New VI Gov't forms! Lorna G. Smith now in VIP's corner!
Sources told our news centre that Lorna G. Smith, OBE has agreed to join the Virgin Islands Party to give it a 7-seat majority to form a new government.
Mrs Smith; however, is not an official member of the VIP and reports are she will remain a Member of the National Democratic Party (NDP)
Issues of portfolios are still being worked out but Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is expected to be the Premier and Mrs Smith the Deputy Premier.
More details will be provided as the information unfolds.
Lorna in the VIP's corner!
Mrs Smith, the wife of former Premier Dr D. Orlando Smith, OBE, had announced her candidacy for the 2023 general elections as an Independent but later joined the NDP, saying she needed a team.
The NDP ended with 3 seats and the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) had a similar amount, following general elections on Monday, April 24, 2023.
Progressives United (PU) Julian Fraser retained his Third District seat but it seems efforts to get him as the tiebreaker by the PVIM and NDP have failed.
Hon Fraser endorsed PVIM during the campaign trail.
The VIP will now take the Government with Lorna in its corner as Deputy Premier.

193 Responses to “New VI Gov't forms! Lorna G. Smith now in VIP's corner!”
He got he finger in everybody rectum!
And I know who my money would be on as the winner.
@ shut yo r@%^, see what? What are you really trying to imply.
Tourism cannot hold us down forever? COVID?
What if the US Dollar is taken away?
Independence with the greedy Politicians we have now? We are in deep sh!+ If we go independent!
There are more questions that answers!
Agriculture in the BVI is dead and the Government killed it! Not just on Government but all of them. Selfish greedy people who are afraid to tell their fellow politician that they are wrong this is not good for the people...but they have energy to sign that Greedy Bill! Hmmmm let all of this soak in wharfage raised from 1 to 2%. I can tell you tax going kill us now. Politicians done feel they above the law.
Hopefully she will mitain her passion and being in her own words "a voice for the Voiceless" at least for another 4 years
That was a genius move on Lorna's part. Now she in a position to help us out of this mess that the guy in Miami created, allegedly.
She is only there to carry on her family legacy. She is very disrespectful to the voters.
Make us proud
Big Congratulations to VIP, with our D7 Hon Mr. Wheatley at the helm. Thank God, Mrs Smith answered the call to cross over in the interest of the Country. Woman of integrity. A woman indeed!!!
Rejoice oh people rejoice!! Let us match to zion, motorcade this evening?? Need for big celebration from East to West. Dist 1 to 9. let us celebrate, the Lord is sooo great!! Halleluia!!
Congrats to the Vip
When limes are sent to you
You made juice and enjoyed.
Make us proud and do the right things Fot the country going forward.
results our Cruise business resulting from greater involvement and assistance from the cruise line Association. Better performance by our twin economic pillar, Financial Services beginning shortly. Money makes the mare run
. Lorna you did the right thing. Let Ronnie , Marlon and Walwyn fight. If you did not vote or can not vote. Isl*** people need to stay out of BVI politics. We don’t infers or give two sh*** when your islands are having election. So stay out of ours. She did the right thing. Better than having to GOV choose our premier. Lorna we thank you for looking at the bigger picture and not the immediate one. You have my support .
People voted for her because they wanted a change. By her actions the people end up getting more of the same for another 4 years. She has totally slapped the voters in their face.
Last year under Sowande he was kept in check by the Unity Government, now he will have full reign with his own party and HC behind the scenes pulling strings! Lorna has violated the trust of the BVI!
VIP have twominority members and a leader who got 400 votes.
After all the noise that was levied against the VIP, by the NDP, "blood is thicker than water", mehson!
Finally, the paternal grandmother of the Premier, and the mother of the former Premier's children, grandchildren, and their spouses, has finally decided to "shake hands and get down about business"!!
What ah ting!
Was elected. VIP just need to work on getting Stacy Mather over now and they set.
Can't blame her. But let's see how long it last.
As for Fraser, belly full but hungry.
Stop it stop it stop it. My sheep knoweth my voice says the Lord God almighty.
i am so disappointed with the hon Julian Fraser and Mrs Lorna Smith. All of the Virgin Islands i spoke to today feel so discouraged. these people are only for themselves and family, not country. Just want the fame and power. If i only knew this will happen i would not have gone to the polls. this whole fiasco makes me sick to the stomach. set of deceitful people.
Your acted of why you cross the floor do not add up, power grabbing ravenous woman. While many welcome your move as a good one, your have behave like Dudas done. You are a betrayer of those that have put a much confidence in you. You have won a position, the BVI lost the game. Soon many will come to realize the truth of action of selfishness. As the old saying goes, "God is greater than man" so does time longer than twine.", Floor crosser, Lorna Smith.
