Night Court staff was overpaid; one officer yet to refund Treasury- SFC report
The report fails to answer the silent and lingering questions of who is to be blamed for the error, whether disciplinary actions were taken against the errant personnel/s and why hasn’t the monies been returned to-date. It also leaves the lingering question of over what period were the overpayments made and had the officers on the receiving end noticed the flaw and if so did he/she bring it to the attention of the relevant authority for investigations and corrections.
The issue of two staff being overpaid for the conducting of night court sessions was highlight in the report of the SFC under, “Head 1303 Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)”.
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Wayne Rajbansie, stated it was observed that payments were made up to November 29, 2011 and that pursuant to those payments, it was discerned that two members of staff were overpaid a hefty sum totaling $3,250.00. He stated that the amount being owed by the government to the member of staff of the DPP was in the amount of $2,600, which was the amount being paid up until November 29, 2012, according the SFC published report.
The DPP, according to the report, stated that because of the amounts which were overpaid to the two staff member, having dealt with the necessary adjustments and deductions of what was paid to them and having offset the difference, one member of staff is still accountable to the government for the sum of $1,300.00, "and they would write to the individual immediately and inform the Treasury Department about the overpayment.”
According to the report, the other member of staff has been cleared of the portion of overpayment having been balanced off through other payment owed to him/her.
Using an analytical eye it is clear to see from the present report that while some persons were being overpaid; other Attorneys in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) were being short-changed, being owed an accumulated sum of $6,175.00. In all fairness to those Attorneys, the DPP had asked for the approval to clear the outstanding dept that was within the ODDP, according to the report.
In relations to the viability in keeping the night court sessions as was put forward by Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr. Wayne Rajbansie , it was noted that having examined the statistics that were generated by the court and having looked at what it was costing the government to run the night court, it was found that payments were being made in excess of $4,000.00 per session. He further stated that the issue was further broken down to the amount being paid to senior Magistrates.
Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr. Wayne Rajbansie had put an immediate end to the night court sessions upon his appointment.

10 Responses to “Night Court staff was overpaid; one officer yet to refund Treasury- SFC report”
You are very good at investigative journalism:Can you do a little more investigation into this matter,and bring it to light,before I give and make a full comment on my knowlege and background of this night court business;because when the night court started a few years ago,I was instrumental in helping to set up the night court!Am I now hearing,that it[the night court] had become a money-making-business for government employess?Well,I have to commend the Director of Public Prosecutions,for his intervention.Why run a night court which cost the government more than it makes?