22) Dislike (35) Reply
    PROGRESS! NDP doesn't talk, they show ACTION!
    • O.j. allllllll the way (01/06/2015, 10:13) Like (17) Dislike (19) Reply
      Yea because all those contracts for the third it's the third district committee who would do them so I glad ndp deal in with action
  • dem say (01/06/2015, 09:10) Like (252) Dislike (10) Reply


  • Virginia284v.i (01/06/2015, 09:17) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    hmm. if you all for the people and your district why you complaining bout work getting done in these areas
  • VG (01/06/2015, 09:18) Like (49) Dislike (2) Reply
    they do the same thing last election in virgin gorda an other places in tortola so i dont know what the problem
    • Huh? (01/06/2015, 10:16) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
      What same thing? You clearly didn't understand the piece. It is not about the works being rushed! It is the disregard for the elected officials of these districts.
  • well saw (01/06/2015, 09:31) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    The VIP believe we forgot about the road works in Sea Cows Bay on their Honourable Chairman last few days as Honourable Minister for Works. They were like driving on glass. At least the NDP have the decency to work on improving the roads island wide. Who fooling who? Me and many others cannot be fooled VIP. Also the Hourable Rep for the First should tell the populace why he chased Teacher E when he was Minister for Communications and Works and wanted to help in the First District with major projects such as the one being undertaken now. Lol lol.
    • Yelr@ (02/06/2015, 20:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      A road well don and for three and a half years they pay scant regard to the cleanliness of the notNDP areas and no repairs. That road in SCB only has a few cracks at the church. But nobody from NDP seem to live in the 3rd to warrant the repairs. The flurry of work will soon be over and the vexing taxes will be enforced most thoroughly I bet my top $$$. Lots of things to pay for not only the$16mil+ $15milonly two for starters. Dock incomplete, hospital incomplete yes just two more. And those businesses that took on election staffings will surely relieve them by year end. BTW have we been taken off Frances blacklist yet? Honest answers required. And a question does not answer a question.
  • Voter Too (01/06/2015, 09:55) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    Take the money and the many enveloppes and vote them out. Better must come and better will come.Too much corruption in this place this worst than the FIFA scandal only dat it aint reach too far yet.
  • just saying..... (01/06/2015, 10:04) Like (17) Dislike (24) Reply
    Yet another reason why we should get rid of the ndp
  • jokers (01/06/2015, 15:31) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
  • wize up (01/06/2015, 23:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    go sit down with your dumb talk: Virgin Islands Party gave away contracts on election day 2011: now these clowns have the nerve to actually be chatting foolishness in the public ( thank God for VINO).....everyone needs a platform to vent!!!!
  • Me (02/06/2015, 05:31) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    The guys at carrot bay say it's been more than forty years they've been waitin and asking mr Fahie for that dock. (40) why now do the ndp have to let him know what's going on with it he should've dealt with it wen he had his chance as one of them said yesterday action speaks louder than promises !!!
  • Yelr@ (02/06/2015, 20:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    DECEPTION indeed speaks louder than words. west need a stadium like RT can Shanana please come sign a contract soonest. SMGB.

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