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No more lawyers! – resident tells Health Minister

- Hon. Skelton agrees that programme for repatriating trained workers needed
One resident, Gloria Fahie, has stated that the Territory does not need any more lawyers within its shores. Instead, she called for an increase in medical health practitioners and specialists in the medical field. Photo:VINO
CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI – One resident has stated that the Territory does not need any more lawyers within its shores. Instead, the resident called for an increase in medical health practitioners and specialists in the medical field.

During the government’s recently staged ‘On The Road’ campaign in Carrot Bay, Ms Gloria Fahie related, “When I was in government years ago, there was something named a ‘priority list’ within the ministry that I worked, I’m not sure if you still have that priority list, because I notice we’re training a lot of lawyers, we don’t need any more lawyers her in the BVI – we need Doctors!”

She called for Oncologists, heart specialists among others, offering that, with the new health team coming on board for the expansion of the Peebles Hospital, there would be a greater need for trained nurses and doctors.

Health Minister Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton responded by saying that the National Democratic Party (NDP) administration had sent quite a number of persons away to be trained as doctors and nurses when they were previously in power.

He expressed that the cadre of doctors and nurses are now functioning within the Territory but there is a need for them to be sent to specialise.

Hon. Skelton further related that there are currently ‘a lot of nurses’ overseas being trained including many who have not come back to serve in the Territory.

“We are trying to find who they are and trying to get them to come back to give some national service,” Hon. Skelton disclosed.

Responding to criticism by a member of the audience that the government needs to bring its people home, Hon. Skelton said the previous NDP administration had a programme budgeted for VI nationals to come back home.

He added, “the very people who were assisting us in making the programme, turned around and said, ‘now you’re doing all of that for them, what are you doing for [us]?’… so the prodigal son could not come home.”

He felt it was a good programme and something the administration needed to do to encourage the people to come back to the country to serve since they had used taxpayers money to be trained.

21 Responses to “No more lawyers! – resident tells Health Minister”

  • night nurse (28/02/2013, 13:40) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    It was my tax money also that was used
  • Florence nightengale (28/02/2013, 13:45) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    How can i come back for that lil salary that you all are offering? and besides the hospital aint no way near finish yet. In the mean time i will stay away and gain some more experience before coming back home
  • link (28/02/2013, 13:57) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    LMAO! No more lawyers. lmao that is hilarious!
  • question (28/02/2013, 14:20) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    A degree in medicine is an expensive and time-consuming commitment, even moreso a specialty like cardiology or oncology. Who in their right mind would make that commitment to train in an area the BVI needs when the BVI is so fond of importing labour over locals? Bad enough when you return with your lil BA and can't get work, imagine how you would feel after the 8 to 10 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars and you still must get in line behind an expat? I wouldn't take that chance, neither would I encourage any of my kids to make that commitment given the BVI's track record on supporting and employing their own.
    • The Government Paid (01/03/2013, 14:36) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      I agree with you that some establishments BVIslanders are put behind the expat but what about those who the Government has paid thousand of dollars for their education with the belief that they would return home. Those for sure were guarateed jobs that are not behind the expat. Because they have refused to come home, we are left with hiring the expat.
  • dead man (28/02/2013, 14:50) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    this healt plan aint going no where fast
  • vagabond (28/02/2013, 14:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    No more lawyers but then when DPP and private firms request permits for them and get expats the same people balling. what a set of know-nothings.
  • staff (28/02/2013, 15:16) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    lawdy ah mussy look at that Gloria she like to be in ting
  • patience (28/02/2013, 15:21) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please! There are people back already and still home waiting because government can't place them in a job.
    • jtv (02/03/2013, 20:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Tip of the iceberg. still time to change the course. Will they do so?
  • backwards ever (28/02/2013, 16:01) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    What about NO more social security workers???? Especially those them got dey form the island
  • pencil (28/02/2013, 16:54) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    good point Gloria
  • ausar (28/02/2013, 17:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't agree. As much as our people who want to become officers of the courts, let them do so.

    The more we have, perhaps better representation we may get.

    We may even be able to afford their services if the country is totally saturated with them!
  • karma (28/02/2013, 18:23) Like (0) Dislike (49) Reply
    Ms. Social Security need to think, pray and ask for forgiveness for how she deals with some of the general public! Gets on like a hog at times, terrible attitude.
  • Yes Gloria (28/02/2013, 18:50) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Now I agree with Gloria we need doctors, nurses, engineers, labourers all from VI. The problem is not that we have too many lawyers but too many outside lawyers who do not care about us as people and our law, they only want money. But the question I have now is this, majority of these blogs agree with Gloria but whatis our waste of time government doing ? nothing
  • dj (01/03/2013, 09:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Will you please hurry and finally just get it done Ronnie!!
  • . (01/03/2013, 11:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't understand. I know a nurse who returned home after many years, sat down for 6 months and had to go back states for lack of work. WTH is really going on?
  • no more (01/03/2013, 11:33) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Once the national insurance tax comes in, there will be no more lawyers. No more engineers, doctors, or local business, come to think of it.
  • lost (02/03/2013, 20:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    People, the BVI is under siege and the government is lost as to the next step.

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