Name bill on 'status of children' in Reeial George’s honour- Hon. J.A. Christopher

Hon. Christopher also made a call for the bill, Status of Children Act, 2013, now before the House of Assembly (HoA) to be named in honour of Mr Reeial George.
“He was a champion for the rights of all people,” Hon. Christopher stressed during an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online.
Mr George was especially remembered by Hon. Christopher for his bravery in attempting to have a bill passed in Parliament as it related to "illegitimate children" in the Virgin Islands.
“I remembered that very well because I was the one who seconded the motion of it to be introduced to the House for the first reading,” recalled Hon. Christopher.
While he couldn’t immediately remember the detailed content of the bill that was introduced to the then Legislative Council sometime between the late 1990s and early 2000s, Hon. Christopher said the primary objective is the same as the one recently introduced by the NDP Government.
“One of his most courageous move as a legislator was when he went down in the history books as the first to bring before the House a bill that is now before the House by this current government knowing the atmosphere of the country at the time dealing with illegitimate children,” added Hon. Christopher.
“It basically has a name change, now it’s called Status of Children Act, 2013 but the bottom line objective is the same as Mr George had introduced.” He said the bill disappeared into oblivion as it was never heard of again after a motion was moved to send it to a committee for review.
“After that we never saw or heard of it again. It never moved from that committee stage. But to see that today the NDP has come out with something that mirrors that very bill speaks to its significance and the vision that Mr George had and that’s why I think if it should be passed it should be named in his honour.”
According to Honourable Christopher, the similar bill introduced by the NDP is yet to be brought to the House of Assembly for debate, however, if it is not looked at during this Third Session of the Second House of Assembly it would have to start from scratch as a new bill to be introduced in the Fourth Session of the Second House of Assembly.
The ‘Status of Children Act, 2013’ is set out in four parts and would address the status of children, parentage, provision for property among other issues.
The status of children born in the VI to non- VIslander parents has always been one that has been treaded on lightly by legislators in the VI and still remains a very sensitive issue.

16 Responses to “Name bill on 'status of children' in Reeial George’s honour- Hon. J.A. Christopher”
does anyone know the name of the new party that A***n is heading?