No further ‘substantive statements’ on CoI until after Easter- Gov Rankin

“I will review the Report as quickly as I can, but I trust you will agree that it is important to do so properly and not rush things.
“I, therefore, do not expect to make any further substantive statements on the Report until shortly after Easter, Governor Rankin stated in a press release on April 5, 2022.
The Governor said he has shared a copy of the Report with the Minister for the Overseas Territories in confidence and there will also be a need to discuss the Report’s findings and recommendations with local political leaders.
“Once I have completed my review of the Report I will announce next steps including details about access to the Report for: elected and other officials with whom I will first discuss the findings and recommendations, such as the Honourable Premier; any others with good reason to see the Report before possible publication; and the public.”
Will Report be published in full?
Governor Rankin said it is his hope that he will be able to publish the Report in full; however, he must first assess whether it is in the public interest to do so.
“In the interim period I know that there will be speculation, and some people may try to discredit or second-guess the COI Report and recommendations, claiming incorrectly to know what they are. But
I hope the people of the BVI will recognise the need for me to carefully consider the Report in line with my duties as Governor, before further decisions on next steps are made. That, I believe, will be the best interests of the Territory and its good governance,” Governor Rankin concluded.
The CoI was called by former Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert, who was known to share a strained relationship with Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), who had accused the then governor of violating the Constitution of the Virgin Islands.
Mr Jaspert was also accused of trying to bully the government as well as the legislature and blocking attempts at efforts to empower the local people for the inevitable fate of self-determination.
The former Queen's representative in the Virgin Islands had told the CoI he believed he was acting in the best interest of the people of the VI.

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