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No EU Blacklisted country have predominately ‘white’ population - T&T Economist

- as both VI & Bermunda face EU greylist as non-cooperative tax jurisdictions
Following Bermuda and British Virgin Islands (BVI) inclusion in the grey list of European Union non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, analysis from a Trinidad & Tobago Economist, Marla Dukharan has found problematic mythologies with how exactly countries make these EU lists. Photo: Internet Source
In the February 23, 2022, episode of territories talk, a cross-border radio show hosted by Bermuda MP, Thomas C. Famous, Shaina M. Smith-Archer of the Viring Islands (VI), and Eden Hurlston out of Cayman, Ms Dukharan dissected the list and found some issues which she called 'not quite right. Photo: Youtube
In the February 23, 2022, episode of territories talk, a cross-border radio show hosted by Bermuda MP, Thomas C. Famous, Shaina M. Smith-Archer of the Viring Islands (VI), and Eden Hurlston out of Cayman, Ms Dukharan dissected the list and found some issues which she called 'not quite right. Photo: Youtube
HAMILTON, Bermuda – Following Bermuda and British Virgin Islands (BVI) inclusion in the grey list of European Union non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes, analysis from Caribbean Economist Marla Dukharan has found problematic methodologies with how exactly countries make these EU lists.

Something 'not quite right' - T&T Economist

In the March 9, 2022, episode of Territories Talk, a cross-border radio show hosted by Bermuda MP, Thomas C. Famous, Shaina M. Smith-Archer of the Viring Islands (VI), and Eden Hurlston out of Cayman Islands, Ms Dukharan dissected the list and found some issues which she called 'not quite right.

“Because we know that they are countries like the UK, that is well known and the Netherlands for example… these jurisdictions are well known for their extensive money laundering and tax-evading activity, yet we are not seeing any of these big powerful countries on this list,” she added.

According to Dukharan, none of the countries on the EU Blacklist have a predominately white population or is an EU Member or an ally for the EU.

No EU member can appear on its list - Mrs Dukharan 

She said that in the methodology of making the lists, it is outlined that none of the EU member states can appear on the list.

“So this is a list where we put other countries we say that are behaving badly,” she said in reference to the EU.

Dukharan illustrated that even countries outside of the EU membership that are known countries in terrorist financing and nefarious activities such as Saudi Arabia and Russia have not appeared on the list.

“They exempt countries that are their own members, they also exempt countries based on the economic significance and economic ties with the EU,” she added.

Turkey has repeatedly failed to comply with the criteria or change its tax system, but it has managed to avoid the blacklist for years now. 

Adverse economic impacts 

The T&T Economist said the countries left to be black-listed, based on the methodology, are tiny countries through unilaterally imposed guidelines that can bring adverse economic impacts.

8 Responses to “No EU Blacklisted country have predominately ‘white’ population - T&T Economist ”

  • Agenda (25/03/2022, 20:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The globalists will stop at nothing to achieve their new world order. Overseas territories of the UK must tow the line without question. Implement the order to have public registers or get black listed. Its so comical to hear Andrew bootsing them on Russia and resisting public registers. The ploy for regime change in Russia because Putin refuses to have a rothschild controlled central bank is not gonna be a walk in the park. Those with eyes to see understand exactly what is at stake here and stand against all the efforts and strategies including the vaccine to accomplish the evil agenda of the globalists. Those that are clueless puppets continue to carry out the wishes of their masters with no clue as to the results of their actions. How can you be shouting independence and supporting the new world order at the same time. BVI is in deep. Way over its head and don't know.
    • Me (28/03/2022, 16:11) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Maybe countries with predominant black populations are more corrupt. Just a thought.
  • @ WIGO (25/03/2022, 21:04) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
  • @ AGENDA (26/03/2022, 07:44) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Dan (26/03/2022, 08:27) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    look at the refugees from the war, welcomed in the EU but not our brothers and sisters. Fire
  • No Facts (26/03/2022, 09:44) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    Lots of speculation but no true facts presented.
  • @dan (26/03/2022, 10:21) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    How wrong you are!
  • Windy (26/03/2022, 11:51) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Not surprised a bunch of racist just like in the bvi trying to take over via the coi

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