New car company to launch as new Hyundai dealer in VI

Construction work is currently ongoing in Prospect Reef, Tortola for the intended location of the operations, expected to comprise vehicle sales showroom and a service centre.
The new dealership is said to be the official Hyundai dealer in the territory and has a raft of 2016 year models available for customers.
The flagship vehicle of the lot of new models is said to be the 2016 Hyundai Tucson, a mid-sized sports utility wagon which offers comfort and amenities for the driver who cares about not only style and performance but also fuel efficiency.
Though this category of vehicle is hotly contested by the likes of Nissan, Kia, Mazda and Mitsubishi among others, the Tucson stands out in its sleek design and sharp lines that scream performance and style.
As its opening is imminent, the business is already getting its face out there in the form of its new vehicles on display in front of Scotiabank on DeCastro Street every business day with information on rates and conditions for financing posted on the vehicle windows.
Information received by this news site indicates that Scotiabank VI will be working with TAG to provide financing for the displayed vehicles.
Positions open
At a recent job fair in Capoon's Bay in the First District, TAG accepted names of job seeking youth of that district to register them with a view to hiring once suited for positions available.
According to an advertisement placed online recently, the company is seeking an Operations Manager, Parts Manager, Parts Sales Representative, Data Entry Clerk, Stock Room Worker, Sales Manager, Accounts Clerk, Cashier, Auto Body Repairer and Car Wash Attendant/Handyman.
One of the principals behind the venture is businesswoman Patricia M. Romney. However, she indicated that the company directors were not ready to reveal details of the investment just yet.
"I discussed with my group and unfortunately as I had said we have a scheduled roll out which we wish to adhere to. I can assure you will be duly informed of our plans and schedule accordingly," said Ms Romney when contacted by our newsroom.

23 Responses to “New car company to launch as new Hyundai dealer in VI”
Of course him part of the deal.
Let's have our priority right as caribbean people.
What the island needs is a car dealership that is modern and updated with proper service. Thank you TAG. Hope you have a showroom and i do t have to stand in the sun to buy a product. For those talking about franchies need to understand how dealerships work. International Motors sell certain vehicles because they have been appointed the official dealers for those brands. probably lost the franchise and maybe that is why this new company is offering 5 years warranty instead of 2 years. This is 2016, businesses have to step up in this competitive world. People complain about RTW prices but they still pull up to shop there because the service is good and the products are not all over the place. Again I urge businesses to step into 2016.