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New CoP should bring ‘radical transformational change’- Governor Pruce

Governor Daniel Pruce has said an individual who can bring radical transformational change to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), should be the next Commissioner of Police (CoP). Photo: Facebook
Former CoP Mark Collins’ tenure ended on November 30, 2024. Photo: GIS/File
Former CoP Mark Collins’ tenure ended on November 30, 2024. Photo: GIS/File
Jacqueline E. Vanterpool is currently the Acting Commissioner of Police. Photo: Internet Source
Jacqueline E. Vanterpool is currently the Acting Commissioner of Police. Photo: Internet Source
It is alleged that no UK national including Assistant Police Commissioner Pam Trevillion made the shortlist for CoP. Photo: RVIPF/Facebook
It is alleged that no UK national including Assistant Police Commissioner Pam Trevillion made the shortlist for CoP. Photo: RVIPF/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Governor Daniel Pruce has said an individual who can bring radical transformational change to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), should be the next Commissioner of Police (CoP).

On October 31, 2024, it was announced that the search for a new CoP was suspended; a decision that surprised many.

However, speaking with JTV Channel 55’s Cathy O. Richards in December 2024, Governor Pruce sought to clarify the sudden suspension of the process to recruit a new Commission of Police for the Virgin Islands (VI).

Not directly involved in the process

The search for a new top cop has been a matter of concern for residents in the VI. Former CoP Mark Collins’ tenure ended on November 30, 2024; he was appointed to the position by former Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert in April 2021.  

Jacqueline E. Vanterpool is currently the Acting Commissioner of Police.

Governor Pruce, during the sit down with Miss Richards, said as Governor he is not directly involved in the recruitment process.

“My job comes at the end of the process, where the selection panel has identified their recommended candidate that then comes to me. So I'm not directly involved in the recruitment process itself,” he said.

However, many in the Police Welfare Association have blasted Governor Pruce for his direct interference in the recruitment process. It is believed that because there were no UK nationals, including Assistant Police Commissioner Pam Trevillion, on the shortlist he interfered, abruptly and illegally halting the process.

Many believe that Governor Pruce is determined to return a UK national to the post of Commissioner of Police when in fact there are many locals in the Virgin Islands who can hold the post including Comptroller of Customs Wade N. Smith, former Superintendent of His Majesty’s Prisons, and Guy M. Hill, and Financial Investigation Head Mr. Errol George.

Both the Police Service Commission and the National Security Council have insisted that there are qualified locals who can hold the post, but many remain suspicious of Governor Pruce and his continued interference in the process

It is also believed that all those who applied and made the shortlist must now reapply. The system, to many critics, has already been tainted and many are aware of what Governor Pruce’s outcome will be, another UK national.

Some of the Governor’s critics have even said that he is fighting to find a post for the former disgraced and embattled CoP Mark Collins but he has been faced with resistance from the Police Service Commission and others with knowledge of the plot.

Mark Collins left the post of CoP in disgrace with fifty-five counts alleged against him including corruption and a bogus investigation where many who were involved in the allegations were not even interviewed.

Virgin Islanders are determined to have a local Commissioner of Police who is qualified back at the helm of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force.

Law enforcement review

While the search for a new CoP began sometime in May 2024, a law enforcement review was also started where several areas needing attention arose within the police and other law enforcement agencies most important among which was the need for great leadership.

With the finalization of the first volume of the review, the second he said should come in early 2025.

“I understand that will include a further series of far-reaching recommendations for the law enforcement community, again, including the police…So with that knowledge, I felt that we needed to rethink the person specification for the next police commissioner because we had new information,” Governor Pruce stated.

Looking for someone ‘very experienced’- Governor Pruce

Governor Pruce said it was necessary to stop the recruitment process until the final version of Volume 2 of the Law Enforcement Review is ready which will then be used as a guide.

“That seemed to me to be the correct approach. It also seemed to me to be the fair approach, because I didn't feel that we could continue with a process where we would be recruiting people against a specification, which we knew was no longer the specification that we needed for the future,” Governor Pruce explained.

The Governor said they will be looking for someone who is a “very experienced police officer” with a vast knowledge of the administration of law, order, and security.

“But we also need someone who will be able to deliver quite radical transformational change in a complex organization, with a lot of moving parts, that is itself dealing with a range of diverse challenges,” he added.

Governor Pruce said the process, when restarted, can take months however he hopes the Virgin Islands will have a new Police Commissioner in place by late summer or late autumn.

See link to previous story published on November 1, 2024

Governor Pruce suddenly suspends recruitment process for new CoP | Virgin Islands News Online

25 Responses to “New CoP should bring ‘radical transformational change’- Governor Pruce”

  • smh (03/01/2025, 11:47) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply

    What an insult to the acting COP. The Governor's intention is clearly stated without him saying it. He prefers to fill the position with a non Virgin Islander ( firmly a UK national) deep $%^&.

