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Newton hearing in Tambu Frett’s case to go on despite lawyer's opposition

- Magistrate says messages pulled from Frett’s phone cannot be dismissed
Despite strong objection by defence attorney Mr E. Leroy Jones on behalf of his client, local Tambu Frett, the court will be proceeding to a Newton hearing. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards said the voice notes and WhatsApp messages pulled from Mr Tambu Frett’s phone cannot be dismissed. Photo: VINO/File
Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards said the voice notes and WhatsApp messages pulled from Mr Tambu Frett’s phone cannot be dismissed. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Tambu Frett, along with an already sentenced Bryan D. Bolan, was found entering the Virgin Islands while the borders were closed and a curfew in place on Friday, April 3, 2020. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Mr Tambu Frett, along with an already sentenced Bryan D. Bolan, was found entering the Virgin Islands while the borders were closed and a curfew in place on Friday, April 3, 2020. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Despite strong objection by defence attorney Mr E. Leroy Jones on behalf of his client, local Tambu Frett, the court will be proceeding to a Newton hearing.

The hearing, initially set to start today, May 7, 2020, was adjourned to Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 10:00am via zoom.

Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards said the voice notes and WhatsApp messages pulled from Mr Frett’s phone cannot be dismissed.

Mr Jones argued that he wanted the hearing dismissed on several grounds, including that his client pleaded guilty to all the offences, including Smuggling, and he did not dispute the Prosecution’s allegations.

He said his client denies responsibility for any offence he has not been charged with and must be sentenced based on what he was charged with before the court. He said having a Newton hearing is a waste of judicial resources and unnecessary.

“It is for the crown to prove beyond a reasonable doubt,” he argued.

He said the correspondence in question does not prove that Frett was involved in the act for financial gain and implored the court, if it is minded, to impose a custodial sentence but not a lengthy one.

From the Prosecution’s side, Senior Prosecutor Mr ONeil Simpson objected to Jones’s argument, stating that disclosure is an ongoing process.


As for the forfeiture hearing for the boat that was used to smuggle Bryan D. Bolan from St John, US Virgin Islands (USVI) to the Virgin Islands (British), belonging to Jerome Hopkins Jr, lawyer Valerie Stephens-Gordon said: “We will be opposing the application,” adding that there wasn’t an affidavit for the said application.

She also argued that there was no evidence that her client knew what Frett used his boat for when he loaned it to him.

She argued that the matter should be heard separately from Frett’s case, which was agreed by the court.

The matter was adjourned to May 27, 2020, for continuation.

Sentencing delays

Mr Frett, along with an already sentenced Bryan D. Bolan, was found entering the Virgin Islands while the borders were closed and a curfew in place on Friday, April 3, 2020.

He had pleaded guilty on April 6, 2020, to Illegal Entry, Breach of Curfew and Smuggling, but sentencing was delayed to allow for him to be quarantined.

Sentencing was further delayed on April 23, 2020, to allow the defence and crown to properly face the issue of the new information that Mr Frett was allegedly part of a smuggling ring.

Sentencing was set for April 30, 2020, but adjourned to May 1, 2020, to allow the defence to submit to the court its references to authorities presented in mitigation.

After the decision was made to have the Newton hearing, Mr Frett, through his attorney, said he was willing to get on with the sentencing and not waste any more of the court's time; however, when asked by the Magistrate if he was accepting what is in the 'report', including about him being in a smuggling ring and profiting from the illegal acts, Mr Frett declined acceptance.

See link to related article:

28 Responses to “Newton hearing in Tambu Frett’s case to go on despite lawyer's opposition”

  • Theology (07/05/2020, 15:05) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    WELL THIS IS WORST THAN A MURDER TRIAL. - new news please!!!!!
  • wow (07/05/2020, 16:12) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    they put in a new DPP so they have to appear as they doing something ...but this no mekin sense
  • one eye (07/05/2020, 17:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    More in the mota
  • Hmm (07/05/2020, 18:41) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    What do you expect when you have a sitting magistrate that was also a prosecutor? The magistrate will side with the prosecution 100% of the time, and that in itself is a miscarriage of justice.

    GOD is watching you remember that.
    • Outlaw (07/05/2020, 19:50) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ Hmm so what will you say about a former senior magistrate who is now appearing on the defense. Some of all you brain just shallow and lacks understanding
      • z6ne (08/05/2020, 05:56) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        She saw that the system is flawed and came to the aid of the people
    • what (09/05/2020, 12:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Hmm, the sitting Magistrate usually remand local to HMP(no bail) then simply release them upon appearance before her to time serve; do not do the crime if you cannot so the time....criminal conduct is an occupational hazard
  • Jaigon (07/05/2020, 19:47) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mrs. Stephens-Gordon, as a former Senior Magisrtate if this territory you of all persons should know better. It matters not whether your client knew or did not know what the boat was going to be used for, he loan it at his own peril, the boat was caught up in a smuggling operations and is liable under the customs and management duties act to be forfeited. That’s your client’s lost and he must now take Frett to the civil court.
  • wow (07/05/2020, 19:52) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Don’t do the crime and no time and stress won’t be wasted! Not sorry for the stress. They created it themselves. We was all at home respecting the law...
  • legal team (07/05/2020, 19:56) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    This matter has lost its juice. Come on, this man has pleaded guilty, and should be sentenced by the court, based on the facts presented for the offence charged.

    Defense attorney Stephens is bang on target. The forfeiture hearing is like a "VOIS DIRE" [ A TRIAL-WITHIN-A-TRIAL] and all evidence, must be administer under oath or in a sworn affidavit.

