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New cheque collection system will enhance security & accountability- FS Frett

-effective Mar 1 authorisation for third-party cheque collection necessary
Financial Secretary Mr Jeremiah G.A. Frett said individuals, companies, government entities, and statutory bodies must complete and submit the authorisation to collect cheques form allowing third parties to collect cheques on their behalf. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Accountant General Mr Arnold J. Ainsley said he is satisfied with the implementation of the new authourisation system for collection of cheques by third parties. Photo: Goveernment of the Virgin Islands
Accountant General Mr Arnold J. Ainsley said he is satisfied with the implementation of the new authourisation system for collection of cheques by third parties. Photo: Goveernment of the Virgin Islands
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Effective today, March 1, 2025, an authorisation to collect cheques form must be submitted to the Treasury Department before a third party can collect cheques.

The announcement was made in a press release on Friday, February 28, 2025. 

Financial Secretary Mr Jeremiah G.A. Frett said individuals, companies, government entities, and statutory bodies must complete and submit the forms allowing third parties to collect cheques on their behalf.

Security, accountability & efficiency will be enhanced- Mr Frett

According to Mr Frett, with the introduction of the authorisation to collect cheque forms, security, accountability, and efficiency in the cheque distribution process will be enhanced. 

“This procedural change is imperative to strengthen internal controls, mitigating risks, and ensure that only authorised individuals collect cheques. Authorised representatives must present valid identification when collecting cheques,” he stated. 

Meanwhile, Accountant General Mr Arnold J. Ainsly said he is satisfied with the implementation of the new system. 

He envisions that this new system will improve the government’s financial controls and reduce financial risks.

Authorisation forms are available from the Treasury Department and must be submitted via email at 

For more information, persons can contact Fiona Farrington at or 284-468-2133. 

7 Responses to “New cheque collection system will enhance security & accountability- FS Frett”

  • Big up The Wig man. (01/03/2025, 12:09) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    We in money shortage. I remember clearly the Wig man said in an interview about 6 -7 yrs ago, the BVI needs a cash flow programme like other Caribbean countries and he suggested one million for Resident Status with employment for at least 5 residents. Thought to myself that's a great Idea. .That would help all sectors of the economy Apartment and car rental, car and shop sales, Now Trump come with this 5 million Green card programme, I think of the Wig man..5 million is peanuts for a lot of people, its going to be a rush and that's not a sell out, that's a creative way of boosting all sectors of the economy. ,
    • Longlook (01/03/2025, 13:15) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Citizenship by investment @ Some participants in the Caribbean are St Kitts,Revising Barbuda Dominics St Lucia Grenada...for an amount in the neighborhood of $200 000..
      BVI could do the same for at least 1.5 millions in my opinion.
      MONACO is ideal for BVI.
      The original residents are protected economically.
      O Crime and O poverty!
  • Common Sense (01/03/2025, 12:17) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    is this FS trying to remain relevant? just asking
  • NB (01/03/2025, 12:45) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    All good to have systems in place. But lets look at this from a common sense, logical perspective. If I Okawanda Pagelia go collect a cheque for Mamapinga Kimpe or the company i work for Kapana Construction, I produce my ID, and sign for receiving. Why i need authorisation? Tell me wah i gone do with that cheque? The banks have systems in place to make sure i dont cash it, so again wah I gone do with the cheque? Ayo need to focus ayo attention on improtant things but ayo just doing things to show ayo doing things. Now the businesses or my old uncle or aunty who cant see properly have to go prepare letter of authorisation. Struuups look yeh
    • Well Sah (01/03/2025, 14:26) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      I thought they were trying to move forward, but same old same old. Same Crap Different Day...They told you to sign up for Direct Drposit might as well i didn't cause the check getting paid faster than Direct Deposit....Make this make Sense
    • Note well (02/03/2025, 01:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yo might hold somebody hostage for their cheque
  • REFUGEE seeking help for our country (02/03/2025, 09:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The FS need to go and retire because his health is deteriorating faster than you can say cheques. Tremendous respect to him but the mantle needs to pass on. His speech impediment has seemed to have gotten worst after the stroke. He is unable to even hold a steady conversation clearly. why don't you start looking out for the civil servants and public servants who are struggle continually because some of alyo mis-leadership and guidance. Stop sitting down and making uncomprehensive decisions for a department and ministry that does not seem to be going anywhere. The workers are stagnated, frustrated and uncomplacent. Need to start with your eternal department and assemble and work your way out. Leadership in these various department needs shaking up premier. It's the same old things festering. Deputy Governor FIX IT!!!!!!!!

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