'NDP fresh out of ideas; resorts to name calling' - Hon Fraser
He was speaking at a rally held last evening May 23, 2015 on the grounds of the Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre in Sea Cows Bay.
Secrecy & intimidation
The VIP boss said that for the past three and a half years the territory has been faced with a secretive, very reluctant and at times non-participant Government and noted that the NDP has spawned a culture of intimidation, secrecy, fear and victimisation.
“Is that our culture? We have always been a free people. Free to speak, free to assemble and free to worship. This Virgin Islands Party promises you that freedom once more,” he said.
“When you go to the polls on elections day, send my opponent and his group a strong message. Let him know that you are no step child. Vote VIP all the way,” he said.
Strategy of personal attacks
According to the legislator who is known as the 'Liberator' and a champion for the 'small man', the NDP has been hurling insults and using degrading names and lies to describe him, all in an attempt to poison the minds of the people against him. “But truth be told, it is more than just me. It is part of a mind-set by a tiny minority…the one percent which that National Democratic Party (NDP) represents so ably that people from Sea Cows Bay should never amount to anything.”
Honourable Fraser said this is bigotry on the part of the NDP and its elitist followers and that he will not stand for anything that looks or smells like bigotry. “Send the NDP a clear message. Let them know that elitism will not be tolerated in the Virgin Islands…not now not ever,” he said.
The culture of disrespect, which has become symbolic of the ruling NDP government did not just begin, Hon Fraser continued, remining that it started in the 2011 campaign when someone from the NDP referred to a sitting Deputy Premier as an 'empty kerosene can' and later another, who is now a sitting Minister, referred to then Premier Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal OBE as an 'emperor without clothes'.
“This culture of disrespect continues today as you would have heard the lawless rant including name calling by the NDP when referring to us during the campaign,” he said.
Don’t split your votes
The Third District Representative, who has constantly been defended as a man worthy of leading the territory by outgoing Leader of the Opposition, Hon O'Neal, said that he is on a mission with his team to take back the Government for the people who have suffered for three and a half years.
“You the people of the Third District have to make this happen. When you go to the polls on elections day you must vote for Julian Fraser. But that alone won’t do it. You must vote for my At Large team as well. For God’s sake don’t split your votes,” he urged.
He said the NDP has forgotten that Government belongs to all of the people, and not just the well to do and well connected one percent.
Punished for being Opposition
Hon Fraser said that the NDP Government has decided to punish him, along with Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and Honourable J. Alvin Christopher (R2) just because they are members of the Opposition.
“So you do know what they mean by nothing was done in the Third District and also the First and Second Districts. But guess what ladies and gentlemen, the NDP did not spite me, they did not spite Fahie and neither did they spite Christopher. What they did for sure is hurt you the people of the Third District as well as the people of District One and Two. I call that wickedness, hurting 12,000 people just to spite three,” he said.
In other words, Hon Fraser continued, the people were punished for not voting NDP. “Now after doing nothing for three and a half years, here they are three and a half weeks before the election trying to fool you with a bribe of a flurry of work,” he said.
Honourable Fraser kept repeating throughout his presentation that his opponent in the Third District, Kevin ‘OJ’ Smith, disappeared for the last three and a half years, surfacing only now during campaign time.
29 Responses to “'NDP fresh out of ideas; resorts to name calling' - Hon Fraser”
Heard mi*** trying to buy the jvd votes