NHI should never mean ‘No Help Intended’
Is NHI as ready to deliver as the Public is to receive?
This is mid-January 2016 and, while I do not agree with the Minister that time for NHI Debate has passed or that it is going smoothly, I do agree that NHI started as scheduled on January 1, 2016… It arrived with both Promises and Threats and even as most of us retain our opinions regarding the pros and cons, both Consumers and Providers will finally be forced to see whether or not it functions.
I am certainly no Ambassador for NHI in its original form but in order to be fair and objective I have chosen to allow the Process a month or two before assessing its performance… It is not easy for me to be silent on the matter after so many years of explaining the potential Problems and Solutions associated with NHI as well as the continuing failures by UK’s NHS and similar Schemes.
Nonetheless, careful assessment is crucial because although NHI has been in transit for a Decade few seemed to have been aware but now that it has arrived many are quick to attack without obtaining the facts… We are mandated to pay for it so we should use it without abusing it and if Government is right thank them because if they are wrong it will not take long for us to see and feel.
Many may preach it but who feels it knows it:
There is no doubt that Patients will soon learn that those Promises are not free and Providers realise there is no endless stream of Dollars to be gained by turning Patients into Prisoners just as BVIHSA’s Hospital and Clinics will face their own Limitations and Financial Constraints… Meanwhile, our concerns should be for those Patients likely to be caught between a Rock and a Hard Place.
So far, only because we have spoken out, they are not being forced to buy Private Supplemental Insurance and the Amounts intended for them to pay ‘out of pocket’ is being reduced. However, some Private Insurers still seem intent on benefitting from NHI Shortcomings by blocking their Clients from using their paid-for Medical Insurances and having these billed to NHI - This is wrong.
No Patient should pay Private Insurance Companies for Medical Coverage and then be denied – Furthermore, before this becomes a practice, the Financial Services should warn these Companies that one Ponzi Scheme is too many… Besides, these Private Companies had years to assist in the NHI Struggle; they did nothing so there is no justification in the lamentation of their predicament.
Beware! Elections carry Consequences:
Similar willful misunderstandings include the popular argument that imposing NHI demonstrates a lack of Democracy following an Election where it was never a secret that implementation of this Scheme was high on Government’s Agenda… This is especially false and misleading if these same Claimants participated as Candidates or Voters thereby legitimising this Snap Election.
Such actions established the premise that all Participants were willing to abide by the results of said Election… This may not be what you wish to hear but I simply say it as I see it which may make me unpopular but the fact is, Elections carry Consequences and it would be politically unreasonable and immature to become dogmatic in our attempt to simply destroy our dislikes.
You know exactly where I stand – I seek to dictate to no one but our Energies could be better used in trying to cause realistic Changes and we have already made some progress in the Patient’s Best Interest… This is never easy and experience has shown that the same Policies, Procedures and Ideas rejected by those in power are later openly embraced and eventually claimed as theirs.
Have Faith – We are all part of that Big Picture where those forming the foundation of Life’s Pyramid will do the work and pay the price while the attention and reward is focused on the Apex – Do not become annoyed and distracted… NHI was never created in the greater Interest of you the People but you have now been given a unique opportunity to make it work in your favour.
You owe this to yourself because the Monies being played with in this Scheme is actually your Personal Social Security Money that you contributed to be available in your time of need… If you play blind, deaf and dumb while they use, abuse and lose your life Savings then you should prepare to feel the pain… The NHI Process has started but the Debate is only over when you say it is over.
This is the BVI but simple research will reveal that all across the World, Social Security and similar Schemes have brought great Promises of Hope to the Poor but in far too many instances these Schemes have been employed by Governments as Political Piggy Banks… Over time there is nothing left; especially since the Contributors in successive Generations continue to decline.
Using Tricks & Minimum Wage to keep the Poor, poor:
Whether directly or indirectly we are caught up in a plans and conspiracies designed to keep Rich, rich and Poor, poor… This is not accidental and some methods are applied so skillfully that we feel good even as they are done to us… A little known but highly effective Item in this Game Plan is devising methods to entice the Poor to spend without reason and to refrain from saving at all cost.
Many recognise Racism, the blocking of Knowledge and Education and denying of Opportunities and Jobs as a part of the overall Objectives by Political Leaders is to keep their People hungry enough so they are forced to follow and not lead… And some may even include Substance Abuse and Addiction along with the lure of Lottery and Generalise Gambling but there are many others.
Think about it – just as a Fool and his Money are soon parted – Systems are set up to accomplish this… Example: When we were paid Monthly we were obliged to develop the virtue of Patience and the skills of Planning and Saving but once we were conditioned to be paid Bi-monthly we felt that Money would soon come so we could indulge at whim without the desire to Wait or Plan or Save.
The ‘spend it before you get it’ mentality was further magnified by Credit Card Companies and Banks who were willing to give them to your Cats and Dogs so they could force you into Lifetimes of debt…. Meanwhile, saving methods like Christmas Clubs and College Funds were forgotten and the Dream of Building your own Home was discarded as Banks financed Cars but not Homes.
Greedy and Corrupt Governments caused and tolerated FATCA and other Financial Victimisation so that Banks that once encouraged us to deposit Monies with them - so they could loan it to others and pay us a tiny Percentage while they kept the lion Share - have become greedier to the point where they now charge us a Fee for allowing them to use our Money.
Furthermore, they know Government cannot reprimand them because they are using the same Rule Book where Government applies every Trick in the Book to pick every Penny out of the Poor Peoples Pocket… Alas, even the Promise of Increased Minimum Wage is not to benefit the Poor but to provide those in Higher Brackets an excuse to jack up their own Wages – and not by $2.00.
What is happening is not new - Whether at Home or abroad; Chicago or the [British] Virgin Islands- the intent of Bad Leaders is to Fool us and Rule us and this will continue for as long as we allow them to close our Schools and retard our Children… This is a different Period in time where we are wise enough to prevent NHI from meaning ‘No Help Intended’… Let us all take this chance to improve ourselves.
PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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