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NLBC team touches down in Kenya for medical outreach

- outreach to centre on NLBC-funded Tortola Child Rescue & Education Centre
The medical outreach team organised by the New Life Baptist Church and its Pastor Bishop John I. Cline has arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. Photo: Facebook
Dr Vanterpool who is in the country for the first time said he was not sure what to expect, however, he will work to adjust to whatever situation there is to provide the outreach. Photo: Facebook
Dr Vanterpool who is in the country for the first time said he was not sure what to expect, however, he will work to adjust to whatever situation there is to provide the outreach. Photo: Facebook
The outreach will officially kick off today, July 18, 2023, however, it remains unclear the full duration of the project as Bishop Cline could not be reached for comments up to publication time. Photo: Facebook
The outreach will officially kick off today, July 18, 2023, however, it remains unclear the full duration of the project as Bishop Cline could not be reached for comments up to publication time. Photo: Facebook
NAIROBI, Kenya, Africa- A medical outreach team organised by the New Life Baptist Church (NLBC) and Pastor Bishop John I. Cline has touched down in Nairobi, Kenya to provide children of the NLBC-funded Tortola Child Rescue and Education Centre (TCRAEC) with medical services and donations.

In a short video message on the mission, Bishop Cline, along with Dr Heskith A. Vanterpool, Dr Hubert O’Neal and others on the outreach, shared their expectations after touching down in Nairobi on July 15, 2023.

“We want to say hello from Nairobi. We are from the New Life Baptist Church. This is our trip where we come to Nairobi to bless our brothers and sisters here on the continent of Africa. This year, especially for us, is an addition because we have Dr Vanterpool [and] Doctor O’Neal who will be conducting a medical clinic,” Bishop Cline said. 

Dr Vanterpool, who is in the country for the first time, said he was not sure what to expect, however, he will work to adjust to whatever situation there is to provide the outreach.

“This is my first time here; this is the first clinic we're going to do. I'm not sure what we're going to meet, so there's a little bit of trepidation [about] whether I’m going to be able to communicate with the folks, what I'm really going to be able to do [as compared to] what I normally do and my regular clinic.”

Medicine & medical supplies from VI to Africa 

“We brought a lot of medication, we brought a lot of medical supplies and I hope that we might need to use a significant amount of it, but we will leave some behind for the folks,” he added.

Dr O’Neal also expressed happiness to be on the team. “I’m an ophthalmologist. I’m here too, to conduct an eye clinic and I'm particularly looking forward to seeing the kids at the school so we can test their vision to make sure they're seeing well and that they're learning. So I’m happy to be in the group," he said.

According to Dr Vanterpool, whose focus is on internal medicine, cardiology, and gastroenterology, the medical team comprises himself and Dr O'Neal, along with three nurses and a Laboratory Technician Intern.

Bishop Cline expressed appreciation to those who supported the project with donations of clothes and finances for the people and children of Kenya.

The outreach will officially kick off today, July 18, 2023.

26 Responses to “NLBC team touches down in Kenya for medical outreach”

  • Yes (18/07/2023, 10:01) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tell my cousins hi for me please and thanks
  • HMMM (18/07/2023, 10:26) Like (43) Dislike (3) Reply
    Charity begins at home!!
  • rover (18/07/2023, 10:26) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    À good deed to help those in need. When we are blessed we need to help others. God bless this project.
  • ... (18/07/2023, 10:30) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    good wroks
  • Hmm (18/07/2023, 10:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good gestures but why doe sadults in the second picture face look so sour. the kids don't look happy either.
  • scat (18/07/2023, 10:31) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Very good initiative. Thanks to the team!
  • Laura (18/07/2023, 10:53) Like (56) Dislike (1) Reply
    So let me get this straight, these lovely God-fearing people can't provide free services or even the services paid for in their own lovely country but they offering FREE services to Africa??? Charity MUST first begin at home.
  • Stop It (18/07/2023, 11:23) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    Some of you out there spending your money on unnecessary things and want free services? Your comments show grudge for things offered to people who are less fortunate than you. Learn to give God thanks for what you have. If you have nothing positive to say keep quiet
  • Unvaxxed (18/07/2023, 11:23) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ah hope dem aint gone over there to vaccinate those lil kidz
  • Hmmmm (18/07/2023, 11:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    THIS IS GOOD AND A VERY GOOD DEED YES WE ARE TO HELP AND BLESS OTHERS ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURES upon it been honest truthful sincere and its comes from the heart WITHOUT ANY STRINGS ATTACHED and in line with principlies of the word of God according to what was said Amen, But one have to think knowing the hearts of these men and there attitude character at home you can't really help not to think is this just a cover of there real intention to kenya Africa, I know aswell as others alot of people including minister Pastors travel to Africa to obtain power richest and even make sacrificies but we will see and hear as times goes on . THIS IS TRUTH LIKE IT OR NOT
  • @hmms (18/07/2023, 11:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Strupes. Why are you two sour.
    • @@HMMMS (18/07/2023, 13:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Like you blind
      I was referring to the picture. Cant you see the picture clearly???
  • bam see (18/07/2023, 11:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ah see eyeanna but i aint see earik
  • another (18/07/2023, 12:28) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    a mission on kiddy fiddling under the guise of healthcare
  • allelujah (18/07/2023, 13:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope there is some truth to that. Normally, it is bizarre when you see these people decide to go to Africa and other countries to do things. I hope it is not a show but a genuine outreach. As you can see, these kids were dressed for the occasion. They are money mules. i Hope President RUTO catches up on these people's game.
  • Insight (18/07/2023, 13:38) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    they gone all the way to Kenya bvi islander need medical help right here.
  • God please open the eyes of the blind (18/07/2023, 13:40) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Africans all over the world scamming, abusing women, raping children and neglecting their own people and you helping them SAME AFRICAN and neglecting your OWN!
    • Jack Sprat (18/07/2023, 14:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @God please open the eyes of the blind. I hope you are aware of how less than smart you sound. What proof , facts and experience you have to make that rubbish comment. "Africans all over the world" you said. These acts you are accusing Africans of happens in all groups/ races. Please do yourself a favor without facts, evidence, etc. for this nonsense you are some research and you will find out which group/race that commits/ committed these acts.... Fact 101
  • Rubber Duck (18/07/2023, 13:46) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    the man john is blessed and it a good man He will make it to heaven
  • Norris Turnbull (18/07/2023, 15:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ Bam See. you are a messy mess.
  • honey (18/07/2023, 19:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope he organize a free vlinic at the church for us when he returns without NHI.
  • Anonymous (18/07/2023, 23:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I fully support the mission God Bless the team
  • mad max (19/07/2023, 11:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We're sending a medical outreach team whilst needing Cuban doctors to help us ...

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