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NDP seconded & benefited first from ‘Greedy Bill’- Hon Malone

- said NDP Party Members now vilifying same bill its Members in HoA did not object to
After the National Democratic Party (NDP) Members in the House of Assembly helped to pass the ‘Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act 2021’, which is now being referred to by some as the ‘Greedy Bill’, the controversial Myron V. Walwyn, left, has slammed the Act and said his party leader Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8), right, will repeal the Act if elected. Photo: Facebook
At Large Representative Hon Carvin Malone has revealed that Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had been pleaded with the NDP legislators, as well as the other two parties represented in the HoA, to have parts of the Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act, 2021, repealed; however, he has failed to garner their support. Photo: Facebook
At Large Representative Hon Carvin Malone has revealed that Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had been pleaded with the NDP legislators, as well as the other two parties represented in the HoA, to have parts of the Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act, 2021, repealed; however, he has failed to garner their support. Photo: Facebook
Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) Member in the House of Assembly Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Progressives United (PU) Member Hon Julian Fraser RA, did not object to the Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act, 2021, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has said. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) Member in the House of Assembly Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) and Progressives United (PU) Member Hon Julian Fraser RA, did not object to the Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act, 2021, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has said. Photo: GIS/Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- The National Democratic Party (NDP) is being called out for its hypocrisy over the ‘Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act 2021’, which is now being refereed to by some as the ‘Greedy Bill’.

This comes after the NDP’s Sixth District Candidate Myron V. Walwyn vilified the same legislation his NDP members did not object to in the House of Assembly (HoA) and is now calling for the Act, which was passed during the time of ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie, to be repealed.

It is also now being revealed that Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has been pleading with the NDP legislators, as well as the other two parties represented in the HoA, to have parts of the Act repealed; however, he has failed to garner their support.

‘Height of political wickedness & greed

The controversial Walwyn, who was arrested, charged and placed before the courts over the $1.6M Elmore Stoutt High School Wall Project, was speaking during the NDP’s campaign launch at Sir Olva Georges Plaza on March 18, 2023, when he said the Act will be repealed immediately under the new NDP government.

“Diverting resources that could have been allocated to alleviate some of the pressing matters that I just mentioned, to the Retirement Package for Legislators is one that should offend the national conscience of every single person in this country…Act Number 15 of 2021, entitled ‘Retiring Allowances Legislative Service Amendment Act 2021’ needs to be partially repealed immediately upon a new NDP government,” Walwyn said.

Walwyn stated he has no issue with the first part of the Act, which provides for the pension of legislators to be calculated on their full annual package, but that the second part of the Act “is the height of political wickedness and greed.”

“If a legislator has served three terms in the House of Assembly they will receive a gratuity in the amount of about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to three hundred thousand dollars immediately upon retirement if they are 50 years or older. In addition to this, the three-term legislator will receive his or her current salary every single month for the next three years just as if they were working,” Walwyn said.

This, according to Walwyn, is after years of doing absolutely nothing.

‘Who seconded that Bill? NDP- Hon Malone

Speaking on the Virgin Islands Party’s VIP Let’s Talk radio show on ZBVI 780 AM and streamed live on Facebook on March 21, 2023, Hon Malone slammed the NDP, noting that its members had voted in favour of the legislation and were the first to benefit from its passage.

Now, he noted, there are duplicitous conversations by the NDP surrounding the bill.

“Too many of them. Look at it, who seconded that bill? NDP. The NDP seconded the Retirement Package bill…Who approved it? All the ayes, no nays…Who benefitted first from it? Members of the NDP benefitted from it first. I’m wondering now whether or not they will be prepared to pay back the monies,” Hon Malone said.

He continued that now, having benefitted, the Party has the audacity to want to repeal it.

VIP will fix it- Hon Malone

Hon Malone said since the change of government in May 2022, Premier Wheatley has been behind members to have parts of the bill repealed, but noted that the NDP, Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) and Progressive United (PU) have all said to leave it alone.

“And now you go talking as if this is the first time you heard this. It is amazing but the record is there. ‘Leave it alone’. Leave what alone? Leave the retirement bill alone. We don’t want to hear it. The people don’t want to hear it. Leave it alone…That part that they want repealed, it doesn’t affect me, I’m first term. It doesn’t affect you [Hon Kye M. Rymer], you’re first term. So, you repeal it now, I never had it,” Hon Malone said.

Nevertheless, the At Large Representative noted that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) will have the matter straightened out if re-elected.

