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Najan Christopher appeared in Magistrates’ Court over alleged frivolous charges

-case seen as ongoing plot to eradicate Virgin Islanders who are patriots & fighters for freedom
The ongoing plot continues to eradicate Virgin Islanders who are patriots and fighters for freedom with an instance happening on Thursday, December 8, 2022, when Najan Christopher, Director of the International Affairs Secretariat in the Premier’s Office, was dragged before a Magistrates’ Court. Photo: GIS/File
Virgin Islands Governor, H.E John J. Rankin, CMG was caught in a scandal over whether he knew in advance, of the US sting operation that led to the arrest of Ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: RVIPF/GIS/File
Virgin Islands Governor, H.E John J. Rankin, CMG was caught in a scandal over whether he knew in advance, of the US sting operation that led to the arrest of Ex-Premier Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: RVIPF/GIS/File
Published on Monday, September 26, 2022, a podcast by Tortoise Media, a UK media house entitled 'Paradise Bust: Scandal in the British Virgin Islands,
Published on Monday, September 26, 2022, a podcast by Tortoise Media, a UK media house entitled 'Paradise Bust: Scandal in the British Virgin Islands," has explored and sought to find answers on what did British Government officials know about the drug sting operation that led to the arrest of Ex-Premier Fahie in Miami. Photo: Tortoise Media
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The ongoing plot continues to eradicate Virgin Islanders who are patriots and fighters for freedom with an instance happening on Thursday, December 8, 2022, when Najan Christopher, Director of the International Affairs Secretariat in the Premier’s Office, was dragged before a Magistrates’ Court.

Ms Christopher's case is in connection with a letter allegedly prepared without the proper authorization to request the head of government immunity for then Premier Andrew A. Fahie shortly after his Florida April 28, 2022, arrest.

Ms. Christopher, 46, acting in her official capacity at the time of the letter, pleaded not guilty to breach of trust and false assumption of authority, charges that many residents have condemned as frivolous and part of a witch hunt. 

Christopher a model public office

Ms. Christopher who has had an exemplary public sector career is being represented by Attorney Terrence F. Williams who has been a Virgin Islands (VI) former Director of Public Prosecutions.

Current Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit represented her office and read the complaint to the court and claimed that “such immunity typically is granted only to heads of sovereign states, not to territorial leaders”.

The DPP further told the court that on May 5, 2022, Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr. informed the police of the note, stating that Governor John J. Rankin had not requested diplomatic immunity for Mr. Fahie, after his arrest, as the then-sitting Premier.

Is Governor's hands all over the plot?

Apart from the court case, it was later unearthed in September 2022, that the same Governor Ranking inadvertently admitted to UK-based Tortoise Media that he authorize US DEA operations in the VI, and could have known in advance, that the United States (US) was carrying out a sting operation that led to the arrest of the ex-Premier.

Despite this, the Governor said he only knew of the arrest of the Premier after he was informed by London, although he authorizes DEA operations in the VI and generally knows of investigations that are underway. 

On August 17, 2022, the police informed Ms. Christopher of a report against her and cautioned her, according to Mrs. Scatliffe-Esprit in her court presentation.

Mr. Fahie’s attorney, Theresa M. B. Van Vliet of Genovese Joblove & Battista PA, used the letter from Ms. Christopher, which was printed on the Premier’s Office letterhead and carried the International Affairs Secretariat’s stamp, as part of the former Primer’s unsuccessful request to be released on the grounds of head of government immunity.

The DPP told the court that the Crown did not object to bail, but requested Ms. Christopher’s travel documents to be surrendered to the court, a matter that was pushed back on by Attorney Williams.

He noted Ms. Christopher is “not a flight risk, and that she looks after her elderly father, owns a family business, owns property in the VI, and has strong ties here”.

Not a flight risk- bail granted 

Senior Magistrate N. Tamia Richards granted bail of $30,000 and ordered Ms. Christopher, who has a zero criminal record, to report to the Road Town Police Station twice a week.

Many in the community and on social media have publicly condemned her arrest and believe the matter could have been handled through the Public Service Commission (PSC). They see it as another attempt to smear the good name of Ms. Christopher who many in the community have urged to run for political office.

The indigenous Virgin Islander Ms. Christopher is to return to court on January 12, 2023, for reporting, although no trial date has been set.

