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NDP Govt attempting to frustrate efforts of VIP in HOA – Hon. Fraser

- Opposition seeking audience with Speaker of the House
Third District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA (left) is most uncomfortable with some of the response given to his questions in the February 12, 2013 Sitting of the House of Assembly by Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool (right) regarding the Baugher’s Bay Desalination Plant. “The last time I asked a question the Minister [ Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool] told me that because of some sensitive negotiation, or the matter is sensitive and he wish not to involve himself in giving answers.” Photos: VINO/File
The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) will be seeking an audience with Speaker of the House, the Honourable Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe following their disapproval of the manner in which the question and answer segment of the Sixth Sitting Second Session of the Second House of Assembly was held on February 12, 2013. Photo: GIS/File
The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) will be seeking an audience with Speaker of the House, the Honourable Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe following their disapproval of the manner in which the question and answer segment of the Sixth Sitting Second Session of the Second House of Assembly was held on February 12, 2013. Photo: GIS/File
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI – “There is a certain level of frustration that the Opposition feels regarding the opportunity to bring information out to the public, and that has to be addressed. We are beginning to feel that it’s deliberate and if it is come right out and tell us and we’ll know from what angle to take our argument,” said Third District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA.

The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) will be seeking an audience with Speaker of the House, the Honourable Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe following their disapproval of the question and answer segment of the Sixth Sitting of the Second Session of the Second House of Assembly held on February 12, 2013.

This information was exclusively released to Virgin Islands News Online by Hon. Fraser, who accused the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government of devising a strategy as it regards the sitting of the House of Assembly and the Questions and Answers segment of it. He said there are far too few opportunities to interact with Government and to extract information for the public’s benefit. 

For all intents and purposes, the VIP is holding firm to the position that they are the ones that can represent the best interest of the people of the country and not the existing government and as such will continue to do everything possible to ensure that the people come first in every level of representation.

“As Members of the Opposition, what we did was to allow the government about a good eight months before we started asking any questions in the House of Assembly in order to give them an opportunity to settle in and get their programmes set and to start delivering goods and services to the people of the county.”

Hon Fraser said the most recent sitting of the House of Assembly on February 12, 2013, “was most troubling to us. Looking at the way the answers were given, it gives the impression that Ministers are not taking our positions as Members of the Opposition or our responsibility to ask questions in the House of Assembly as seriously as they should.”

In his expressed opinion, Hon. Fraser said he did not think the Ministers of Government were properly prepared, having heard statements such as “I am giving the answer that I was given”. Being firm that he was not prepared to point fingers at any particular minister, Hon Fraser said that it was evident that their staff did not do a good job at their ‘homework’, and were actually taking the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) for granted, something he says has to stop.

The Former Minister for Communications and Works said the Opposition is taking the matter of being taken for granted seriously and has made a decision that himself and others of his party will be seeking an audience with the Speaker of the house, the Honourable Ms. Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe, a move they expect would pave a better way for the interest of the public to be addressed properly at the next scheduled sitting of the House of Assembly.

Hon. Fraser described his approach during the recent sitting as being very hospitable as it related to the way the Ministers of Government were answering the questions that were being asked of them. “I give them the benefit of the doubt by saying to myself that they were simply giving me what they were given, which actually was and is unacceptable. It is still unacceptable but I just give them the benefit of the doubt but this level of hospitability can’t continue. We have to do what we have to do now to fix things,” said Hon. Fraser. The best thing right now, Hon. Fraser thinks, is to first approach the Speaker of the House.

Giving his impressions as it relates to the Question and Answer segment and the responses given, Hon. Fraser said he is aware that the Premier [Dr. The Honourable D. Orlando Smith] has been around for as long as he has, “and he is no idiot, he knows exactly what our jobs are and what his job is.”

That statement preceded his discourse on the question which he had asked as it related to the Police Service Commission and the delegation of the Governor’s powers to appoint persons to the police service which he delegated to the Acting Commissioner of Police, “In so doing there has been a situation where two sections of the constitution came into conflict with each other and evidently what happened is the subsidiary sub-section took precedence over the primary sub-section and to me that’s an oversight which resulted in un-intended consequences, something has to be done about that,” said Hon. Fraser.

He continued, “The Premier of this country cannot sit by and see something like that and come to the House of Assembly just giving me an answer that was given to him, I think he should be giving an explanation regarding it. He knows, he must know that there is a problem.”

The problems that are being experienced in the entire Police Service, Hon. Fraser said, are as a result of the anomaly, and the Police Service Commission whose authority has been annulled, would have to be fixed.

