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Musical festivals a well known & effective strategy to increase visitors - Premier

Sharing statistics on tourism arrivals in the Virgin Islands, Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) says one of the aims of the upcoming Virgin Islands (VI) Music festival is to increase tourism numbers in the month of May 2024, which has shown a history of low tourist arrivals based on stats from 2023.
The Premier was at the time speaking during a Friday, March 22, 2024, press conference on the upcoming Virgin Islands (VI) music festival and added, that the government also wants to increase the quality of the experience that visitors have when they come to the VI. Photo: GIS/Facebook
The Premier was at the time speaking during a Friday, March 22, 2024, press conference on the upcoming Virgin Islands (VI) music festival and added, that the government also wants to increase the quality of the experience that visitors have when they come to the VI. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Sharing statistics on tourism arrivals in the Virgin Islands, Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) says one of the aims of the 3 day upcoming Virgin Islands (VI) Music festival is to increase tourism numbers in the month of May 2024, which has shown a history of low tourist arrivals based on stats from 2023.

“The vision that we have put forward for tourism is very clear. If people don't understand it, it means they don't want to understand it. We want to increase the amount of tourists that we have in the Virgin Islands,” he said.

The Premier was at the time speaking during a Friday, March 22, 2024, press conference on the upcoming Virgin Islands (VI) music festival and added, that the government also wants to increase the quality of the experience that visitors have when they come to the VI.

“Last year we had our second-best arrival numbers in the history of the Virgin Islands. Those persons who tell you that the economy is not doing well, are they simply ignoring the facts?... we have 994,253 visitors,” he said.

VI can do better - Premier Wheatley 

According to the Premier, the almost 950K visitors was an astounding accomplishment considering that the VI still has properties to come on stream, regarding recovering from the Hurricanes of 2017. 

“But we can do better and we will do better” he said while sharing stats from 2023 and adding that for months with low visitor arrivals like May, more activities should be planned so arrival numbers can increase through tourism diversification.

“Our focus today is on entertainment Tourism which is a key strategy used all over the world,” he said in reference to regional countries and their festivals and carnival-like activities held in the UK, Canada and US.

“It is a well-known and effective strategy to improve your visiting numbers and the quality of the experience of existing visitors,” Dr Wheatley said while noting the VI will be doing more to bolster its tourism numbers.

11 Responses to “Musical festivals a well known & effective strategy to increase visitors - Premier”

  • Styles. (23/03/2024, 19:03) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    This guy…..

    If you can clearly show an audited report with the financial performance within 3 months after the festival.

    Let’s talk then.

    But as we all know, the govt doesn’t care to have the books checked.
    • smh (24/03/2024, 05:36) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      That’s wat he studying cause he a club man etc . Ships being way more so just fix the darm roads and infrastructure of the BVI deal with our airport extension. From talking bout music festival
  • We get it (23/03/2024, 19:44) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Alright. We are full speed ahead working towards entertainment tourism. A great way to bring visitors and money to our shores. This, however, causes a few issues for me. You see I love my country and my national pride is strong. So, hence, I think it is important to start working on our infrastructure. Most of our AirBnbs are not in the Town area, so we our tourist has to traverse the roads from east to west. It is important that something is done on the areas of our roadways that are very bad. For instance, Main Street, East End into Town, Joes Hill, Huntumns Ghut, West End and parts of Sea Cows Bay. You see we may not have the money to fix everything, but surely we care about how we are perceived by our visitors. Everything here is expensive, room and board, food, rental cars, etc. So it is important not to leave a bitter taste in our visitors' mouths and having them say the BVI is a dump. We cannot fix everything, but we fix what we can a little at a time, please. If your goal is to have over a million guests visit our islands each year, add them to who actually lives here and we all traverse our roadways everyday so soon we won't have taxis, rental cars and our personal vehicles as the bottom will fall out of them. I don't know how else to say this so that it is understood. Hire workmen for Public Works and try to get help from our resident engineers to fix our roads a few miles at a time which is better than nothing at all. For while we wait for hundreds of millions to fix the roads wholesale, they will soon be undriveable. Please, bring back our national pride. Don't let all these visitors come to our country and see us at our lowest, catch us with our pants down. Come on. We can do better.
  • truth be told (23/03/2024, 22:25) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    The quality of the experience will increase indeed. I met a tourist who was heaving the bvi the other day. She said she had some terrible rides around the country. Why are the roads so bad she asked.
    • @truth be told (24/03/2024, 03:14) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
      I saw some tourists who decided to walk the hills and were literally being slapped by the bush when avoiding cars. They stopped to look at the bush in amazement. It is embarassing. Even a party planner can do a better job.
  • Lb (24/03/2024, 02:03) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only if properly planned to give tourists time to make travel decisions to come here instead of USVI for Utopia or St Kitts for their grand festival among so many others. This is too short noticed. Skelton brought Gramps for Music Festival the last time there was one and now you come with the same Gramps Morgan again? A bunch of black male performers? Do you understand what tourists like at all? Clown sauce this is. And then $600k? That is insane to spend that kind of money on a poorly planned event, when Ron and his team already have an event planned the next week. Why not simply throw your support behind the private promoters event and help them to promote it? Why change the name? Why change the venue? Why compete with a private entity? Government has no call operating in this space! I guess Premier was bag up when he was younger so now he want to throw parties now to get out the house. Makes no sense what he is doing or pushing. Waste of resources just like the Nonsense Concert that up to now we can’t get a report on how it benefited the economy. A waste of $250k!
  • Funny (24/03/2024, 09:35) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    the line up will not attract money spending tourists from overseas, not even a chance of it, you will get tourists that are already booked that what a load of noise but no toursit that has money is coming to spend it here due to this late notice no recognizable act for a white person and that might be harsh but the demigraphic you are aiming for is white as St Kitts & St Thomas has all the local tourists from the islands already in the bag and will do for years to come.
  • So plan it (24/03/2024, 12:32) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Could work if you plan it properly and at least a year in advance. You can't be successful with only two months advance planning and marketing. It will be a waste of our money once again....
  • GateKeeper (25/03/2024, 10:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Here is a news flash. Physical infrastructure ( roads, electricity, water, wastewater, drainage, gas, ports(marine/air), telecommunications, etc and other tourism-based facilities, are not foreign to and is sine qua non to providing a quality and first class/First World tourism product. The VI physical infrastructure is in a poor, deteriorated state; it is not First World. Tourism is 1/2 of VI’s economic twin pillar. Consequently, the VI must authorize and appropriate the funding and make the investment in designing, constructing, operating, maintaining, etc, a First World functional physical infrastructure.

    Moreover, the VI must attract both overnite( long -stay) and day trip visitors. Over night visitors need beds to put heads in, ie, adequate room supply to facilitate demand. On average, overnighters spend more per day than day trippers.
  • NB (25/03/2024, 13:57) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can someone please change the title of Mr. Wheatley to Party Premier?
  • @ NB (26/03/2024, 07:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Exactly, can this i*** give an estimate of how much the Govt. pay out & compare to how much they gain from this. Take some of this money & give “ sister islands” some of the essentials that they need for everyday living. Set of CLOWNS we got in Govt.????????‍♂️

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