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‘My Husband gave his life's blood for EE/LL’ - Mrs Louise Lettsome

Mrs Louise Lettsome flanked by Eighth District Representative Marlon A. Penn (left) and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour and Seventh District Representative Dr the Hon Kedrick D. Pickering at the opening ceremony of the Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome Memorial Festival. Photo: VINO
Balloons released to mark the occasion - Opening ceremony of the Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome Memorial Festival. Photo: VINO
Balloons released to mark the occasion - Opening ceremony of the Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome Memorial Festival. Photo: VINO
Among those present were Natalio D. Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru, first Miss Jr BVI Tichina Penn and Arliene T. Penn. Photo: VINO
Among those present were Natalio D. Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru, first Miss Jr BVI Tichina Penn and Arliene T. Penn. Photo: VINO
Hon Penn like others were on spot in welcoming home Virgin Islanders who are here for the 60th Festival at the same time ‎admonished that the trend of dividing the people of the VI by politics be put to an end. Photo: VINO
Hon Penn like others were on spot in welcoming home Virgin Islanders who are here for the 60th Festival at the same time ‎admonished that the trend of dividing the people of the VI by politics be put to an end. Photo: VINO
Chairman of the BVI Festivals and Fairs Committee Mr Marvin 'MB' Blyden. Photo: VINO
Chairman of the BVI Festivals and Fairs Committee Mr Marvin 'MB' Blyden. Photo: VINO
Mrs Lettsome accepts a bouquet of flowers for her husband now deceased. Photo: VINO
Mrs Lettsome accepts a bouquet of flowers for her husband now deceased. Photo: VINO
The poster of Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome on display at the opening ceremony. Photo: VINO
The poster of Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome on display at the opening ceremony. Photo: VINO
EAST END, Tortola, VI - The East End/Long Look Festiville was named this year in honour of one of the founders of the East End celebration Mr Ifield 'Spike' Lettsome who according to his widow Mrs Louise Lettsome, gave his life's blood for the development of the East End/Long Look community.

Mrs Lettsome was presented with a bouquet of flowers in memory of her husband last night August 5, 2014 at the Ifield ‘Spike’ Memorial Festival opening. "It's better late than never,” she said as she spoke of her gratitude towards the committee for honouring her husband.

Also making remarks at the opening ceremony were Deputy Premier and Minister for Labour and Natural Resources Dr the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering (R7) and Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) and Chairman of the BVI Festivals and Fairs Committee Mr Marvin 'MB' Blyden.

Dr. Hon. Pickering ‎commended the Commissioner of Police of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) and the Police officers for so far doing a fantastic job at maintaining peace especially during the Festival activities.

However Mr Blyden said that he has to check with the RVIPF for confirmation that there was no recorded violence or crimes committed during the festivities before pronouncing on the issue.

Hon Penn like others were on spot in welcoming home Virgin Islanders who are here for the 60th Festival at the same time ‎admonished that the trend of dividing the people of the VI by politics be put to an end.

7 Responses to “‘My Husband gave his life's blood for EE/LL’ - Mrs Louise Lettsome”

  • zoe (06/08/2014, 09:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    nothing starts on time in the BVI
  • kudos (06/08/2014, 09:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let the people say Amen!
  • Who eh hut eh but (06/08/2014, 10:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these ministers trying to score a point even in our emancipation. Let the record speaks for itself and who eh hut eh hut
  • Yes (06/08/2014, 11:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them need to name the community center after spike lettsome because he took forever building it.
  • islander (06/08/2014, 12:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Teacher Louise, you and Mr Ifield have done soo much for the East End, Long Look community. Congrats
  • David (07/08/2014, 21:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    DR Pickering for years u give no support to E/E L /L festival u only ride around on a bike on wednesday because u want to take the wednesday away that what rich friends wants u a snake if u support it would be better u give support to others never ot u own its time for u to go DR do little

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