Asked if he would describe the Police Service as a “white elephant”, Hon. Fraser responded, “You can call it that but I am not prepared to say that because I know this thing can’t stay where it’s at, it has to go further. It’s untenable so we have to fix it. So at some point we’ll have to look at that.”

The situation as it relates to the Ministry of Communications and Works, the 3rd District Representative said, is most uncomfortable since he has been asking questions particularly regarding the Baugher’s Bay Desalination Plant. “The last time I asked a question the Minister [Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool] told me that because of some sensitive negotiation, or the matter is sensitive and he wish not to involve himself in giving answers.” Hon. Fraser admitted that any Minister can decline answers on such ground as is provided for under Standing Orders.

The standing order 18:6 states “A minister may decline to answer a question if the publication of the answer would in his opinion be contrary to the public’s interest.”

However, Hon Fraser said that he had some major challenges with Hon. Vanterpool’s inability to give required answers especially to one instance when he said that he was unable to effectively respond. “If the minister could come to us and tell us that the cost of oversight by the management of Water and Sewerage Department and the Ministry including the Minister, is not reflected in the cost of producing water, why not get the figures? Your responsibility is to give us answers unless you do not invoke the clause to decline to answer then give us the answers. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what that cost really is,” stated Hon. Fraser.

His assessment was based on the fact that when the staff at the plant was just about five persons, the salary amounted to less than $125,000 annually while under the previous administration. “So how much money could he be spending that could impact upon the cost of water that is given here as $8.65 per thousand gallons!… you would know how much you would have spent on major repairs if there was any. So you can’t come and tell us that you don’t know and it’s not factored in, your duty is to do that, that’s what we are looking for, information for the public,” stated Hon. Fraser.

The occurrence was described as a snub that must be avoided in the future and was attributed to a number of other questions asked in the House of Assembly for which answers were not appropriately and effectively given. In one instance a response had to be struck from the records because it was not documented as is the principle practice, a situation Hon. Fraser said he was not going to speculate as to the intent of the Minister of Communications and Works. “But it had me baffled.”

Asked to describe the experiences of the Sixth Sitting of the Second Session of the Second House of Assembly of February 12, 2013, Hon. Fraser responded, “I’ll chalk this one up to experience. The next time around they’ll look for something different and we’ll have to be vigilant at all times. They’ll play their position from where they sit and we’ll have to play ours.”

39 Responses to “NDP Govt attempting to frustrate efforts of VIP in HOA – Hon. Fraser”

  • big bird (18/02/2013, 09:32) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    This is such a shame what the NDP is doing to the country.... Sold out by our own.

  • sun set (18/02/2013, 09:34) Like (33) Dislike (14) Reply
    Stop moaning...Remember when the shoe was on the other foot?
  • weed (18/02/2013, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
    NDP cave people don't like facts....

    • Tag (19/02/2013, 01:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      To the powers that be who can make a difference and don't, you too shall die one day and have to give an account for your works.
  • ... (18/02/2013, 09:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Politicians continue to leave this place screwed up
  • virgin gorda (18/02/2013, 10:22) Like (7) Dislike (11) Reply
    Keep the presure on fraser
  • we the people (18/02/2013, 13:05) Like (2) Dislike (18) Reply
    The people have lost faith in tthis government
    • DarkVader (18/02/2013, 13:31) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
      The people lost faith in the VIP government thats why they voted NDP. I dont know who Frazer thinks he is fooling but he does not like the answers given. He asked a questions and he got answers, bottom line. We dont alway like answers given but we get answers. He never answered ANYTHING when NDP asked, In fact all of them use to stay on their side and laugh at Smith and Pickering during their last term. What does he think the speaker can do? Make them answer any differently than how they did? Frazer knows the answers to every thing that went on in Baugher's Bay plant. Afterall, he use to mann the operations from his house.
      • Lazy Lazy (18/02/2013, 14:26) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        I knew it was only a matter of time before one of you paid NDP Ocean Conversion Bloggers would surface with your crap. But at least you admit that Fraser did mann the operation, but this lazy ass minister goes to the House of Assembly claiming that he dosen't know what is happening. Just tell him to answer the Questions.
        • sam the man (18/02/2013, 19:46) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          frazer had to man it from his home because he knew where his interest was.why should a minister have to mann the operations himself he had ray doing it.was he being paid money just to there but not there?in standing finance you had a jack who say he work for wsd and biwater in the same 8 hr. day and wanted to be paid by both party and he still was employed. under the same vip admin
      • Not again (18/02/2013, 22:18) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        Meanwhile, back at the ranch.. the helicopter just landed with some close NDP rich white friends
  • . (18/02/2013, 13:35) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Things changed since a bunch of islandman got into our house of assembly
    • -------------- (19/02/2013, 01:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      NDP failed, the VIP is failing what is the next option....
  • yellow (18/02/2013, 15:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are also frustrating the locals
  • ARAB SPRING (18/02/2013, 16:18) Like (3) Dislike (10) Reply
  • well sa (18/02/2013, 17:15) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    this gov't is a pay yourself first gov't, thats why they can't properly answer the questions posed cause they aint checking on nothing that don't involve paying themselves or their cronies.
  • Citizen With a Cause (18/02/2013, 19:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    We the people of the Virgin Islands deserve answers. You mean the Minister dont know The market value of the Plant, and yet they were able to outsource the operation contract to Ocean Conversion without a Tender?