34 Responses to “Najan Christopher appeared in Magistrates’ Court over alleged frivolous charges”

  • one eye (23/12/2022, 11:28) Like (6) Dislike (39) Reply
    Very good article basded in facts
    • DPP finally goes to Court (23/12/2022, 14:17) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      So the DPP does not spend all of her time sitting in her office writing press releases confirming how important she is, and she does go to Court. A directions hearing in the Magistrates Court is about her level. I bet she get somebody else to do any contested application, and thank goodness that she now realises that she is not up to going to Court any more.
  • Xtc (23/12/2022, 11:42) Like (73) Dislike (18) Reply
    “ The indigenous Virgin Islander Ms. Christopher is to return to court on January 12, 2023”.

    I had no idea she is an Arawak. Cool. Genuinely surprised.
    • @Xtc (23/12/2022, 12:10) Like (18) Dislike (38) Reply
      You all always being childish! indigenous Peoples are distinct social and cultural groups that share collective ancestral ties to the lands and natural resources where they live, occupy or from which they have been displaced. She’s indigenous to the Virgin Islands and NO she is NOT an Arawak!
    • @ xtc (23/12/2022, 12:28) Like (17) Dislike (17) Reply
      Go sit down you done know what that mean from trying to cause confusion
    • Bias News (23/12/2022, 15:23) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
      You can’t be reading the same blogs by saying this:

      Many in the community and on social media have publicly condemned her arrest and believe the matter could have been handled through the Public Service Commission (PSC). They see it as another attempt to smear the good name of Ms. Christopher who many in the community have urged to run for political office.“

      Not a soul suggested running for office either.
  • picking up (23/12/2022, 12:36) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    No honor in your own homeland. very fascinating apparently the good gentleman from London puts the good gentleman from road town to report the issue to the police

    ting to tel da king
  • The Real Truth (23/12/2022, 12:37) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Good to see your article is not bias in any way!!!
  • Ziggy Marley (23/12/2022, 12:42) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    "What a plot"
  • naj (23/12/2022, 12:54) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    save me drew
  • steupes (23/12/2022, 13:49) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    It was not common knowledge to most at that time that fahie could not enjoy diplomatic immunity or else why would he or his attorney seek the letter. So if they didn't know, and they gave Christopher instructions, you expect Christopher to know? There was no breach of trust because that means you are suggesting she should have more knowledge on the topic than him and his attorney put together. So Archer run to the police. So Archer ask a question? Ting to talk for real. Was fahie not the head of the government at the time he got arrested? Chairman, leader, same thing. Doing the act is one thing. Having the mens rea, intent, knowledge to commit the act is another. I think you definitely need both for the offence.. NO CASE TO ANSWER. Then FIRE THE DPP. Steupes!
  • hmmm (23/12/2022, 14:06) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    The Governor can look into any of us and is accountable to none of us. The slavery mill grinding slow but grinning still.
  • Youth (23/12/2022, 14:11) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
    Anyone with sense can see the role of the Governor in all this which tell us that his motives are clear. It is not democracy when an unelected person like the Governor can have all the power he has and seems to be abusing and is not an elected official nor can the system look into him and his actions and his lack of productivity without his permission. This is wrong. This young lady needs to be freed.
  • Guest (23/12/2022, 14:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    She has a good lawyer.
  • Frivolous? (23/12/2022, 14:28) Like (29) Dislike (6) Reply
    Frivilous charges, who are you kidding, if this was an expat you would be baying for blood. These are serious offences highlighting the corruption within government
  • Now I Understand (23/12/2022, 14:40) Like (23) Dislike (27) Reply
    The campaign to disqualify and dispossess Virgin Islanders is beginning to become too obvious. Recently I came across an article on youtube entitled the 10 most developed countries in the Caribbean I was surprised to find the British Virgin Islands rated as #4 above places like Guyana Jamaica Trinidad Barbados US Virgin Islands Belize. The top four were BVI Bermuda Cayman Islands and Bahamas at #1. Virgin Islanders its time to take stock of Who you are and where you stand in the struggle this is not the time for tribal war and crab mentality. We must unite against envy jealousy and greed as some among us are very skilled at shattering other people's self confidence. Beware of those who come not only to kill steal and destroy but to utterly lay the country waste. Beware of the back home dis and back home that and find out why they are not back home. Time to stop entertaining these parasitic invaders whose only goal is to milk this country.
  • Loose mouth (23/12/2022, 14:47) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is one of the reasons I am forced to come to the conclusion. That Judge only trials are the best way forward for the BVI. The charges brought against the Ms. Christopher are allegations. It has to be proven in a court of law through evidence, oral, documentary real or otherwise, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the defendant did in fact commit the offense (s) for which she is charged. The alleged crime should not be overshadowed. based on the fact that the accused is an ingenious Virgin Islander or that she has an exemplary career is a potential Political prospect. The question that must be asked is Did the accused committed the offence for which she is charged? The Prosecution will present their evidence, the defense will examine the evidence and attempt to disprove the allegations. At the end of the day the matter will be given to the jury ( if the matter is indictable ) or the Magistrate if summarily to determine if the accused should be found guilty or be aquitted. After reading this article I am troubled. There are many persons that have been accused of more serious crimes but no one VINO or another have spoken out against the accusations like they are doing now. Should we give special treatment to certain persons based solely on position or status? When the judicial system is undermined or questioned by "mouthpieces" in it's midst it is time for some serious self examination.

