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NLBC Kenya mission reaches out to jobless young men

The 2015 mission team. Photo: Provided
Leader of the team and Head of the NLBC Bishop John I. Cline said that this time around they were very instrumental in conducting sessions with a number of young men in the community focusing on career planning. Photo: Provided
Leader of the team and Head of the NLBC Bishop John I. Cline said that this time around they were very instrumental in conducting sessions with a number of young men in the community focusing on career planning. Photo: Provided
Construction workers in action. Photo: Provided
Construction workers in action. Photo: Provided
For Ms Shaina M. Smith it was her first venture to Kenya and she said,
For Ms Shaina M. Smith it was her first venture to Kenya and she said, "I was glad to be a part of the NLBC Africa Mission team this year and thank God for the experience to see the African culture as well as making a difference in the Kenyan community.” Photo: Provided
Food distribution to students. Photo: Provided
Food distribution to students. Photo: Provided
They have their rich history captured in here. Photo: Provided
They have their rich history captured in here. Photo: Provided
Some of the happy faces of students of the primary school constructed by the NLBC Kenya mission team. Photo: Provided
Some of the happy faces of students of the primary school constructed by the NLBC Kenya mission team. Photo: Provided
Food time - members of the team assisted by some of the community members preparing meals during the mission. Photo: Provided
Food time - members of the team assisted by some of the community members preparing meals during the mission. Photo: Provided
Many Kenyans received clothing. Photo: Provided
Many Kenyans received clothing. Photo: Provided
In the midst of it all there was some time set aside for fun with the kids of Kenya. Photo: Provided
In the midst of it all there was some time set aside for fun with the kids of Kenya. Photo: Provided
This group of young men giving the mission team a taste of Kenya's culture. Photo: Provided
This group of young men giving the mission team a taste of Kenya's culture. Photo: Provided
Section of the construction works under-way at the high school. Photo: Provided
Section of the construction works under-way at the high school. Photo: Provided
Roof is finished! All done by hand. Photo: Provided
Roof is finished! All done by hand. Photo: Provided
Students at Tortola Child Rescue and Educational Centre. Photo: Provided
Students at Tortola Child Rescue and Educational Centre. Photo: Provided
Izene cooking curry goat for workmen. Photo: Provided
Izene cooking curry goat for workmen. Photo: Provided
Jennifer prepping for goat water. Photo: Provided
Jennifer prepping for goat water. Photo: Provided
Pops supervising pouring. Photo: Provided
Pops supervising pouring. Photo: Provided
Last day of mission at school. The benediction! Photo: Provided
Last day of mission at school. The benediction! Photo: Provided
Sponsors with family. Photo: Provided
Sponsors with family. Photo: Provided
Students in cultural dress. Photo: Provided
Students in cultural dress. Photo: Provided
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI – When a 14-member team set out on the New Life Baptist Church’s (NLBC) mission to Nairobi, Kenya late July, 2015 they not only focused their attention on their special project of constructing a secondary school for the impoverished community but extended their arms in other ways that resulted in some unemployed men becoming more equipped with knowledge as to how to get themselves jobs.

Many youth out of jobs

Speaking with this news site, leader of the team and Senior Pastor of the NLBC, Bishop John I. Cline said that this time around they were very instrumental in conducting sessions with a number of young men in the community with the focus on career planning.

“Because of the 25 or so young men that were sitting there (at the session) only two of them had jobs, they were all in their late teens or early 20’s and they are members of the community where the school is,” he explained.

The area is known as the ‘slums’ and most of the men faced the challenge of securing jobs mainly because of the lack of education while others are because of the lack of opportunities. “The mission was multi-faceted, whether it’s helping to develop the minds of the young men in terms of job opportunities.”

Secondary School construction moving apace

Currently the mission is focusing on the construction of a secondary school as the primary school has been completed and is providing a comfortable learning environment for in excess of 300 less fortunate children in that part of the world.

“So on this trip we cast the second floor slabs for the secondary school,” said Bishop Cline. He noted that the team of fourteen (14), in addition to the construction work, distributed clothes, school supplies and held inspirational sessions with the men in the community about career planning.

Having reached their financial target of US$17,000 for the recently concluded mission, they are now on the road to securing funds for the next phase of the construction of the secondary school. “Now to complete it I am looking for another price because the windows, doors, plastering, electrical all those things have to go in and I am waiting for the estimates of what that cost looks like,” said Bishop Cline.

Eating out of garbage

Bishop Cline noted that the construction of the secondary school is one that is urgently needed in Nairobi, Kenya as the existing one being run by the Kenya government is extensively over-crowded. He explained that because of the extent of poverty many children are being deprived a chance at a secondary education.

“They are people who work for 3-5 dollar a day and eat one meal a day or, depending on the size of the family, eat every other day and have to go to the slums/garbage to find food. There is nothing much included in their diet like meat on a regular basis, they basically eat corn and beans.”

