No charges, fines issued over large New Year's Eve parties– Top CoP

This comes after reports of large New Year’s Eve parties, where attendees may have flouted public health guidelines regarding social distancing and mask-wearing.
Speaking to Virgin Islands News Online (VINO) today, January 4, 2022, the Top Cop said complaints were made regarding venue(s), however, no names of the establishments were provided.
“I can say that we are looking into a breach of a noise permit. Following complaints that were made,” Mr Collins told VINO.
When asked about whether the force received any recommendations from the Public Health Department regarding charges or fines for those who hosted large parties, Mr Collins said while the force works closely with the department, no fines or charges have been recommended to the best of his knowledge.
Cases continue to rise
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL), did not respond to inquiries on whether the Public Health Department, through the RVIPF, will be charging venues such as clubs, bars, etc for flouting COVID-19 public health measures over the New Year's weekend.
As of January 3, 2022, the VI recorded 601 active COVID-19 cases, with 268 of those cases recorded over New Year's weekend.
The territory also recorded its first COVID-19 related death for 2022 to mark 40 total COVID-19 related deaths since the start of the pandemic.
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges, ahead of the weekend, had raised concerns over the flouting of rules as a contributing factor to a spike in COVID-19 cases.

12 Responses to “No charges, fines issued over large New Year's Eve parties– Top CoP”
Guess what? We all were born somewhere, and most of us BVIslanders (yes, I am "born here") were born in the US and happily take advantage of that dual-nationality loophole to enjoy the benefits of both countries while denying others similar privileges. Just gotta love the hypocrisy... then when we are feeling the pinch, we chat a bunch of crap about "Caribbean brothers and sisters". Let's act a bit more like our brother's keeper everyday and not just when its convenient.
I didn't mean to rant but it really is getting on my last set of nerves now. Our men date and have children with the women from other lands, but still they are not good enough to be respected as "one of us" when push comes to shove. They come and dwell among us for "donkey years", raising their families, paying their taxes, contributing towards the economy and society at large, and we still treat them like sub-human indentured servants not worthy of our respect. They are born here to foreign parents but have to wait until 18 to "apply" for citizenship, and even if they achieve that... behold they are still not from here because they are not "indigenous" (don't you know that the real indigenous Virgin Islanders were the Amerindians natives who were killed/driven off off by the Europeans? You are not indigenous... that's a concept made up to differentiate between "us" and "them").
Lord have mercy on us... (mentally deficient) slaves enslaving their fellow (financially strapped) slaves!
Crabs in a barrel!
Willfully blind fools!
Shame on us for having and harboring such mentalities!
#bvilove is an verb not a noun (think about it)