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No more ‘fly by night’ elected politicians in the HoA– Skelton-Cline

- calls for a more prudent approach to how VI elects its leaders
Talk show host Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called for an end to how the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) select its leaders, declaring that the territory has reached a point where it has outgrown the selection of ‘fly by night’ politicians, who are elected simply for being liked. Photo: Facebook/File
Mr Skelton-Cline made the comments during the November 29, 2022, edition of his Honestly Speaking talk show where he also called for the election of leaders who can better understand matters as well as do what it takes to advance legislation in the House of Assembly. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Skelton-Cline made the comments during the November 29, 2022, edition of his Honestly Speaking talk show where he also called for the election of leaders who can better understand matters as well as do what it takes to advance legislation in the House of Assembly. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Talk show host Claude O. Skelton-Cline has called for an end to how the people of the Virgin Islands (VI) select its leaders, declaring that the territory has reached a point where it has outgrown the selection of ‘fly by night’ politicians who are elected simply for being liked.

Mr Skelton-Cline made the comments during the November 29, 2022, edition of his Honestly Speaking talk show where he also called for the election of leaders who can better understand matters as well as do what it takes to advance legislation in the House of Assembly.

“We don't need people in the House of Assembly who sit under the tree with us every week or sit by the Taxi stand. We need people who are going to go to the Assembly, who [are] going to go home and do their homework, who are going to read the legislation, understand what they're reading [and] be able to articulate and offer proper provisions and amendments,” he said.

He said the VI has outgrown a certain approach and should now be selecting leaders based on their competence to be legislators, “We don't need this fly by night, because I like you and you like me, that you should sit in the House of Assembly. We have outgrown those shoes,” he further added.

New approach to electing leaders - Skelton-Cline 

According to the man of the cloth, the VI is now in need of people who can not only think, but talk for the people about where the VI is now as a country. He also called for a more discerning approach to electing leaders who will eventually sit in the House.

“Where we are now as a country… We don't need no long election process [and] there should be zero tolerance for any mudslinging of any sort, certainly no personal attacks on anybody, no matter who offers themselves.”

One potential solution on the way forward, he said, was for more debates where potential candidates stand with each other and give articulation as well as communicate their vision that fits in the local district as well as national agenda for the development of the territory.

25 Responses to “No more ‘fly by night’ elected politicians in the HoA– Skelton-Cline”

  • Radio ???? (05/12/2022, 10:04) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I agree with the man
  • agreed (05/12/2022, 11:24) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is not the usual situation for the VI. All indications say hard times are ahead.

    It’s going to be worse before it gets better.
  • Eat a food vip government (05/12/2022, 11:31) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why this Fool always have to open his mouth to say something?
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (05/12/2022, 11:34) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    True, Mr. Claude Skeleton Cline, we the People, the greater majority of us, we need a different approach in how we will select our political leaders. You said some things that truly need urgent, and honest consideration, but do you really meant all that you have said in honestly?
    As one that has claimed to be a Spiritually servant of God,, you have not told us of our greatest need. Because you haven't, I will, bellow.

    Whether or not some among us choose to dislike, our greatest need is our Creator, and His perfect pathway of righteousness. Only then will we be made able to choose good minded politicians to represent us correctly.
    CSC you talk the talk, but you rearly walk in the way you often talk. In spite of this truth, some of what you have said on this topic issue should be considered, and act on.
    Truly, we need ergent readjustment of our mind, politically, prior to better governance experience in the BVI.
    Exercise your conscience honestly. Vote your choice, Like or dislike.

