Nail in steak sauce, lizard in bread create a stir!

The first incident was posted on Facebook by Tortola resident Stuart Donovan, tagging Deputy Director of Tourism Rhondi A. Skelton, detailing the incident which occurred at Brandywine Estate Restaurant.
Nail in steak sauce
“I am not all about posting everything on social media, so I thought long about this post. I recently had dinner at Brandywine Bay Restaurant and to my Horror ended up with an Old RUSTY NAIL in my food. After the apologies from management still can’t get over or understand how.”
Brandywine Estate Restaurant, in response said they took immediate actions following Mr Donavan’s complaint by firstly taking ownership and apologising and offering compensation and in a release, described the incident as a freak accident.
“We take all incidences of food contamination incredibly seriously. We have been in the restaurant business for over 25 years, 8 of which in the BVI. Regis Bourdon, the head-chef was trained to a very high standard in France and has worked all over Europe, the UK, America and the Caribbean. He also served over 12,000 free meals to children in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma (with no roof). This is the first time anything like this has ever happened and so we can only conclude that it was a freak accident.”
The restaurant then informed that contact was made with the Department of Environmental Health to explain the incident and invited them to inspect our premises. “They conducted a full inspection at lunchtime today and concluded that our premises are in excellent condition, above the standard they require. They cannot find any reason for the incident, concluding that it was a one-off, unexplained accident. Should you wish to speak to them directly about their inspection, we invite you to do so.”
Further, “We have also arranged for Rufred Forbes to inspect the premises to ensure that there are no loose objects that could potentially fall into the food that we prepare. In addition, our staff are on-site today (on a day we are usually closed), conducting a thorough inspection,” stated the restaurant’s management.
The Department of Environmental Health confirmed the restaurant’s statement, adding that they re-created the scene and found it to not have been deliberate. Appearing on JTV, Chief Environmental Health Officer Lionel E. Michael said, “The results of the testing indicate that this explanation could have been plausible. The Environmental Health Department has concluded that the presence of the nail in the food was an unintended accident.”
Lizard in bread
Shortly after, via WhatsApp, the incident of a bread contaminated with a little lizard baked in the bread started going viral.
The female who purchased the bread was seen showing the startling discovery to someone who videotaped the bread with the lizard inside then followed the woman to the bakery and videotaped her lodging her complaint to the owner, who appeared startled.
Many bashed the restaurant and the bakery but there were also those who thought it was not necessary for them to go public with the incidents but should have rather dealt with it in private with the two establishments.
In the case of Josh Bakery, which sits in the heart of Road Town, Michael said the case is still under investigation, “What we found there this morning did not indicate to us that things are such that would have led to that to the lizard in the bread.”
“Lizard has no place in a restaurant. It’s not like roaches and rats and flies and so on, its lizards and they get into places from time to time and what has to happen is that management has to ensure that they have systems in place that do not allow them to get into food that they prepare for people.”
He stressed, “And so vigilance, inspection and thoroughness are key in these establishments. They are unfortunate incidents.”
Management of Josh Bakery could not be reached for comment.
Mr Michael applauded the resident for lodging the complaint with the department and called on others to do the same whenever they come across similar incidents be it at bakeries, eating houses, shops or otherwise.
Mr Michael said both reports by the two residents were not fabricated but were factual, based on their investigations.

36 Responses to “Nail in steak sauce, lizard in bread create a stir!”
This is a really reputable restaurant which very high standards that did a huge amount for the community after Irma.....this stinks if the patron trying to pull a fast one for a free meal and then trying to play the race card and claiming they were treated badly...utter Bull$...really scum ball tactics. shameful. There is no way that can be real. Finish the whole plate then find that huge nail???. Dread.......
Something just don’t add up! I wonder if Kad*& is who push and push the man to post this up. Something not right.
them the unsanitary nature of doing both.. Mr. Michael I’m imploring you to please have your team do thorough spot checks of these restaurants and street vendors (without their knowledge of you all coming) and hold them Accountable.. this isn’t good enough.. I understand the apology but in the US we all know legal action would be taken against these businesses.. JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
restaurants.. hold them accountable
O my some n****r are so nasty any thing is possible I saw birds eating the ribs from a jurk center once and I show it to what you call S.. E just say it happed all the time I never eat there again
It’s sad and unfortunate situation, firstly if the nail was in the food it wasn’t put deliberately(which I felt was put by the customer)secondly how on earth can u almost finish your food and not noticed a NAIL did the fork not touch it or weren’t u looking in the plate,Regis should run the camera and sue...
Josh bakery always have their pet r**s running around so I’m not surprised at all, bread nice though.
Mr ****** is a cun artist straight from carrot bay with them rhymer from cane garden bay
The noisy racist lady who harbours such bitterness in her heart and always purports to speak the will of the people should really quieten down on this.
There was no racism until she introduced it with the comment on white people. There was not the same division until she stoked it.
But it is an undercurrent which is being exploited to the detriment of the BVI. In anticipation of the comments, I probably will leave these shores soonish. But I will take my revenue, tax, and spending with me, sadly. Good luck BVI.