28 Responses to “NDP seconded & benefited first from ‘Greedy Bill’- Hon Malone”

  • Sowande Aga. The Solution.. (22/03/2023, 16:25) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    3 Names will decide our Future.. Simple as 1 2 3....Ronnie,, Marlon,, Sowande. . One of these 3 will have the future of the BVI in their hands. Who will it be? . We have to think Carefully...The challenges ahead are real challenges.. Serious business . Who will it be?
  • OF Course (22/03/2023, 16:26) Like (29) Dislike (26) Reply
    My Run want to benefit from it but make the people believe that he is against it. That is just like him. Greedy Bill by Greedy People for Greedy People. I wonder if he has already cashed in on a portion of it? No doubt.
    • @OF Course (22/03/2023, 18:12) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
      My Run done get his bag and eat. Now that he & others done wipe their mouth and burp they coming for votes speaking against it. Can you beat a thing like this. Note he is not saying he will repeal the act. He is only saying he will repeal part of it. My teacher was so right...reading is fundamental. I was one Marlon & My run had fooled but not anymore after I read on HOA online site what really took place with this bill.
  • The watchdog (22/03/2023, 16:27) Like (20) Dislike (16) Reply
    Myron better go see if he could stay out of jail
  • crash (22/03/2023, 16:32) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    What is this man taking about the government was not changed in May 2022, we know he can't count figures as we found out during the pandemic, and he is not a very good reader, is he also losing his mind.
  • Mitch/Marlon voted yes for Greedy Bill (22/03/2023, 16:33) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    I just read the HOA minutes. You mean to tell me Mitch and Marlon really voted yes for the Greedy Bill, but yet here it is NDP and PVIM acting as though they had no part of it. You all sickening man. Stop trying to fool people as though you any better.
  • READ PEOPLE (22/03/2023, 17:05) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    This is a fact. Marlon, Mitch, & Fraser all did not vote against the bill now talking piddle because they are looking for votes. The HOA minutes of the meeting & how they voted is online on the HOA website so go and read for yourselve.
  • Undercover Observer (22/03/2023, 17:05) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    It is a situation in which in which he/she who wears the gold makes the golden. Further, it is also a case in which what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. It is sleazy grift. The elected members are using their policy making ability to feather their own nest. They are using their position as passport, license, to private gain. It is a case of personal self-interest over public interest. Moreover, it clear double standard. Legislators get an approx $2000 per month housing allowance to live in their own house tgat they have been living in before entering the HoA. This and other allowances, along with this scandalous allowance, is part of legislators grift. Civilian servants, the work horses, not show horses, do not get such benefits. The grift may be the draw to get into the HoA, not representing and serving the public. I say don’t vote for any candidate who refuse to vote to repeal this sleazy bill. It should have been passed in the first place. Clearly, they are only interest in their personal self-interest, not the public interest. They all need to be called out and put on the wall of shame, for they have not conscience.
  • what a thing (22/03/2023, 17:05) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mouth open & story jumped out.
  • Judge Carvin (22/03/2023, 17:07) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mitch & Marlon have been found guilty in another lie. I read HOA minutes online and Carvin is telling the truth.
  • Ah vex (22/03/2023, 17:12) Like (20) Dislike (9) Reply
    Myron have the audacity to speak about wickedness? Other than he and his magic let us talk about how he made a party supporter richer with one contract for the parking lot, one contract for the 1st floor, and then another contract for the second floor, all totalling seventy thousand dollars a month to house our children & teachers of ESHS after Irma. We didn't mind it for a year but not years. He had no intention to fix the high school buildings. Plenty now have health issues as the place was moldy. THIS IS WICKED!!!
  • hmm (22/03/2023, 17:15) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    School children say that not only those who benefited and now lamblasting the bill for votes were happy when they received the money but a few send back thank you letters. Them geh catch lying. LOL.
  • Wait a minute (22/03/2023, 17:17) Like (15) Dislike (8) Reply
    So VIP wanted to go back to the House and repeal the bill but Fraser, Mitch & Marlon refused? How come they are not saying this on the podiums. What a set of decievers.
  • Hold on now (22/03/2023, 17:21) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    I was not for this bill at first solely based on the buzz of the greedy bill but when I read it it is not a bad bill. I disagree with a few areas but that is for all bills. Go read it.
  • talk=that (22/03/2023, 18:20) Like (6) Dislike (15) Reply
    Malone, and the rest first termers want it to stay the way it is, so they can get a portion of the Hog. How come they not talking that.!!
    • @talk=that (22/03/2023, 22:38) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      False again!!! You obviously did not read what was said by Malone. Also go online and read the minutes of the HOA meeting. This is a time to speak from facts and not hatred, emotions, or blind loyalty.
  • My Quart (22/03/2023, 18:40) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    The whole bunch of them should be ashamed of how the taxpayers are being ripped off. And dem got the guts to say dem representing us!