  • agreed (05/12/2022, 11:50) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sir, i generally respectfully disagree with most of what you say, but with this you have hit the nail on the for what they can do for the country, not their personality or family connections. we are at a critical stage in our path to self governance...please think carefully before voting. thankyou Mr SC for opening our eyes to this
  • I am all for debates! (05/12/2022, 12:17) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would looooove to hear a debate between Sowande and Myron! That is all I have to say.
  • Cloth? (05/12/2022, 13:10) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    How can anyone in good faith call this clown a "man of the cloth"? this man is a charlatan
  • hmm (05/12/2022, 13:21) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    No more fly by night consultants...while we at it when the money going back in the Treasury buddy?
  • ha (05/12/2022, 14:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's you out of contention by your own statement then CSC.
  • the holy wannabe (05/12/2022, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    has been recommending and suggesting all class of people who should run the country and strangely not one of them are men of the so called cloth ???? especially himself / pastor , consultant , politician , messiah and lately psychic is not mentioned / so your holiness, our country needs spiritual healing ( WHERE ART THOU , O thou holy one ❓ ????
  • All I want to see (05/12/2022, 14:50) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Before elections, I don’t know how the majority feels about it but I want to see at least two debates which is very, very important. Guys for real, no joke.
  • resident (05/12/2022, 14:51) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    I do agree with you CSC on this one. We need politicians who are articulate, intelligent and can represent us internationally. We don't want to hear no Dialect or incorrect grammar. Come clean come strong come with brilliance!!
    • @resident (05/12/2022, 16:34) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      I would highly agree, anyone who is in Politics should know how to speak correctly and pronounce the words properly, no incorrect dialect or incorrect grammar please. DeCastro speaks proper grammar and knows how to pronounce her words, she never uses dialect or incorrect grammar in her speeches.
      • @resident (06/12/2022, 09:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Not always…. Listers to her pronounce people… it’s poepol… the Premier does not know when to use ‘principle’ and ‘principal’ he gets those wrong and the list goes on.
    • @resident (06/12/2022, 17:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Resident,,dialect is not the problem. People should be proud of their dialect ; it is their identity. The problem is they don’t the different between formal English and dialect. Agree a politician should be able to move easily from an informal setting to a formal setting. They should be able to speak to top political leaders, business people, professionals, down to the lil man on the speak. Moreover,,elected officials should do more than vote on bills they donot understand; they must under the bills and be able to debate and discuss the pros and cons of bills. Elected officials must be effective ambassadors in and out of the BVI.
  • PEOPLES SURVEY (05/12/2022, 15:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • I agree. Rasta Time (05/12/2022, 17:45) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where are all the conscious, intelligent Rasta People, It's Rasta time, Rise and take your place. MiaModley in Barbados came from Rasta family. St Lucia, Grenada and ST Kitts all the new Prime Minister accept the concept and ways from young.... That's why Sowande is so disappointing, for those who don't know Sowande, from young he grasp the Rasta concept, he was led astray by Andrew and the desire for Power, Come back to your conscious Rasta ways Sowande,. The name Sowande, is an African hero, a defender of Africa and Africans...Come back home Sowande, and accept your calling, lead in the the rightful way, the people way, fight for the poor and disadvantage. Rep that which is right. #Rastatime...
  • @ @ resident (05/12/2022, 18:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    So if thats the best she can do is that going get the work done ? ???? sitting down in the street ain't going to get the word done either , ( sweet talk is used to pull the wool over the people's eyes ???? ) her performance hasn't shown anything accomplished by her as yet ???? ????
    • Oh my goodness (06/12/2022, 00:09) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      So if a person speaks professionally, have excellent grammar skills, dosen’t use dialect or incorrect grammar that is consider sweet talk? Wow, you sure can’t put a price tag on stupid.
  • YOU (06/12/2022, 07:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr Skelton-Cline Sir, if we cut out the fly
    By night approach it eliminates you. You were one of the biggest
  • Moron (06/12/2022, 10:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    CSC.. we the people honestly do not care what you have to say anymore. You showed your true colors by taking contracts, getting paid and producing nothing and yet you still get to degrade people when what you need to do is look in the mirror and ask God to forgive you. The only thing we are glad about when it comes to you is that you sir, will not run because just like the headlines say we do not need anymore fly by night politicians. What they should have included was no more fly by night pastors/pretending consultants that don't know his @$* from his elbow!

  • Hmmmm (06/12/2022, 20:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    with all that going on and his drama one would thought that this man would have been on the back burner burning low flame are even turn off.
  • OK YOUR HONOR (07/12/2022, 07:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We will try flying by day , Now can you you please do your yourself a great favour and be STILL

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