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New Police stations for Road Town & East End!

Mr. Morris has expressed his concern of the conditions of the Road Town Police Station (left) for months. The East End station will also get a new look. Photo: RVIPF
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Plans are currently being drawn up for new Road Town and East End Police stations, revealed the Territory’s acting Commissioner of Police, which would cost a few million dollars to construct.

“We are putting bids in for capital funding,” David Morris told Virgin Islands News Online in an exclusive interview recently, and estimated that the two projects could be in the ballpark of $16M.

In addition to that, the acting COP stated that stations on Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, the Police Headquarters and West End Police station need upgrading.

And while he did not give deadlines as to when construction will begin, Mr. Morris is pleased that the buildings will improve the overall conditions for officers.

For months, Mr. Morris had lamented on the state of affairs at some of the stations.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference at Police Headquarters on Wednesday September 28, 2011, he had disclosed that officers at the Road Town Police Station, which is overcrowded, has to deal with leaking roofs. He had also noted that ranks at the Anegada Police Station have to contend with flooding every time it rains.

“You ask people to deliver a good service you got to give them good conditions to work in. You look at Road Town… every day we are trying to patch it up and keep it running…The conditions of our police station is very, very poor and we try our best to keep it going for our officers and particularly those officers that stay overnight in the barracks and places like that….certainly the conditions that our officers work under are very poor and need to be improved,” he had stated.

