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No Limit Construction will continue to rebuild VI-Company Rep

The Cane Garden Bay Community Centre was officially handed over on Tuesday, October 15 ,2024, after being restored by No Limit Construction following damage sustained due to Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Representative from No Limit Construction, Malaki Smith said the company will continue to contribute to the rebuilding of the Virgin Islands from the impacts of 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria during a ceremony to hand over the Cane Garden Bay Community Centre on October 15, 2024. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Representative from No Limit Construction, Malaki Smith said the company will continue to contribute to the rebuilding of the Virgin Islands from the impacts of 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria during a ceremony to hand over the Cane Garden Bay Community Centre on October 15, 2024. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI- The Cane Garden Bay Community Centre was officially handed over on Tuesday, October 15 ,2024.

No Limit Construction was contracted to restore the community centre following destruction caused by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.

No Limit Constrution pledges support to rebuilding cause

Representative from No Limit Construction, Malaki A. Smith said the community centre was the first project he worked on since returning home.

“It is my pleasure to deliver this centre to the people and the community of Cane Garden Bay. We will continue to contribute to the rebuilding of our Territory from the impacts of Irma and Maria,” he added.

Meanwhile, Programme Director, Community Social Services in the Social Development Department Angelle Smith said the department hopes the immediate and wider community will cherish and make good use of the centre.

“We will be able to host programmes that will enrich our community from all ages, from our children to our elderly,” she said.

Six community centres restored and handed over

To date, six community centres have been restored and officially handed over since 2021. Other community centres restored are the West End Community Centre, Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay, the Emile Dunlop Community Centre on Anegada, the Gertrude and Christiana Warner Community Centre in Purcell Estate, and the East End/Long Look Community Centre.

Other officials in attendance at Tuesday’s ceremony were Minister for Health and Social Development Hon. Vincent O. Wheatley, Permanent Secretary Miss Tasha K. Bertie, and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2).

3 Responses to “No Limit Construction will continue to rebuild VI-Company Rep”

  • The quiet work continues.. (19/10/2024, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    While the rabble-rousers would have you believe that nothing is being done, let me remind you that real progress rarely makes a spectacle of itself. The quiet, diligent work continues behind the scenes, even when it doesn't grab headlines. Projects of this magnitude don't spring to life in three weeks; they are the result of long-term commitment, careful planning, and consistent effort. Those who try to undermine this work underestimate the intelligence of the people. The public is far more discerning than some would like to believe. They can see beyond the noise and recognize the steady, patient march toward real change and progress .Mr Minister they believe because you are quiet that you are an easy target.The people got your back.
  • Lb (19/10/2024, 10:53) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Did they do this for free or did they get paid? Funny to me how these companies make themselves seem so charitable and benevolent as though they didn’t get paid and that’s the only reason they did the work. Never understood why we need to hear from the construction company.
  • Rubber Duck (19/10/2024, 13:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is good stuff young smith is a shining star

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