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New medical school to kickstart edu-tourism in VI- Premier Wheatley

- PHSU will make medical studies more accessible & affordable for Virgin Islanders
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley said the Virgin Islands has resources and the offerings to do well in the edu-tourism sector. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Ponce Health Sciences University (PSHU) will officially open its Virgin Islands campus in July 2025, with 50 students. Photo: Internet Source
Ponce Health Sciences University (PSHU) will officially open its Virgin Islands campus in July 2025, with 50 students. Photo: Internet Source
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is confident students who come to study medicine at Ponce Health Sciences University would love to engage in exploring and enjoying all the Virgin Islands has to offer. Photo: Internet Source
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) is confident students who come to study medicine at Ponce Health Sciences University would love to engage in exploring and enjoying all the Virgin Islands has to offer. Photo: Internet Source
The press conference on March 24, 2025, which saw Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), left, in attendance, was to allow Ponce Health Sciences University- BVI School of Medicine to announce plans for the opening, the structure, the vision of the school of medicine in the VI and provide updates on the student enrollment to date. Photo: GIS
The press conference on March 24, 2025, which saw Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), left, in attendance, was to allow Ponce Health Sciences University- BVI School of Medicine to announce plans for the opening, the structure, the vision of the school of medicine in the VI and provide updates on the student enrollment to date. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said the opening of the medical school, Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) in the Virgin Islands, will kickstart the Territory’s edu-tourism sector.

Premier Wheatley addressed a press conference with PHSU officials as well as other government ministers on Monday, March 24, 2025, at Cutlass Tower.

“Among the 50 students in the first cohort are persons from other countries who have grabbed the opportunity to study in one of the most beautiful vacation destinations in the world, and this trend is expected to continue year after year,” the Premier said. 

According to the Premier, the students will be exposed to the benefits of learning VI culture, society, and history by living and studying among locals.

VI positioned to do well in edu-tourism

“The BVI has the resources and the offerings to do well in this segment of the industry, even as we continue to hold our stake and our share in the traditional segments,” Dr Wheatley expressed, continuing, “There is nothing a young college student would love more than being able to head to the beach after a tiring day in class; or snorkelling the reefs, sailing around our beautiful islands, or hiking any of our spectacular trails on weekends.”

Once settled, he said confidently, these students will invite friends and family to visit the VI for long weekends and holidays.

Premier Wheatley added that increased air connectivity also plays a role in positioning the Territory to take advantage of edu-tourism. 

“Government made a serious push in 2020 to put measures in place to facilitate medical schools being established in the BVI. We were also determined to increase airlift, particularly with respect to introducing direct flights to the US mainland – which we have achieved,” he reminded. 

This first step into edu-tourism will also have positive implications for the territory as students, faculty and other staff members would need accommodation, transportation, food and more, “spurring economic activity with every interaction”.

More accessible for locals

With PHSU opening it’s doors here in the VI in July 2025, Premier Wheatley said it makes obtaining a medical school education more accessible and cheaper for Virgin Islanders. 

“Virgin Islanders do not have to leave their homes and their families and go overseas to study medicine. They can do it right here – at least for the first two years – instead of having to pay costs for travel and accommodation abroad,” he said. 

The Premier added that with this new lower cost and convenient option, it is the hope of the government that more Virgin Islanders will take the opportunity to enter the field of medicine. 

Upon completion of their studies, Dr Wheatley said these students would be able to enter positions at local healthcare institutions, contribute to the healthcare needs of the people and strengthen the Territory’s capacity. 

5 Responses to “New medical school to kickstart edu-tourism in VI- Premier Wheatley ”

  • Lb (25/03/2025, 09:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    this is a great mood
  • Dr of theology (25/03/2025, 12:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talking about masters of social science degrees not a thermometer in sight.
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (25/03/2025, 13:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    "New medical School to kickstart edu-tourism in VI- Premier Wheatley." ????

    "There is nothing a young coll student will love more than being able to head to the beach after a tiring day at class, or snorkeling the reefs, sailing around the beautiful Islands or hiking some of our spectacular trails on weekends."

    If college students had a tiring day at class, where will there get the bust os energy to go to the beach, or go snorkeling and sailing around our Islands, or go hiking, and so forth.
    In my judgment, Premier Wheatley, they would quickly go where home to get rest.
    Are you sure, Premier, that your brain, and mouth don't need some rest.
    Of course of what you have said are positive, but some simple don't make good sense at all. If you think more, talk less, travel overseas less, party less, and get more mental, and physical rest, these practice would will help you do better, hopefully your best. The choices are your only to make.
    May God bless you, richly, Premier Wheatley.

  • Medical school!? (25/03/2025, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Has anyone gone to a hospital here? How about the medical clinics on our isolated sister Islands?
    Now we want to kick start tourism with a medical school. We'll, that's definitely and idea...not a good idea
  • homeless (25/03/2025, 16:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    May be good for the economy however this and other Government programs to bring more people to reside temporarily or long term in the BVI is going to add to an already serious housing crunch and increase rental costs even more for locals....PPP = Piss Poor Planning....

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