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No more fowl fighting in $90K Belle Vue Gym – Hon. Maduro-Caines

-Belle Vue gym and community centre reopens
Honourable Alvera Maduro-Caines did the official first throw to reopen the gym. However, Hon. Vanterpool, Hon. Marlon A. Penn, Hon. Christian and Mr Hewlett put their skills to the test. Hon Vanterpool outshined his competitors. Photo: VINO
“The unlawful entry into this gym to fight fowl or to do whatever is not sportswise has to stop. Please I am begging you stop the continued breaking in of this gym and destroying it, is too much money going down in the drain. Please I am begging you, people of the sixth district and this area I need you to be the eyes and the ears and the protectors of this building.” Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines. Photo: VINO
“The unlawful entry into this gym to fight fowl or to do whatever is not sportswise has to stop. Please I am begging you stop the continued breaking in of this gym and destroying it, is too much money going down in the drain. Please I am begging you, people of the sixth district and this area I need you to be the eyes and the ears and the protectors of this building.” Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines. Photo: VINO
Some of the youths who were present at the reopening ceremony were also engaged in some basketball action. Photo: VINO
Some of the youths who were present at the reopening ceremony were also engaged in some basketball action. Photo: VINO
Several Ministers and other members of the House of Assembly, including Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool attended the opening ceremony. Photo: VINO
Several Ministers and other members of the House of Assembly, including Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool attended the opening ceremony. Photo: VINO
Hon. Walwyn added his voice to the appeal for the care of the gym. “We cannot say it enough to take care of the public facilities, a lot goes into this it may seem very simple but it’s a very costly exercise.” He said government recognized that there is a growing youth population and the need for recreational facility was important. Photo: VINO
Hon. Walwyn added his voice to the appeal for the care of the gym. “We cannot say it enough to take care of the public facilities, a lot goes into this it may seem very simple but it’s a very costly exercise.” He said government recognized that there is a growing youth population and the need for recreational facility was important. Photo: VINO
The call for the care of the re-opened Belle Vue gym and community centre is very loud. Photo: VINO
The call for the care of the re-opened Belle Vue gym and community centre is very loud. Photo: VINO
BELLE VUE, Tortola, VI – There was one universal message being told at the ceremony to mark the re-opening of the Belle Vue gym and community centre last night, May 28, 2013 and that was for the care and protection of the facility. “It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here we still have a lot of work to do but the work will continue and it will get done sooner than later,” said Representative of the Sixth District Hon. Alvera Maduro-Caines.

The Ministry of Education and Culture provided $90,000 for the refurbishing of the facility.

“The unlawful entry into this gym to fight fowl or to do whatever is not sportswise and has to stop. Please, I am begging you, stop the continued breaking in of this gym and destroying it, is too much money going down the drain. Please, I am begging you people of the Sixth District and this area. I need you to be the eyes and the ears and the protectors of this building,” Hon. Maduro-Caines appealed.

The call for the care of the facility was also reiterated by Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn, Chairman of the BVI Recreation Trust Mr Roy Barry, At-Large Representative Hon. Archibald C. Christian, Acting Assistant Director in the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports Mr Paul Hewlett and sub-contractor KM Construction Mr Keith W. Malone, who also represented Planatory Construction-the main contractor.

Hon. Walwyn applauded Hon. Maduro-Caines for her commitment and perseverance to have the facility rehabilitated and reopened for use by the public after being in an inaccessible and unusable state for quite some time. “We provided the money but she provided the energy and the vision to get the job done and that little lady with the bag is doing some good things for the people in the sixth electoral district.”

The Minister responsible for sports added his voice in the appeal, “We cannot say it enough to take care of the public facilities, a lot goes into this. It may seem very simple but it’s a very costly exercise.” He said the government recognises that there is a growing youth population and the need for recreational facility is important.

With that one universal voice echoing throughout the gym and its environs, it would be such a disappointment if the building would be left to the ruins of those who care less and have their own agenda. The appeal to take care of the gym was first voiced by Hon. Caines who alluded to the fact that the monies expended to rehabilitate the building could have been channelled into other directions as government is currently strapped for funds.

She said the gym and community centre was forced to be closed much to the displeasure of those who depended on it for recreational purposes as those who could have cared less illegally broke into the building and were engaged in the illegal sport of fowl fighting among other things. “I am appealing to persons not only in the sixth District but anyone who comes and use this gym to please, please, I am begging you do not destroy this gym. Do not let this gym get back in the situation it was in before it was refurbished. Government cannot, cannot afford to refurbish these centres every year.”

She was keen to caution persons who might be suspicious of persons entering the facility illegally to not approach or confront but rather immediately summon the authorities, mainly the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force. “Any vandalism please report it. I am not asking you to go to directly and stop it because we don’t want any confrontation but report it. This gym has to last for the next generation to come,” cautioned Hon. Maduro-Caines.

Most of the works that are still to be done are for the exterior of the building. “I am trusting that the Minister for Education and Culture would be as generous as he was in giving to get the inside of this building in the condition that it is in,” remarked Hon Caines

The direct responsibility for the care of the building falls under the ambit of the BVI Recreational Trust and according to Mr Barry, it would be impossible for them to be overlooking the building on a 24-hour basis and therefore needs the full cooperation of all concerned to keep a watchful eye to ensure the facility is not vandalised.

Sports fans and players were treated to two games of hot basketball following the official re-opening ceremony. In game 1, Jr Lions came up against Jr Skulls while in game 2 Pure playaz challenged Legs.

11 Responses to “No more fowl fighting in $90K Belle Vue Gym – Hon. Maduro-Caines”

  • BVIslander (29/05/2013, 10:31) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    i am giving it till will see what those young boys belle vue can do and those that come from purcell, baughers bay, east end. i am giving it until august. dont keep it locked and managed by somebody else besides them boys and you will see something.
  • qc (29/05/2013, 10:45) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    set a fonies
    • under the bus (29/05/2013, 13:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      the treatment of our youths is this land is a lost morales and waste of human life.
  • bbc (29/05/2013, 10:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The problem is the constant breaking in of that facility by them smoke out yutes
    • True (29/05/2013, 11:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The government who owns the facility must see to its proper maintenance and upkeep!!! BAM
  • . (29/05/2013, 11:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The guys who wrecked the gym wasn't at that ceremony, so you all were preaching to the wrong advice, install cameras.
  • pink (29/05/2013, 11:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is beyond my understanding why a person (s) would destroy or deface any place. Parents and teachers, please start the conversation with your kids at an early age stressing the importance of taking care of your and another persons property.

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