    • BiG FACT$ (03/01/2025, 15:36) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
      That lady is a waste of time, and is part of the problem.
      Yes I am VI individual /family generations from Nottingham Estate who is making this statement and yes I had dealt with her already.Waste of time and I was surprised and really disappointed. It hard to cheer/big up for the home tea
  • Anonymous (03/01/2025, 11:54) Like (11) Dislike (12) Reply
    Look how this governor has killed his reputation over trying to look out for mark collins smh
  • The watchdog (03/01/2025, 14:28) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    I have lost trust in this governor we need to march for him to go
  • local boy (03/01/2025, 14:31) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    We Virgin Islanders failed to realize those wypipo look out and cover their own no ppl of colour will be the CoP. UK govern in a dictatorship way and we continue to stick our heads in the sand. Tell them bigots to get out of country
    • Really (03/01/2025, 16:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Because you fail to realise the bpipo does be looking out for wypipo them also while they allow they family and friends get away in murder
    • from here (05/01/2025, 12:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      We all is grab in a barrel the Govoner is right. Do not chose those un educated pleople they full of $%^&.

  • Stealth (03/01/2025, 15:31) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    UK un-elected Guv Pruce not involved in the recruitment process? How many Pinocchios? Who suspended the recruitment? Guv Pruce. Guv, please don’t piss on us and insult us it is raining.. He/she who writes the position description targets who he/she wants. PD targets specific people, ie, preferring UK nationals. Those signals have been sent. Certain people encourage to apply. The Sambos, appeasers will jump through hoops, do cartwheels to appoint who the Guv wants. The selection is a fait accompli. Locals never stood a change and were excercised hopelessly,,wasting time and energy to apply..
  • (03/01/2025, 16:44) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    There's a man who can manage the police but he's incorruptible. So he won't do. Wicked disciples of Lucifer roaming the VI out of the Governor's office.
  • police (03/01/2025, 18:11) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    This racist man must thing we stupid
  • What? (03/01/2025, 19:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come on people/. Does not matter color of skin or nationality. We need a good COP and strong law enforcement. Period.
    • Josiahsbay (04/01/2025, 09:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you think that under post-colonial rule, which has shifted to neo-colonial rule, color or race doesn't matter? You can't be that naive. We fear independence and autonomy and are comfortable with a custodial relationship with the UK as the parent. Most people claim that we are not ready but the truth is that we have never tried to be.
  • Rubber Duck (03/01/2025, 22:52) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Wade Smith as Police Commissioner? Right, let’s put the West End crew in charge of the prison too.
    • @ rubber duck (04/01/2025, 08:45) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Well we had wicked corrupt collins where were you? A man with 55 charges From his own police officers

      Wade is clean and could be cop but he is black and would not qualify and we know the charges are bogus just like those on Myron, esteemed, Najain and Stevens
  • pat (03/01/2025, 23:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    he lies just like Collins he wants another white man to be the top cop we will not let it happen this time
    • police (04/01/2025, 14:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So tell me something PAT, are you going to stop it from happening, if not then who?. blah blah blah.
  • lodger (04/01/2025, 03:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Do you ever wonder why no qualified british black policemen apply for the job? Could it be that they know what a dead end job this is?
  • change (04/01/2025, 08:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Assent the cannabis bill or tell them what they need to do. Going on year 5 its ridiculous. And sad considering it is the best you can do to reduce crime and increase community spirit and love for police work.

    One reason I dont like police is because they uphold foolish laws and it reminds me that ignorance like slavery was legal, enforced and now we have police running people down for a plant that heals. Ignorance.

    On New years Eve tourist were indulging left right and center no quality control except on the alcohol. Only happy to score. Several of them asked me hopping to get lucky and I told them no but unless you are a drinker its obvious we are far from reality to providing the adult entertainment what people really want in a safe manner.
  • Yes to U k (04/01/2025, 09:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    @pat you can't stop the Governor from doing anything when are you guts going to get that through your hard Head's, he doesn't work for the BVI.
  • Honesty (04/01/2025, 10:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The COP should be a Virgin Islander. Ms. Vanterpool went to England twice for training. If the COP then who was an Englishman did not see promise in her, that would not have happened. I feel she is quite capable for the position. All those who are coming here from England are allowing the criminals to continue such behavior. Criminal activities have never been so active until Cop were brought in from England. Police presence has disappeared from the street and communities. People do not know the police men and women. If their presence was visible this place will be better. A country without leadership of its own citizens in the police force will always be in trouble.
  • Successful prosecutions (04/01/2025, 12:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    No matter who we have in the police , if we can’t successfully prosecute when the evidence of guilt is undeniable what’s the point! You just end up with the appearance of an incompetent police service. Honest prosecutors, judges and jurors ( who don’t look at that nice young man/woman and say give him/ her yet another chance even though they have multiple previous court appearances without a single conviction)
  • wise up (04/01/2025, 16:44) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    He trying to bring back corruption and wants collins as head of all law enforcement agencies what a nasty thing poor we black ppl
    • good news (06/01/2025, 06:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Collins would be a great choice. No nonsense, roots out corruption. And the best seizures ever. The borders and security were certainly better
  • hm (04/01/2025, 19:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another racist colonizer
  • Road Town.Com (05/01/2025, 18:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What's the reason the governor blocked guy hill from being a part of the Police Service Commission?

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