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NDP Cabinet upset over leaks!

- Calls for investigation
This letter from the FCO on the question of the BiWater Contingency Liability was leaked to the public days before the person it was addressed to, former Premier O'Neal had seen it!
Lorie Rymer told a political meeting in Virgin Gorda then he had a copy of the signed permit for the Lemurs to be imported even before the former Minister for NR&L had made the issue public. He also suggested that he continues to get confidential information from civil servants.
Lorie Rymer told a political meeting in Virgin Gorda then he had a copy of the signed permit for the Lemurs to be imported even before the former Minister for NR&L had made the issue public. He also suggested that he continues to get confidential information from civil servants.
While campaigning for a third district seat, NDP Kevin Smith told the public he had seen a Purchase Order for a contract relating to the Sea Cows Bay Harbour Project. It remains unclear whether the PO was leaked from the Ministry of Communications and Works or from the contractor in question.
While campaigning for a third district seat, NDP Kevin Smith told the public he had seen a Purchase Order for a contract relating to the Sea Cows Bay Harbour Project. It remains unclear whether the PO was leaked from the Ministry of Communications and Works or from the contractor in question.
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Dr. Orlando Smith Cabinet has been reportedly upset over recent leaks to media houses since it took office. Sources close to the situation told this news site that Cabinet members are surprised and angry about leaks within the administration and are allegedly pointing fingers at civil servants, among others.

One source told Virgin Islands News Online that at recent Cabinet meetings the topic was raised with one Minister leading the charge and directing his anger against one news site. It appears that the Minister, “hates one particular news site and continues to speak with much anger about the site and wishes that the site could be closed,” the source said.

The same source did not disclose the name of the Minister but confirmed it was one of the “rookie elected ones” and reported that the same Minister was critical of the same news site during the current 2012 Standing Finance Committee meetings and on Wednesday of this week at a National Democratic Party (NDP) meeting in Road Town.

Since the NDP took office in November of 2011, online news sites and other media houses have been breaking stories about different aspect of decisions made by the Orlando Smith Administration.

Leaks this year

One online news site for example broke a story that Guy Malone had been tipped to be the new Chief Executive Officer of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, however, no official announcement has been made by Government. The same online news site which is Virgin Islands News Online main competitor also carried a breaking news story that Vance Lewis, a former General Manager of Cable and Wireless, now LIME, was expected to be contracted as a consultant to the Ministry of Communications and Works.

To date, no announcement has been made by the Minister on this news report.

Very recently, both BVI Platinum News and this news site broke the news of the newly designated Chairman of the Virgin Islands Festival and Fairs Committee Marvin Blyden before any official announcement was made by Government.

It is unclear whether these are some of the leaks that have Cabinet fuming and made them allegedly asked both the United Kingdom appointed Governor William Boyd McCleary and the Cabinet Secretary Sandra Ward to look into leaks and the confidentiality of certain government information, in particular Cabinet papers and meetings.

It is also reported that some Permanent Secretaries had meetings with their staff to warn them about leaking information to the press.

John E. Leonard, the General and Marketing Manager of Virgin Islands News Online said, “leaks in government are nothing new, however, I do not subscribe to the word “leaks” as it is just investigative reporting, the media doing its job!…each media house has their sources and it’s the nature of the business…it happens with major news services all over the world”.

Leonard went on to state, “we live in an information age and we live in a democratic society and unless it is something that has national security implications, I am not sure why this government should be upset, as the former government had to also endure the same leaks”.

Leonard said, “I can speak with confidence for this news site; we will maintain our well established reputation of being accurate, fair, balance and objective while bringing our readers the news they may not always obtain from our elected government in a timely manner.”

History of leaks between 2007-2011

Issues of leaks are nothing new in the Virgin Islands media culture and on the talk shows and the now opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP) had to endure its own leaks. We all remembered the infamous letter from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), a highly classified letter to the former Premier Ralph T. O’Neal OBE on the question of Biwater contingent liability and days before Mr. O’Neal had sight of the letter it was on the streets of Road Town and on the talk shows.

It was even reported that one person had the letter downloaded and scanned to their Ipad and was showing persons the confidential FCO diplomatic letter. When the story broke, Mr. O’Neal reported on a radio show that he had called Mark Vanterpool now Minister for Communications and Works to ask, if it was him that had the letter on his Ipad.

One senior officer, a Permanent Secretary, retired prematurely over the leaked letter but was quickly returned to office once the NDP Administration took power.

Early last year, Lorie Rymer, a businessman and independent candidate for the 9th district seat, who was speaking at a community meeting on Virgin Gorda at the Ashford Walters Community Centre on Saturday April 30, 2011, made reference of the document that was signed by then Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Hon. Omar W. Hodge for the importation of Lemurs to Necker Island which he had obtained, even before the former Minister Hodge had made the information public.