I love it
By Tafari Zharr
BUT FIRST WHO WILL BE SEATED: new PUP [Progressive United Party) or once disbanded VIP (Virgins Islands Party).
“The House was informed that the then Governor of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) had launched a Commission of Inquiry (COI) into claims that corruption, abuse of position and serious impropriety had taken place in public office in recent years. (On (Hansard, HCWS716, column 32WS)
Elizabeth Truss -UK statement (corruption/abuses
18 January 2021
Gov. Received Gary Hickinbottom report to release
June 04 April, 2022
Andrew Fahie Arrested (1:22-mj-02719)
28 April, 2022
28 April, 2022,
BVI would not deliver the essential reforms required:” BVI Governor publish report and findings
29 April 2022
Government of National Unity, SWORN IN
5 May 2022
Premier Fahie’s Retirement from HOA,
24 Nov , 2022
“I, Andrew Alturo Fahie, now respectfully take this time to officially inform you Madam Speaker, … a copy.”
House Of Assembly Dissolved
10 March, 2023
Election Day
24 April, 2023
WE ALL HEARD AND READ IT: SUFFICIENT PROGRESS under Premier Natalio Wheatley has not been made.
"If it becomes clear that this approach is not delivering the reform the people of the BVI want and deserve we will take action. This may require the swift implementation of the final report recommendation [imposing direct rule]."
COI said “almost everywhere “ in the principles of openness, transparency and the rule of law were ignored.” And for direct rule to be imposed for at least two years.”
Its Moments after Election, the governor still can offer his perspective as far as good governance to be in keeping with the privy council’s recommendations based upon different scenarios.
REFLECTION the unity government failed to deliver on the reforms, which no one could have met anyway. Let’s not forget that which is apparent. Like the heavy reprimand of an imposing parent, the child with eyes closed is waiting, hunched shoulders, muscles tensed, bracing for the shoe, belt, hand, stick, or whip, to drop. The UK threat of “Order of Direct Rule, it can stand up for the people.
IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS WE TAKE CARE OF HOME FIRST, so in that spirit let my mind get set on my opinions:
FIRST: Assemble the home, VIP can add anyone really. But, if you make Vincent Wheatley Premier, Mather is a good choice. Additionally, Bring Lorna Smith In and Make Her your anchor. With That’s the Move - we have a legacy election with empowerment for our women; and we have our first female leader Lorna is really, really, good.
SECOND: The Other NDP PVIM PU Parties Form a new PUP -Progressive Unity Party and Again Lorna For Premier or Fraser, but Lorna is preference in this scenario. Ronnie: Finance. Mix it up
“…If it becomes clear that this approach is not delivering the reform that the people of the BVI want and deserve, we will take action.
This may require the swift implementation of the final report recommendation.
In order to be able to do so quickly if required,
the UK Government has submitted an
Should it prove necessary to do so, I will instruct
the Governor to make a proclamation in the BVI Gazette
appointing a day that the Order will come into force…”
Copyright (c) 2023 by Tafari Zharr
April 25,2023 first posted
By Tafari Zharr
Who knew that there’d be this excitement and response to Lorna Smith’s “getting into her marks, get set” in the political race?
The “Lorn Star” Candidate has amassed a following bringing together natives, belongers, Br citizens, and UK citizens, and others perhaps unwittingly unleashing the “Lorn Stars” - a fan Phenom in the making.
So, for the “Lorn Stars“ Lorna is a necessary good. “Lorna just needs to get in the race and DUCK identity politics ; she has to r - u- n like she’s never ran before! Neither catwalk nor cake walk - I think she knows it’s going to be a battle for the deserving person.
Lorna’s platform could be reformation towards betterment for all regardless of ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other group with relief/ plan of actions as well with focus for integration of for inclusion, equality, and justice, fair work practices, sexual harassment in the workplace.
On the other hand BVI “Dreamers” are curious- and I’m being told that Lorna Smith (who is coming out of semiretirement) has to be solutions oriented, critical is that she’s approachable (albeit she’s a normally visible and well known person).
Besides refreshing- It could be game changing for many who tuned out or otherwise felt left out of the local VI political process. For some Virgin Islanders her cumulative resume may very well deliver something different, given her reach, superb, local and global connections, and diplomatic capabilities.
There’s strong emotion for the candidate’s bravery with mixed feelings with reference of ageism or gender. Yet the reason for her to leave her mark and run is a good-one for those campaigning. As a well intentioned newcomer she’ll Shake things up!
Remarkably inspiring, one hopes she find her political starting lane promptly around emotions and noises from the “divisionists and the divisionistas” and that she doesn’t have any false starts or missteps trying to prove something or someone she isn’t.