    The actual sentencing of a convicted person has nothing to do with the forfeiture, of the conveyance used during the commission of the offences.

    If you do the crime you must do the time [Just pass sentence] and lets move on, to forfeiture hearing.

    I agree with The blogger SMH: They put a new DPP, so they have to appear as though they doing something.

    But in reality,they just doing-ABSOLUTE NONE-SENSE!!
  • eyes (07/05/2020, 20:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let her sentence you do 8 months of whatever she give you and then go to appeal courts and take bail after the 8 months my boy i grantee you appeal court will over turn her decision if its more than a 12 months sentence . You cant lose. New sentencing guide lines they have to prove that you are in a smuggling ring and are a key player .
  • Jonesey (07/05/2020, 22:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Keep wasting y’all money on that cat. Total waste of time trying to milk the so-called money men.
  • ReX FeRal (08/05/2020, 06:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    "She also argued that there was no evidence that her client knew what Frett used his boat for when he loaned it to him."

    Ms Stephens-Gordon please. Thats not the case here. Ill just rest this here.
    • legal team (08/05/2020, 10:22) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Legal team and are associates are in support of Defense Attorney-Stephens Gordon, she is correct on a point of law.
      On vino, we are the court of "Public Opinions" and that's the only court in the BVI,to which we have access.
      It is a principle element of justice, that the burden of proof, relies on the prosecution to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.
      Attorney Stephens is a competent,and experienced, former senior magistrate.The criminal court is her dormain-backyard.
      She is more qualified than our DPP.
      We of the legal team,strongly believe that he knew what was going on with his boat, but in the real court-of-law, the police and the DPP must bring the evidence of Knowledge-by-actions [actus reus] and knowledge-of-guilty-mind [mens reus] to prove beyond a reasonable doubt,that he knew.
      In our court of "public opinions" ,he is guilty,but can the DPP prove him guilty in a ["COURT-OF-LAW"]?
      Sorry, but the criminal justice is for everyone of us in the BVI.
      The Governor, is the only person in the BVI,who is immune to criminal prosecution in the BVI,He can only be prosecuted in the UK.
      I say that to say---
      Always remember, never wish bad for a person who is before the criminal justice system,before a court-of-law, and never allow persons who have the responsibility to administer justice, to abuse that authority; because tomorrow in society,you might be before the same criminal justice system,and you will also want justice:
      The motto of legal team is:-
      "[ IF YOU DO THE CRIME,YOU MUST DO THE TIME"] Legal team respect everyone in society,and we respect authority.
      It is better to say:-
  • Norris Turnbull (08/05/2020, 06:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is it legal to search his phone without a warrant? Asking for me.
    • legal team to Norris turnbull (08/05/2020, 09:50) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      No. its not legal:

      Its illegal,because his phone is his private property under the constitution,and privacy of a person is a " fundamental human rights and freedoms" under the BVI Constitution.

      One day,our beloved bvi will be liberated from injustice.

      We on vino, are the court of public opinion,we will blogg.
      • Mandela (09/05/2020, 14:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ Legal Team, please stop mislead the people. Mr. Norris Turnbull do not study Legal Team with his nonsense and for those of you who hit like on his foolish blog, stop been mislead, a phone is not a persons location or a human dwelling, if a person is suspected of crime, law enforcement have all rights to interrogate his or her phone, there is legislation in place for that. Legal Team is a Dominican by birth who now resides in Dominica, he is a former police Officer and a prosecutor in the BVI but sometimes the nonsense he chats makes one wonder if he is mentally unstable. “ A search warrant is a court order that a magistrate or judge issues to authorize law enforcement officers to conduct a search of a person, location for evidence of a crime and to confiscate any evidence they find”.
  • hmm (08/05/2020, 09:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That lawyer looked STRESSED.
    • @LOL (08/05/2020, 11:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I stress to, to finaly see a lawyer who not stress but free of charge showing me how thie system should be,,fret do wrong do al you penalty,tifany playing womanmatro and time lawyers opposing bcuz she doh know about procedure in court,@legalteam and miss stephens know this ting better than tif,,go lie down and come back to court,,
    • BoSang (08/05/2020, 14:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not stressed.. those are his demons try get our and roam
  • My girl (08/05/2020, 11:03) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    too many bush lawyers in the BVI
  • Appeal (08/05/2020, 11:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    R***** done play in her own mind that win loose or draw she going ahead to deterant we,and if we don't like her poison mind sentence we can appeal. so appeal, but wen layman ppl show dem law on appeal we cussing for bringing out the law...appeal dis abuse.

  • bush lawyer? (08/05/2020, 17:35) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    from the time someone come out of hiding and come on the scene and writing about law and constitution and high ppl suppose to operate in society we quick to say dem playing lawyer and is bush lawyer.
    same thing with news ppl,as soon as the news challenge the actions of the police,politicians and governor we quick to say the news ppl doh like ppl in high position.
    it doh matter what high position someone hold in a country all that person doing is occupying the office of that position and you suppose to execute the office of that position.
    dpp,cpp rpp or mag is just a position of justice for the country,some ppl to like think that go after a case with no evidence to justify the case is passion for the job but on the outside them making a fool out the system.
    a commenter simple writing out the law, and sayin how law suppose to work,some of you vex that we seeing the light by just reading comments on news,and instead you say this writing may be some kind of genius of law we quik to say ppl playing bush lawyer,i thought a bush lawyer is a person who don't know nothing a bout law,,,
    me is bush lawyer cuz me ent know notting bout law but I now reading about law..
  • Sam (08/05/2020, 22:21) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    We must follow rule .big man ?Gov said stay home .

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