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New court rules questionable

- Parking in courtyard only allowed for lawyers & court staff
New security gates installed at the Magistrate's Court at John's Hole, Tortola. Photo: VINO
It was Court Manager Mrs Eunice Crawford who politely informed reporters of the new rule as it relates to parking in the yard of the Magistrate's Court. Photo: Internet source
It was Court Manager Mrs Eunice Crawford who politely informed reporters of the new rule as it relates to parking in the yard of the Magistrate's Court. Photo: Internet source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – It was a long discussion among several persons gathered at the Magistrate’s Court in John’s Hole yesterday afternoon, March 16, 2015 as they waited for over an hour after the scheduled 2:00pm start. The topic was about the sudden restricted parking rules in the fenced space of the court.

Many persons, including reporters, tried to gain entrance to the courtyard with their vehicles but were told that parking in the compound was no longer permitted. This was told to a reporter of this news site as well.

Recently, security gates were affixed at the entrance of the courtyard and persons attempting to gain entry with their vehicles are now required to seek permission by speaking through an intercom system.

“Can I help you?” was the first response received by our reporter.

“Do you have a matter in court today?”

“No I am a reporter.”

“You from which newspaper?”

“I am a reporter with VINO.”

“Well you will have to park outside and walk in through the pedestrian’s gate.”

However, another reporter from a different news site entered to the facility but was shortly after approached by Court Manager Mrs Eunice Crawford, who emerged from her office and informed the reporter that he had to leave the premises and park on the outside. Her reason was questioned when she said, “I know you are going to put me in the news for this but that’s ok, but that’s the rule right now. For now we are only allowing lawyers and court staff to park in here, it’s the rule now and sometime later on we will put out something explaining why.”

Nearby, Mr Otto O’Neal and Mrs Irene Penn- O’Neal were seated in their vehicle and they too were ordered out of the courtyard after the Court Manager asked whether they had a matter in court, to which they responded in the affirmative.

Court shielding offenders?

Many persons, however, were not comfortable with having to wait in the hot sun and began asking questions. “Is the Magistrate’s Court attempting to frustrate the public, including reporters, especially when it comes to capturing the photos of criminals to have them exposed to the public?” was one of the questions asked.

Reporters cannot enter into the courtroom with any recording device, including cameras and cell phones, which they now have to leave in their vehicles parked some distance away from the court.

Persons entering the courtroom are also now being extensively searched. But one questions if the court itself is in breach of certain security principles as, in the instance of yesterday, a female police officer had to search both males and females.

7 Responses to “New court rules questionable”

  • qc (17/03/2015, 09:09) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • 2nd class (17/03/2015, 09:28) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Firstly, witnesses are not allowed in the corridor area inside the court building, because of a badly designed and none sound proof partition wall. This was bad enough with members of the public and police officer witnesses huddling under trees in the yard to escape the hot sun. Now it is even worse, they are all banished to the road outside.

    So much for a customer friendly service. It seems that one rule for the lawyers and 2nd class for everyone else.
  • rewrsdffds (17/03/2015, 09:43) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is the magistrate's court greater than the high court? The rules and regulations enforced at the magistrate's court are not in place for the high court, so what's the beef?
  • concern (17/03/2015, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What they should do is boycott both court houses its shame how people have to be cramp up in those building .
  • Well Sah (17/03/2015, 10:10) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tortola is fast becoming like a concentration camp.
  • What parking? (17/03/2015, 11:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This would be ok if there was a car park outside the gates but there isn't so the court is making people park their cars illegally outside. The last thing you want on a school road is cars parked on it as you can't see a child emerging from between parked cars until it is too late.
    • Outlaw (17/03/2015, 14:19) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      There is lots of parking space opposite the ASPS and down by the scout building. Tortola is the only place that make noise when people try to put security measures in place. Look at nearby STT, you don't dear park in close proximity of the court building. People here just needs to adopt to rules and regulations and some of those reporters fully well know they cannot try that where the hell they from but they come here and feel it's a free for all

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