What’s relevant is: if she’s as committed to her purpose as she has been before as a civil servant, and as a civic minded individual all eyes are on her to finish the race. With Lorna’s ears on the gun it’s her race to win or lose. Imagine her appealing to her constituents and the people showing out.- it’s going to be interesting to see just how athletic this candidate is and whether or not she’ll run with a slow burn or a blistering pace; either way it’s left to be observed if everything she accomplished was to allow her to run this marathon. Lord knows given the political climate in the BVI theses days that it’s not going to be a sprint for her or anyone. With so much at stake one can hope at best that her race is the relay, and she rallies with at least four teammates, to harness rapport and teamwork, to develop the kind of genuine coordination, needed for a smooth and adept passing of the message to allow the baton to reach the anchor . If she can become that designated person she’ll cross the finish line.
There no argument that she’s capable of a medley and long distance running but can she do a cross country race? Now, that’s up to the voters!
The good news is no one will dominate the races this election. She has to bring the spectators and track and field fans reasonable hope, and inspire most that she can run walk and chew gum at the same time with the worst of us and the best of them; and who will be bothered by her authenticity? YES SHE CAN be Outstanding, Outspoken and Outcomes driven!
Lorna is the embodiment of a woman cultivated by us for us and by VI standards for the world to respect and appreciate. She’s no slouch! Others are admittedly claiming Lorna is already an icon- influencer in fashion, affinity of famous families; but a female on the frontier of change in VI politics sets a political precedent that would be uniquely hers! Clearly she’s Justified in her decision to fight for her territory- Go Girl! RUN LORNA RUN.
It’s a Runners world for all the girls as BVI Politics heads to the Olympics!
Congratulations to all the women. I
The Lorn Star Candidate.Copyright (c) 2023. Tafari Zharr
By Tafari Zharr
VI Voted with Exactness, VI Braced, For Us All
VI Voted for a Better Democracy" Any Day Now
VI Voted As If Its Bloodline Depended On It
The Non-Bliss Is Not A Dis
It's Indicative, the Tensions, the Biases
*VI People, the world sees as Dark and Doom
But Our Narrative: Resilience Is Our Story
Like Your Leaders We’re Deserving of Political Grace
Second Chances: Of which We Know Nothing Else,
Therefore, We Are Right Now Who We Strive To Become B E T T E R
Virgins On The Edge - Towards Self Determination
Rocking Into A Thriving World-class Economy
Our Elections Are Representations Of The People
Reflections Of The Dynamism Of Our Democracy
Emancipated And Empowered: More Inclusive And Willing, Present But Patient
That’s The Voice Of The Voting Virgin Islands
Not Defined By An Inquiry Neither Label nor Libel will do
VI Voted for Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
VI Voted For A Territorial Right To Choose
No disingenuousness UK: VI voted against UK Direct Rule
(c) 2020. Tafari Zharr. All rights reserved.
The government. I don’t got it. Lorna’s move is an easier fix to get a government going that if the PVIM, NDP and PU was trying to form it. Look confusion.
Ronnie: going help all his family get richer
Frazer: Way too arrogant.
MArlon: No experience.
Who is left? A woman who people claims sat by and watched her husband do a bunch of piddle, but....
She has experience n dealing with Asia, and as the dollar collapses.....
She opened the london office so she has working knowledge of the UK laws
Some see it as treachery but it looks like it is what is best for the country. Be that as it may, WE THE PEOPLE, hold the true power. If we dont like it, given a period of time, we take them out.
THAT, is OUR constitutional right!
1) Mather cross the floor as a rookie... wasn't going to happen
2) Mitch cross the floor, D2 and PVIM turn up
3) Marlon cross, nah. No cahones
4) Ronnie cross, instability PVIM gone
5) Frazer... lol nuff said
6) Myron cross... you figure that one out
7) Lorna... she in tour corner. Steps out to bring stability. Government formed strong vibrant opposition
Other option was 7 dysfunctional super heroes banding together to form the government? Wasn't going to happen in our lifetime. Frazer's ego is too big. Current leader of NDP and former NDP leader Marlon and Myron would be Tom and Jerry or road runner and cayote take your pick. Ronnie and Lorna batting and Mitch and Mather eating popcorn. It would have been a fiasco. Governor would have had to step in to pick a squad. Lorna showed that she's got balls. Make a decision and move with intention. Leaders lead!
shareen & Vincent we’re ALL rookies and horrible at it - look at the records! Lorna is for self above anything or anyone else! How many of the VIP clowns ever ran a company or department before they were elected 2019? Gtfoh with talkie BS preschool reasoning. This arrangement is going to fail -
Watch and see…6 months I give this tag tag bunch of misfits….
And from what I heard she's highly qualified and experienced for such. For all I care it could of been anyone of them made that move and they too would of been called a traitor too.
What you all wanted they spend 4 days trying to get their stuff together and then have the governor select.
I did not vote for her, but I'm glad she made the decision and would rather her or Stacy than any of the others.
Just give the lady a chance
Jumpef shipb