    • To loose mouth (23/12/2022, 17:27) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Judge only trial is a step directly into colonialism in a modern version that will be made to seem justifiable. The Governor and his bosses are up to no good and think we are so stupid that we cannot see it. They are already working to ensure all the judges are from the UK and that alone will take care of all Caribbean people whether from BVI or not that they want to get rid of whether ethically or not just like they did with the selection of the commissioner for the COI. The Commissioner of Police is already from the UK. Next they will get the DPP to be from the UK and last the AG. The plot is real and the people need to wake up. In this way they can do what they are doing with Archer in this case...hide behind others public officers while they assigned them the dirty work as part of their duties and responsibilities. While the people are working hard trying to make the BVI better they are working to take it from us by all means necessary but make it seem as if they are working in our best interest and with us and sadly some of us are falling for this well organized plot. This girl needs to be released as she is just another pond in their overall plot. So many allegations against commissioner of Police in the past that went by the board because they were from the UK and only the Governor who is their boss can look into them and we all know that is not going to happen. We need to wake up. The plot is real.
      • @To loose mouth (24/12/2022, 08:40) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
        What is the motivation to the UK to propagate this "colonialist plot"? Is it the vast oil reserves in Road Harbour, the diamond mines of Spanish Town or perhaps the tech industry of Cane Garden Bay? Do you think the British-Indian prime minister Rishi Sunak wants to subjagate Afro-Caribbean people, or is it James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary (mixed heritage, mom is from Sierra Leone) who wants to play oppressor? Hang on. It must be Suella Braverman (Home Secretary) (parents are ethnically Indian from Kenya and Mauritius) who wants to play Colonialist!

        Wake up people.
  • Leon the professional hitman (23/12/2022, 15:39) Like (15) Dislike (14) Reply
    "Let the girl go"
    • Truth (24/12/2022, 06:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Same thing Trade being accused of. But Slowande protecting her while Naj** home. Trade Durectir should be put on leave
  • ccc (23/12/2022, 16:47) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Free my people
  • Let's be for real (23/12/2022, 17:39) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Governor and the UK section over him will never believe or trust the leadership of the BVI and all Caribbean overseas no matter whether they are good or not they have and will always paint them in a negative light or try to get them out of office in a way that leaves us thinking that they are not involved. Now the same plot is in place for senior local public officers so they can bring in UK people to fill those positions. It has been so from the beginning of time with them and it is not going to change. The elephant in the room for years now is racism and slavery but in a modern form. Yes they have some of us not willing to believe this to be so but the evidence is there. In the 21st century the 1st & ONLY black Governor from the UK was appointed in 2021 in Bermuda and they want us to be happy about this. The trusted part of the Governor office is his white UK staff. The Governor only trust the white UK commissioner of Police. The facts are glaring that they will never view us in the BVI and the Caribbean as equal human beings. In the UK their own people are now seeing and starting to protest against it but we are letting them blind us in the Caribbean.
  • @ 8 LOUD MOUTH (23/12/2022, 19:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that was impressive ????
  • not nice (23/12/2022, 20:01) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Don't worry just keep faith You Will pull though the DPP is very weak
  • 911 (24/12/2022, 09:56) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Some of you people are sick sick sick how the hell can the write up be bias?? FACTS CAN NEVER BE BIAS THE TRUTH HURTS the article is spot on in more ways than one
  • Why Not The PS (24/12/2022, 12:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The question is, why this directive was not sent to the Permanent secretary to prepare such a letter.
    The Premier and his attorney clearly knew this was wrong, but they persuade this junior officer to undertake this illegal act. Clearly this officer must have wondered why me, why not the PS. She clearly rushed ahead to prepare this letter knowing full well this was improper and forget her oath to serve the public and not the Premier.
  • @ WHY NOT THE PS (24/12/2022, 13:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • voter (24/12/2022, 16:00) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    I hope Najah runs she can win easily

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