Furthermore, many of the correspondence between Sir Richard Branson, a UK businessman, were leaked to the media, to talk shows and some individuals. Mr. Rymer even boasted of having a copy of the permit signed granting permission to import the Lemurs, and implied that civil servants continue to leak information when the VIP was in power.

Under the VIP Government, there were many leaks coming out of the Ministry of Education and Culture from cabinet papers, confidential letters between the then Minister Andrew A. Fahie and his former Permanent Secretary Carolyn O’Neal, movement of civil servants within the Ministry, and Public Service Commission recommendations for officers within the same Ministry, and the cost of some contracts even before they were signed and made public.

While the former Minister was very concerned over the leaks, Mr. Fahie never singled out any media house, nor advocated the closure of any online news site or taking any talk show off the air.

During the recent election campaign, one NDP candidate seeking the 3rd district seat Kevin Smith had told the public that he had seen a copy of a Purchase Order (PO) on the Sea Cows Bay Harbour project, a PO signed between government and a private contractor. It is unclear whether the Purchase Order was leaked from the Ministry for Communications and Works or a contractor. The then former Minister Julian Fraser RA, never called for an investigation nor threatened the staff of the Ministry over the matter.

Virgin Islands News Online has found many other leaked confidential information while the VIP was in power that usually was the topic for some talk shows. One talk show host who wish to remain anonymous said, “There should be nothing private about government business...the NDP are acting like children with something to hide...if they make any attempt to censor the media that will be the beginning of the end for them”.