The team - First time for Shaina M. Smith

The NLBC team included Cline, Bishop John, Ronford Cline, Daniel ‘Pops’ Cline, Cecelia Cline, Darrell ‘Freddie’Clyne, Euan ‘Benjie’Fonseca, Izine Jeffers,  Jennifer O’Neal, Mercedes ‘Althea’Samuels,  Pastor Gregory Smith, Shaina M. Smith, Foster Tonge, Avril Thomas, and Ms Jean Vanterpool.

For Ms Smith, it was her first venture to Kenya and she said, "I was glad to be a part of the NLBC Africa Mission team this year and thank God for the experience to see the African culture as well as making a difference in the Kenyan community.”

“It made me more appreciative of all that we have in the BVI and take for granted sometimes. It was heartbreaking at times to see the children in such poor conditions but I believe that the school project is important in helping them have better opportunities in life and I'm looking forward to the high school opening in a couple years," she noted also.

About the Project in Kenya

The school building project started in 2001 when Bishop Cline made his first trip to Kenya and reported on the conditions there. The church mission to the country started in 2006 and today is providing an education for some 300 plus less fortunate children.

The school in Kenya is named ‘Tortola Child Rescue and Learning Centre’ and, according to Bishop Cline, the primary division alone has over 300 students who are each sponsored by persons here in the VI with their donation of just $200 annually.

18 Responses to “NLBC Kenya mission reaches out to jobless young men”

  • political snitch (19/08/2015, 10:50) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
    I wonder who was that one from west end's room mate?
    • john public (19/08/2015, 12:16) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      we all know why she made that trip.
    • LaLa (19/08/2015, 12:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

      This is disgusting

    • Lloyd (19/08/2015, 13:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's none of your dar business. Ingrates like you and others always up in people bidness.
    • METAY (19/08/2015, 20:01) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      You too melee-ish. You see the good work the people are doing and you worrying who was her roommate? That is why we going to be always cutting down one another while the other nationalities working together.
  • cay (19/08/2015, 11:00) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    this is good stuff yall go John C
  • Thumbs Up (19/08/2015, 11:34) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    A wonderful and noble initiative by NLBC. God bless
  • Concern 1 (19/08/2015, 12:31) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    De people doing the works of the Lord and others thinking about who shared room with who .what stupidness . The next time they going I want to go with them.just looking at these pictures sure tell a lot..
  • BVIslander (19/08/2015, 13:35) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    could they put the same energy into a project here and feed the hungry, help the youth, and give out clothes...we have so many needy and young men and women who need that kind of team assistance...just, there is need.
    • @bvislander (19/08/2015, 15:10) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      I am certainly no fan of Cline, but give jack his jacket. The church as an excellent outreach program and it does a tremendous amount in helping many in the community. Its not everything that makes it to breaking news. The distribute clothes and food and other wonderful work.
  • .... (19/08/2015, 13:48) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    Charity begins at home. They need to put that same energy into something in the BVI and also help to build homes for those in need here and feed those without a meal here locally before you travel.
  • stopcussing (19/08/2015, 20:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    And them always cussing the man? People here are not appreciative. Plus construction costs too much here. $3 to $5 a day they are working for, compared to every can't hold a trowel, can't plaster, can't paint apprentice looking a hundred dollars. Do what you can in Africa. Tortola made it on a building in Africa. To God be the Glory. Go, John Cline, you are a man on a mission. Them can't stop you.
  • home (19/08/2015, 23:49) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    What are they doing at home?build a gym that they want government to pay for !. Start home first
  • Lily Ann (20/08/2015, 10:17) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    If you have poor unemployed residents in the BVI .. but you see the need to assist another country with their unemployment the woes -------- BVI, We got a problem --- A BIG ONE to boot
  • home (20/08/2015, 10:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    The funniest thing I have learnt, a King is never accepted in his castle. The problem in this community it have too much pride, what should they do, go around to everyone asking them if the have any food to eat, or a place to stay? The people in Africa, I am pretty sure they asked for help. So if there is any one in the BVI who is homeless, hungry or anythin along that line please speak up and not be afraid to ask.
  • Real (20/08/2015, 11:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    y they dont help fix the ones here
  • Lily Ann (20/08/2015, 12:20) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    So our BVI people have to speak up now??? the same Mission that was set up to travel thousands of Miles to ensure another country citizens could Work and eat .... that same Mission could've stayed HERE to ensure the same !!!! But no, they feel that stretching their heart overseas shows Homage ........... And look the irony --- They will be the SAME Nigerians to get SUPER Education, and come back to Peebles Hospital and throw you BVI Landers out of a Job --- Then you will be on VINO airing your disbelief of your Government hiring outsiders !!!!!!!! My BVI people, PLEASE look at the pathway AHEAD of you !!!!
    • Hear u (20/08/2015, 17:41) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lily. u r one selfish bad minded person. Its all about u or where u can benefit. Hope u never end up where u will need such help. God dont sleep

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