17 Responses to “New Police stations for Road Town & East End! ”

  • observer (10/07/2012, 07:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder where this 16million he's talking about is going to come from? Will we have to borrow that or will the UK give Her Royal Police force a grant to build see what or current borrowing guideline are. All the money that the force confisicated through the courts along with fines and tickets cant build a police station there should be a special account set up through Government for all cash collected by the court for police offences so that when the force needs any thing it comes from the account.We pay or fine,tickets and even have large cash confisicate and mean to tell me we the tax payers still have to cough up more money.Set your house in order Mr.Morris lobby the Government to have this special account set up so the force can fund there own projects.
    • You too smart (10/07/2012, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Whats your problem? The Police is our only protection in the BVI.You trying to tell me we could give you money to pay bills and build walls and ghuts and can`t give to our own protection?Give a break here. The police is just like our doctors , our children and teachers in schools, They too need to feel comfortable in their work that they might do it to the best of their ability. We always come blogging about things that we don`t seem to care about. Go join the force and be apart of the bigger community.
    • hey mon (10/07/2012, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      May be the cop will get the uk to sign off
    • court officer (10/07/2012, 11:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And tell me why the magistrate court should not be the beneficiary? And why should a special account be set up for officers who could hardly bring the right man to justice given the low conviction rate. And why should we know whether police stations just started leaking since Morris came. This is a problem and recommendation should come from Ministry of Works. Why is this commissioner belittling us?
    • focus BVI (10/07/2012, 11:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And tell me why the magistrate court should not be the beneficiary? And why should a special account be set up for officers who could hardly bring the right man to justice given the low conviction rate. And why should we know whether police stations just started leaking since Morris came. This is a problem and THE recommendation should come from Ministry of Works . Why is this commissioner belittling us with our leaking roofs.
    • IT WILL BE BUILT (11/07/2012, 08:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      New Police facilities are needed, and they will be built. Not this year, but during the reign of COMMISSIONER MORRIS, because UK will release funds for it for TWO reasons: 1. A UK Commissioner is in charge, and we can rely on him to count and scrape every penny of theirs. 2. It is now becoming an International Embarrassment, the way the UK has neglected the Caribbean UKOTs over the years, without providing tangible support, usually excused by saying THEY DON'T NEED IT.......THEY'RE DOING QUITE WELL ON THEIR OWN. SPARROW SAY', NO MONEY NO LOVE. don't need it, they are doing quite well on their own.
  • critic (10/07/2012, 09:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    new stations wont solve crime....let england take up this tab
    • Confucius (10/07/2012, 09:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Critic, did you have some sort of head injury at some point in time? I am sure the British people would love nothing better than to have THEIR tax dollars pay for OUR police station upgrades! What world do you live in? If you have been inside the police stations, you would be ashamed to see the appalling condition they are in. Yes, the government is broke, but there are certain things which MUST be done in order to maintain the various building government owns. The police stations are just one small part of our crumbling infrastructure and I think it is well past time something was done about it.
      • bat man (11/07/2012, 01:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        critic need to do the people work from on here all day commenting on everything...strupppssss
      • Mahatma BVI (11/07/2012, 08:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Internal Security and External Security are the Constitutional Responsibilities of the United Kingdom , not the BVI Government. The Prison is not called Her Majest's Prison and the Police, Her Majesty's Police Force for nothing. UK built the Prisons in all the Overseas Territories, but does not provide monies for staff salaries, operations, or maintenance of buildings. The BVI Government ( Not the UK ) pays for the salaries and maintenance and Construction of Police Buildings on Tortola. If these services are called Her Majesty's Services, the least the Her Majesty could do, would be to build them, maintain them, pay police officers' salaries. The Commissioner of Police recognizes the importance of adequate structures in improving service. If Her Majesty does not provide funding for these things, then they should not bear her name. I am sure she is not aware of these things, and would not wish to be associated with the decrepit state of these buildings, providing a service for which she is constitutionally responsible. IT IS A SHAME!!!!! LET THE QUEEN KNOW, and she will tell the UK Government to fund it, or remove her name from it forthwith.
  • dude (10/07/2012, 09:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wasted money for a domino & pool hall. They still won't do any work.
  • talk girl talk (10/07/2012, 09:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What the hick is tis??Morris turn politician making capital expenditure announcement????…Dr. Smith watch this man!
    • Running mouth (10/07/2012, 11:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      All this man is doing is running his mouth instead of solving crime. Is he so concerned about better conditions for police? Or himself? Most government buildings are in a state of disrepair -labour department, high court, magistarte courts, prison, customs, schools etc etc. mr. Morris should stop babbling and do the work of the country -solve crimes. He didn't come here to tell us what we need to improve. He came here to solve crimes and he has failed terrible. So he is trying hard to "woo" police officers by these false statements. Any infrastructure takes years -look at the hospital. And certainly the question is: where will government get the money from?
      • cake (10/07/2012, 17:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        just remember he could get away with being high paid and no work for he has a god father at the white house who from where he is bvi eat cake
  • Mark (10/07/2012, 11:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wonder if the Governor sanctioned this. I will like to see better buildinga around Roadtown but crime solving is No. 1 priority. We dont want to hear, we want to see -be the action man like Mark. lol
  • Retired police (10/07/2012, 15:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I respect what Mr. Morris is trying to do. But since he is not acquainted with the Caribbean, he will only have to dream and hope, one day, as many of us, hope, that we will get better police stations, better courthouses, better hospitals, better community centres (or community centres where none exists), better facilities at airports and seaports, better roads, better sewerage etc etc. The reality though, Mr. Morris is that Caribbean leaders do not concern themselves too much with better police stations etc because police stations are not revenue-earning. In fact, they see them as a drain on the economy. I have complained on many occasions when my department had no toilet paper, no printing materials, no air-conditioners etc and I was seen as a complaining child. My advice to you is to stop complaining, try and call in Public Works (although I am not sure whether they can do much with no money and technical team). Believe it -nothing will be done and you will have more stress. Work with what you have and keep on dreaming with the hope that one day, that dream may come through. Twenty years ago, I heard that we were going to get a new police station in the island I am from and 20 years later (having retired) it has not come to fruition. So work with what you have.
    • Proud West Indian (10/07/2012, 17:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The Police are one of the top revenue earners for the Govt so I don't knowe what crap u are r talking Mr Retired Police Officer. Thank God u retired because u don't know sh$t !!!

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