39 Responses to “NDP Cabinet upset over leaks! ”

  • Leak (10/02/2012, 07:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That same source is the leak.
  • well sa (10/02/2012, 08:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The problems of leaking information to me does not come from the Civil Servants. The only people are aware of what goes on in Cabinet are the ones in attendance. That is where the information is being leaked out. As it relates to SFC Meetings, the public was not there during that period, therefore, it is the people in attendance that is making these statements. The only other solution would that the building is tapped.
  • ... (10/02/2012, 08:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What goes around comes around.
    • Mrs. Adams (10/02/2012, 10:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      well someone did it for them and now they doing it to them. I agree...What goes around comes back around.
      • ---------------------------- (10/02/2012, 15:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        • god is awake (11/02/2012, 00:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          me keep telling people be good to others and good will follow you..the ndp and dem propaganda machine ran the vip out of town now they up and down making threats to the media....but leave them
  • hi (10/02/2012, 08:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    keep leaking let them piss them selves they out of place.......VIP ALL THE WAY ......... THEY PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY SORRY NOW THAT THEY PUT YOUR ALL BUT IN ..........VIP ALL THE WAY .... I JUST LOVE MY VIP..........
    • BREAKING NEWS (10/02/2012, 10:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ hi. Who you say sorry that we voted in NDP ?????? Speak for yourself child because we are VERY HAPPY that NDP is in. The ones who was getting their palms greesed under the table and not getting that done anymore is who sorry NDP is in. That is what you mean right??????????????????????????
  • billy b (10/02/2012, 08:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    hope when they pointing fingers they point at the right person and not get the wrong persons fired. This is a ticklish era, people will do what is necessary to protect their jobs.
  • bed time storiesa (10/02/2012, 08:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i love the history you laid out vino..NDP love that information dem got while VIP was in now dem in dey hot seat dem acting like is a circle people!
  • Shara Parlin (10/02/2012, 09:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get your information right vino Kevin S show us the purchase order that was leak...he show it to us on the campaign trail…get it right it was leaked right from the Ministry of communications then a contractor give him and Roy a copy. NDP too bad minded what ayo do not like for ayo self do not do it to others…when you digging a hold for the media dig one for all media including the five you control! BAM hit the right spot.
  • Confucius (10/02/2012, 09:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I happen to subscribe to the notion that not all government business is or should be available to the public until such time as action has been taken and the government is ready to make the announcements. Elected officials should have a reasonable expectation of control over the timing of announcements and the dissemination of information pertaining to his or her ministry. The leaking of official documents addressed to a particular person is UNFORGIVABLE! I think persons responsible for these leaks are despicable and should be fired immediately ~ NEVER to be rehired! Having said that, I do not hold the media responsible for doing their jobs. If they are able to find reliable sources willing to leak government information, so be it. The NDP was not beneath using leaked information to their own political advantage prior to the November elections, which I dare say is one of the main reasons they won. Considering that the whole "contingent liability" fiasco has finally been put to rest ~ (as it really isn't and never was an issue of any major concern), I find it interesting that suddenly these most recent leaks have become an issue amongst NDP ministers. As I said, I think leaks of any kind from civil servants should be cause for immediate dismissal. I don't care which party is in power. It is the MINISTER'S job to disseminate information to the public WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT and not some clearly untrustworthy civil servant! Fire their a$$ if they can't do their job without betraying the trust placed in them. If they want to be the minister and disseminate info to the public, then stand for election and do whatever you want! Until then, keep your lips zipped!
  • Period Cramps (10/02/2012, 10:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Take it light man, the race is not for the swift. The Government is playing chess when you all are playing checkers. Don't say I didn't tell ya'll, let them keep it up and see what happen. The problem is not the leaks, the problem is certain media houses that would remain nameless, twist and turn stories to get their desired reaction. That's the problem. When a story starts off "Weeks after telling us that the territory is broke....". What is the motive? Grown folks know when it comes to Government, 'broke' means they don't have the reserves or cash at hand that they want. It doesn't mean they don't have money at all. But as I said, the race isn't for the swift. Everyday for you, only one for them.
  • jog (10/02/2012, 10:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dont mind them Vino. If people tell you guys the truth you should print it!! We the people have a right to know whats up, lol and if people what to leak it to you let the do it just make sure you paying the good, lol, lol, lol. Freedom of Speech!
  • paper boy (10/02/2012, 11:13) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Leaks, about the leaks about the leaks on the leaks..well saw..vino ayo jammi!!!
  • blah blah blah blah (10/02/2012, 12:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    breaking news i am told tis only one minister agaisnt vino..the funny dude and he got mark on the band weagon...let we do tis thing vino keep dem on dem toes just like dem had the other online site which dem own "P" keeing vip on dem for do aint no obear
  • OhMy! (10/02/2012, 13:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really? They're getting a taste of their own medicine. LOL!. Keep breaking those news VINO! Ya'll on the ball!
  • nanny cak (10/02/2012, 15:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is another consultancy contract they hiding dig that one up vino the people will bawl when dat one hit dey fan!
    • rat tail (10/02/2012, 15:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      come on "nanny cay" back off the man wife..she has served the bvi well.
      • school children (10/02/2012, 21:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        man we heard its only $150,000 a year she's getting
        • it will come to light (11/02/2012, 09:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          so is the contract at FSC or PO???....tell we cause we aint find it yet!!
  • LOVED ONES (10/02/2012, 18:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Boy its true....THE WORLD ROUND lol
    • do for do (12/02/2012, 12:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      See, see the NDP getting right back what they dished out to win the elections…. illfortrate the VIP and very senior civil servants.
  • myron (10/02/2012, 19:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino you are just number one keep the information coming and keep being fair less
  • question (10/02/2012, 23:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the NDP came to power over leaks from the what is there beef?
  • same old story (11/02/2012, 00:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    but miniters always leak cabinet informotion...what else is new?
    • little black boy (11/02/2012, 18:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      then tell we which Minister it is?? so dem will stop pointin at civil servants...
  • Brap (11/02/2012, 09:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was only good when it benefitted them...when the VIP was in power how come they didn't question who leaked the information to them? When Georges was doing his investigation into the BiWater leak, everyone was tightlipped about it. Why you think Inez hounded that poor lady from Sea Cow's Bay? On a notion that she was getting rid of information that would not be seen by the NDP...the same information they plastered all over their Website. They got the other Newsite in their pockets, so most of whatever they released to the news is proTHEM. Please!!!!!! It is ALL public information, its just that they have the power to make what is publicly good for them. I am with you and for you fair and show no fear!!!!!!!!
  • Quiet Storm (11/02/2012, 10:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Life is a circle, what goes around comes around; life is a bit...h. This is just a taste of the medicine that was prescribed when the NDzP was in opposition. The same unprincipled and unprofessional behavior that was being enabled then is being practice now. Lay off the media. It is doing its job. The fact that a national leader is entertaining the thought of closing a publication because it reports the news is highly disturbing and troubling. This attitude encroaches on the freedom of the press. A free press provides valuable service to the citienenry. For the most part government must operate in the sunshine. The people need to stay focus, for power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. VINO keep keeping us inform.
    • GIS (11/02/2012, 12:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      "QuietStorm" the funny dude Minister want GIS to start their own online news site…it’s clear dem people is bankrupt with no real ideas and solution to run we country.
      • Truth Is (12/02/2012, 08:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Bankrupt? Sweethehart, that is how NDP met the government. Thank God they have the vision and the know how to take us out of this mess. If the previous government had know how to run this country we wold not have been in this financial state. Greed took over their minds and they forgot about the people and only thought about themselves.
  • HELLO!! (11/02/2012, 16:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Strupppssss @ allu
  • open your eyes people (12/02/2012, 15:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP like some cry cry baby wallaa wallah drumlin...
  • pops (12/02/2012, 15:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    one PS even got a reward for leaking...hope when vip gets in they reward the vino
    • hell no (12/02/2012, 22:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      vino this line in your article is of interest and concern, why the hick would they bring this person back with this cloud over their head.....inquiring minds wants to know???? "One senior officer, a Permanent Secretary, retired prematurely over the leaked letter but was quickly returned to office once the NDP Administration took power"
  • mad man (13/02/2012, 15:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't take it on man, its only fair that u guys had someone on the inside doing it for u so u have to expect someone else will to it to u it only make sense.

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