    You mean the Minister dont know The revenue earning potential of the Plant, and yet they were able to outsource the operation contract to Ocean Conversion without a Tender?

    Where are those sorry talkshow hosts (Edmun, Ilhue, Krumwell, and that piece or crap Whetley Boy, and oh yea, Jon Cline)? Where are they? I guess you won't here from them because them all pockets will soon be filled with kash money.

    Giving this Baughers Bay Plant back to Ocean Conversion is a shame. And the NDP refusal to let Biwater get sea water so they could produce fresh wate is to allow Ocean Conversion to rack up them big bucks at Baughers Bay Plant. This is corruption. Where is the Public Accounts Committee?
    • licks (19/02/2013, 00:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      Why u dont hush ur dumb @$$. Ndp jus grant biwater permission to get their water.

      • Citizen With a Cause (19/02/2013, 16:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Licks", speaking of dumb @$$, you open your mouth and $$ comes out, NDP said they give Biwater a lease for the sea bed after over a year waiting. What Biwater needs is Planning approval to do their work. The NDP is hiding behind the Town Planning Department knowing full well those people are not going to move on the application untill they are setisfied that Ocean Conversion mek millions from the Baughers Bay Deal.

        Money in Ocean Conversion Poket = Money in Mnisters (share holders) Poket = money in Town Planners (share holders) pokets. Get the picher? No I didn't think so, but the readers do. Bunch er krooks.
  • zoe (18/02/2013, 22:06) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
  • next (18/02/2013, 23:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    the good thing about it all, there will be another elections
  • wise-up (19/02/2013, 03:03) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    once in office again the VIP should seriously consider taking a page from the book of “National Dose of Poison” better known as the NDP Party; the NDP usually hold one-head in public, its a more bonded group of guys; unlike the VIP where every-one wants to be the boss...i still think that the VIP is the better party for the “people” while NDP is busy selling our country out to the heigest-bidder and this is done under the context of development , these guys are very crafty, let me share an example with you; “our-people” are hurting yet the National Dose of Poison party (sorry the NDP Party) simply banking money in an effort to get a good grade from the UK and Global Market....we need to get back on track and put our financial house in order but NOT at the expense of the people; VIP have themselves to blame, they are to divided as a public group unlike the NDP party once those guys gets in a public setting its usually one agreement simply look at them during house of assembly
  • Princess (19/02/2013, 08:31) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    For your information wise-up, more of our country was sold under VIP government than NDP. More has been done under this govrnment in one year than under VIP in four years. Do you and others think the country can surrive without investments? Government cannot ccontinue to take on the financial strain of building hospitals, schools etc and supporting the un-employed. We will sink as a nation. We get no help from England so we depend on Financial Services (which is slowly being pulled from under us). If we continue to change government every four years, we will loose our financial services for the owner of these companies do not like to be registered in a country where the governments keep changing. Tourisim alone cannot sustain us.
    • No Brain No Sense (19/02/2013, 16:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      People like you keep complaining about we can't continue to change governments every 4 years, but still wants to uphod the principles of democracy. If you don't want the government to change, then stop giving the people the right to vote. How the hell do you give a people the right to vote, and then try to tell them who to choose?

      Changing the government every 4 years or however often the people chooses "IS CALLED DEMOCRACY", so live with it.
    • $$$$$$ (19/02/2013, 16:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Vanterpool management of the public purse goes something like, spend whatever you want without paperwork or cost/benefit
  • USA student (19/02/2013, 13:36) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    I feel such sorrow for the people of the BVI, your future is bleak.

  • 222 (19/02/2013, 16:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    With friends like that who needs enemies?
  • war crime (23/02/2013, 07:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is a game...the NDP enjoy seeing you sweat Frazer

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