NDP Gov't scraps negotiations with Tortola Pier Partners

According to the statement, which is also posted on the Government Information Service (GIS) website, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith stated that through the directions of the VI Cabinet the Government will no longer be going ahead with Tortola Pier partners with the expansion of the Road Town Cruise Pier and the development of the immediate lands around the project.
The project has been receiving a number of criticisms and discussions at every level of society as to its execution.
Several persons have confirmed receiving the release from Government, however, it appears to have been a deliberate attempt to deprive Virgin Islands News Online from early receipt of the information. The news site called the Premier's Office for confirmation of the news, however, our reporter was directed to the government’s website.
According the release, the decision has been communicated and accepted by Tortola Pier Partners as conditions precedent to the agreement were not concluded in a timely manner.
“I want to thank Tortola Pier Partners for their interest in this project. My Government understands the importance of this project and its timely completion to our tourism product,” Premier Smith said in the release.
He also said Government felt that any further delay would jeopardize the competitiveness and realization of economic opportunities for the territory.
“Simply put, a modern cruise pier and surrounding amenities are crucial for the Virgin Islands to be a vibrant and desirable cruise destination...This decision came after much deliberation and my Government's commitment to rebuilding our cruise tourism market with a long-term vision to ensure its stability and opportunity for economic advancement for our people," Premier Smith noted.
He further stated that with the expansion of the pier and the development of the land around the pier, it remains a vital opportunity for Virgin Islanders realize the economic benefits from the tourism industry.
“My Government remains committed to the project and will pursue it expeditiously, in association with the BVI Ports Authority,” Premier Smith noted in the release.
Following an article published by Virgin Islands News Online on August 27, 2013, a release was issued the said afternoon which had given the names of the shareholders of Tortola Pier Partners (TPP) as subsidiaries/affiliates of United Infrastructure Group and IDEA with, Todd Malphrus, Gregg Malphrus, Hugh Darley and John Darley as the representatives, and McAlpine was expected to join the team to further enhance the group with building expertise.
According to that August 27, 2013 release, the Government of the Virgin Islands had also secured participation and investment opportunities for Virgin Islanders to purchase/own up to 20 percent shares.

40 Responses to “NDP Gov't scraps negotiations with Tortola Pier Partners”
the NDP starts to crumble who next...
Ah yes! all thoes Rack up the air miles paid for from the public purse for m@*k dem and tis what we got in the end?????.
Eh Eh, VINO they tried to keep you out of the loop...thoes wicked ppl i sure M*W was behind this!!!
All of you who depend on hand outs need to shut up .the previous government did sh$!. We need to get up off our asses and make things happen. I am a proud v ilander.this is our country help make and build it. From talking sh!$ about ndp stop being negative further more keep off myron he is doing great things
The TPP was a SNAFU from its conception; it started poorly and ended poorly. At least the government had courage to lay it to rest; may it RIP. On another note, the Premier, the leader of the NDP, communicated to the territory that government had terminated negotiations with TPP. However, a short time later, the MCW announced that the Premier was not hiding anything. What? The MEC may have been well-intentioned but he did not help. If anything, he may have raised more questions about the scope and veracity of the information promulgated by the Premier.
Further, is it my imagination that some other members of the NDP may feel that the Premier is not ready for prime time and have to rescue him from himself. For example during some debates in the HOA, some members feel the urge to leap to their feet to defend the Premier. Well, the Premier is capable of defending himself and this behaviour is rude, disrespectful and condescending. Stop it. Anyway, way monkey does know what tree to climb, for many other Caribbean leaders would grabbed the bull by the horn already. Take it easy guys; the time will come to audition for Premier.
In any event, the TPP has been laid to rest. Thus, it is time for for a complete accounting, auditing and evaluating of the aborted TPP procurement process. The auditing should identifying what went wrong and make recommendation for improving the process going forward.