    Don't talk bout dem who blindly followed the leader and led the entire BVI to rack and ruin. And turn round and got the guts to go back in. Lawd, de money sweet!

    • we in trouble. (22/03/2023, 22:21) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
      This I know. We hsve a lot of problems to solve and a lot of things to fix. VIP is not the team to fix them.. They can't, they won't, they are incapable.
    • @My Quart (22/03/2023, 22:42) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Pure foolishness you have post. I am 100% sure that you did not read the legislation and I am also 100% sure that you are just speaking from the rhetoric that is out there calling it the greedy bill. Go read the legislation then you would not post ignorance.
  • Tam (22/03/2023, 19:18) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please share a link to this bill.
  • Political analyst (22/03/2023, 22:45) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    This overly generous, self-serving Retirement package is a great boondoggle and an abuse of power..In Why The Rich are Getting Richer, Robert T. Kiyosaki notes “ He who has the gold makes the rules.” In this instance, it should read He who has the Power makes the rules. There are no Pilates here for all 13 of them voted for the bill. The electorate through a plurality vote send 13 people to the HoA to represent their interest. This Bill giving 3-term (12 years) legislators a $250K-$300K gratuity plus full salary for 3-years demonstrates clearly that elected members are solely about their personal interest, not the interest of the people. Clearly, elected members put themselves above other public servants and deserve special privileges and entitlements. Civil servants who have to toil on average at low pay for approx 33 years to get a pittance at retirement. Their retirement is not even guaranteed for it depends on pay as you go and heavily depends on O&M budget being passed with enough funding. It is a class system or even caste system with elected members at the top of the caste system. Voters should strongly advocate for repealing this bill. They need to get a commitment from candidates that if elected they will advocate to repeal this bill, which is a gross and shameless abuse of power. It is a grift and highway robbery in broad daylight. Question will elected members who unceremoniously had to leave the HoA be entitled to the package? Will members who received payment and return to the HoA have to return the money? This proves that politicians are like hungry sharks circling in bloody water and preying on the weak.
  • Real facts (23/03/2023, 06:33) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Malone, please also tell the public that you benefitted from the East End sewerage project TWICE you were paid over the years and to date sewerage still running in the streets.
  • ccc (23/03/2023, 07:18) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply

    Ayo stop wasting time with funny man he heading up to j***

  • Disinterested (23/03/2023, 09:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    These greedy elected officials see themselves as Prima Donnas who are better than the people that elected them and have the power to do as they please. They see their power as license to feather their nests. They are in different parties, ie, VIP, PVIM and PU but when it comes to feathering their nests, feeding at the trough, promoting their self interest they sing in unison from the same sheet of music. Which one(s) was principled enough to vote against this bill? None. Now they trying to close the pen when the hogs have bolted and wallowing in the mud. That is not leadership but a bait and switch pretense. This action was an in your face I got the POWER. They felt empowered to pass this bill for they know that though it stunk the place up with shameless greed, that the electorate was not going to do anything, for they busy carrying news to Mount Olympus . The electorate is to blame for they yield their power to the greedy, s..s politicians and refused to hold them responsible and accountable, satisfied with crumbs that fall from the table. Some are now shedding crocodile tears bu not impress. It would have been principled and courageous ( well courageous, not really) if they had opposed the bill when it was being debated on the floor of the HoA. But greed is blind and has no bound and conscience. I say kick the bums to the curb.
  • onesidedness (23/03/2023, 09:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    All 13 benefitted not only those 3
  • VI Gyal (23/03/2023, 15:26) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Originally once you have done 2 terms you are liable to the retirement package. VIP opted to change to 1 term and even more money. Though I am mad the 3 in opposition still agreed to the changes, but was not comfortable with its entirety and stood why vote for it. if they voted against it would have still passed as VIP had majority.

    persons need to realize the true deceivers are VIP for even bringing this to the house. During hard times at that.

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