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National Health Insurance roll-out seeks input; sets record straight

Deputy Director of the BVI Social Security Board, Mr Roy Barry (left) and Chief Medical Officer speak with residents at the Cane Garden Bay Community Centre about the implementation plans, design and benefits of the proposed National Health Insurance programme. Photo:VINO
A section of the audience at the NHI community meeting held in Cane Garden Bay on January 24, 2013. Photo:VINO
A section of the audience at the NHI community meeting held in Cane Garden Bay on January 24, 2013. Photo:VINO
CANE GARDEN BAY, Tortola, VI – Proponents of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Programme began a roll-out of community outreaches with various communities around the Territory, which included the Cane Garden Bay area last Thursday, January 24, 2013.

The mandatory programme is scheduled to take effect from August, 2013.

Deputy Director of the BVI Social Security Board, Mr Roy Barry, told residents at the Cane Garden Bay Community Centre that based on draft legislation and recommendations from consultants and actuarial reviews, there is a proposed deduction of 7.5% for persons paying premiums to the NHI; evenly split between employers and employees.

Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Dr Irad Potter, related to residents that the decision to have insurance in addition to the National Health Insurance programme is a personal decision. “We don’t have any expectation that there will be much need for anyone to have any other insurance, however those who can afford and who desire to have additional insurance coverage, there is nothing barring them from doing so. We expect that [the programme] will be able to provide, both quality and effective care by providers who are contracted under the Health Insurance Programme.

“In fact,” he continued, “we expect all providers in the Territory to be part of that programme.” Dr Potter also disclosed that for services not available in the Territory, the programme is expected to contract providers who are able to provide necessary care in other jurisdictions.

Dr Potter conceded that some persons may have relationships with their own personal physicians and may wish to “pay out of pocket” or to have some other type of insurance to take care of those desires.

The Chief Medical Officer also assured residents that the Government will continue to be an employer who contributes to the National Health Insurance Programme on behalf of its employees. “For the Government,” he said, “the insurance carrier of choice, will be the National Health Insurance Programme, so all public officers, like the rest of the population will participate in the mandated National Health Insurance programme.”

According to Mr Barry, Government will contribute a part of the premiums and the employees will continue to contribute a part of the premiums.

Concerns were also raised about access to emergency overseas care and residents were assured that a board will be in place and available at all times to review all recommendations from medical practitioners for patient transfers.

'Means test' for persons over 65 years of age a requirement

Mr Barry also related that persons 65 years and over will be required to do a means test to determine their ability to pay their own insurance. “In addition, persons who are over 65, or you might have individuals who are unemployed, there will be a means test done to verify whether or not this person is capable of paying contributions for themself.

“If they are deemed unable to pay contributions, government contributes on their behalf,” he disclosed. “Persons over 65 who might be receiving an income from rent or other, they too will have to contribute on their own behalf.”

The Deputy Director of the Social Security Board told residents that the series of meetings were being held in part to “inform the public as to the design of the National Health Insurance System and to get feedback from each person so that we can go back to the steering committee and review whatever recommendations or suggestions came from the public meetings.”

He reminded persons that legislation and regulations have already been drafted and are awaiting enactment in the House of Assembly but changes can be made as per recommendations received from the meetings.

9 Responses to “National Health Insurance roll-out seeks input; sets record straight”

  • Guest (28/01/2013, 09:38) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    So what are they setting the record straight about? Everyone is saying it is something you are forcing down the public's throat and you just confirmed it??? Every sentence you ended you ended saying "you have to pay out of pocket for additional insurance if you want, but noting that the national one is mandatory pay in program". So basically companies may drop certain coverages and take up yours solely because it makes no sense for them to pay for two, since one is mandatory. I don't know why you people don't stop trying to shine sh*t? No matter how much luster and spin you put on it, its still sh*t. Who can really afford to contribute to a mandatory insurance and still pay for a personal one, other than the rich of the BVI??? We understand there are those that can't afford insurance in this society and they should be taken care of but to the middle class of the BVI who had good insurance coverage with their companies to date you are now forcing them to take this coverage and forgo the coverage that allowed us to pick and choose if we wanted to be treated here or not..
    • NICK (28/01/2013, 10:25) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree, it's nonsense. If we compare this to every other agency operating in BVI and linked to Government, god be with us. It will be pure confusion.
    • Hmm (29/01/2013, 10:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      although i take your point. you will be surprised to know that most middle class people in the bvi only have coverage for the bvi/usvi...which if you look at it does not give that wide of a range of companies have different packages...and most empolyers will not pay for more than the basic package.
      • Guest (29/01/2013, 14:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        I don't know what nickel and dime organization you work for but most of the private enterprises I know allow us to choose where we want to go... My doctors are all over....
  • open wide (28/01/2013, 11:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh, my goodness, if you cannot flush you cannot reelect
    • mickey (28/01/2013, 13:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That was your guy in the third and we listened to him. Now he on the sideline balling. Lol...
  • Be real (29/01/2013, 10:19) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Countries such as Canada , UK, Australia and even the USA if Obamacare as it has been dubbed takes off have similar insurance schemes.

    The only difference here in the BVI is the Government has chosen to be up front with people and tell them about it rather than just implementing it and raising you think the 40-50% tax that people pay in other countries are just to take money from those taxes go towards ensuring that people can go to the hospital or other healthcare provider regardless of how much they make and get the quality healthcare that everyone deserves.

    Be real people...this is a good the UK you are even eligible to get extra milk and the sorts for free after having a baby...all because programs like this exist.

    Give the BVI a chance and we will reap the benefits....programs such as these are designed not to fail...keep an open mind..
  • To Guest (29/01/2013, 10:22) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    It is possible for government to mandate additional insurance coverage to those companies that have specialized you as an employee will be covered no matter what...your line of argument seems to be in relation to keeping insurance companies in me...none of them will go out of business...and all of them make far more money than you or I can ever dream of.
  • Guest (29/01/2013, 15:43) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I guess reading comprehension was not your strong point in school.

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