'Ms P' blasts VI men for ‘allowing’ their women to 'expose' themselves in public

Ms Parsons was at the time a guest on the July 30, 2023, edition of Real Talk with Karia J. Christopher when she commented that she does not understand how men allow their women to dress a certain way.
The comments prompted Real Talk host Mrs Christoper to question whether, in 2023, men were still allowing women to do certain things.
“I know the kids are mature and it's a different world, but still we are West Indian women and I cannot see how, if you and your boyfriend live together, how could your boyfriend allow you to leave home to go on the Road Town Street with so much of you exposed?" Ms Parsons said.
“How can your husband allow people to see what only he should see? How could your father allow you, his daughter, to go out there exposed?” she further questioned.
VI should have standards - Ms Parsons
Ms Parsons' comments came on the heels of her stating on the same show that the VI Festival has become nothing more than feathers and flesh.
She added that some youths may say that Ms Parsons wants them to come up and dress like the local heritage dancers; however, she clarified that is not the case.
“This is the BVI, we are West Indians, we are British Virgin Islanders, we should have a standard that we live to and I know if my grandmother...was alive, my grandmother would have put her hands over little children’s eyes to stop them from seeing this nudity,” she said.
The local cultural icon said parents should still have control over their children who are living with them.
Ms Parsons added that it was that way in her generation, and while youths are far more mature now, there should still be standards.

94 Responses to “'Ms P' blasts VI men for ‘allowing’ their women to 'expose' themselves in public”
In her time running the Committee, there would have been so many rejected undesirables.. They wont have been entered into the Parade.
But lets face reality , If the men dare to speak to the Women too hard ,the Police are at your home for Domestic Violence, much more so if you touch them you would spend your Emancipation in prison,. So isn't it best to leave them alone, andto use those Evidences to build your Devorse Case grounds and let her try to be Emancipated from Street Nudity, and get no Alimony, because she wont need Clothes.
This is a different time and newer generation. No man should be in a position to tell or demand how a woman dresses.
Ms P appears to have nudity issues especially around Carnival. Its her routine criticism. May I suggest to her something that she has apparently not learned in her life: You cannot change adults. We are all responsible for ourselves including the way we dress. No criticism can change that. We can only change ourselves not others particularly adults with their own way of thinking.
Different generation and times. It is what it is.
This is a different time, where some women display nudity like if it’s was breakfast on the table. Let me remind the audience, it is the same moral requirement for women. If we look on the law books many women do not need to take off their clothes to be arrested by definition of nudity.
Freedom have its price. It is the husband, boyfriend, uncle,ectera whoever it may be to see that their significant other dress appropriately. The standards set by the committee should be one that place moral values above nudity. Have you ever see those same women show up at their job with those attire? No! Because the justification is it’s not appropriate wear for the work place, and it will remain so for the road. Bring change now!
No one should try to measure other people by a short ended yard sticks. I hope the festival committee is ready these comments that indicate a large number of people are not in favor of the lude acts of festivals.
Moreover, Men don’t own women; they are not men’s property. It seems you want to throw women’s suffrage movement, and rights back into the Stone Age. You want set back the feminist movement. Your in your face despisement, displeasure, discontent, discomfort, ie, does little to meet your desire of the way things should. This is a sanitized way to put it, for some of did learn something from elders, ie, respect elders. . . How the young people dress for festival is a temporary respite from the stress of life.
“How can your husband allow people to see what only he should see?
Some women do not have respect for God, husband or significant other. God is supposed to be the head of every household and then the man (Ehpesians 5:22-33). But with so much covetousness, chaos, wickedness etc. the household and relationships are not Godly and are out of order and by extension society. We are supposed to be guided by God's commandments and covenants not man made traditions. Making the word of God none effect through the traditions you have handed down and many such things you do (Mark 7:13)
The BVI needs to get back to God and spend its precious resources on education, and other industries which reap dividends and not havoc and vain babblings!
and speak out about what is on our mind, here would be a much better place.
The vulgarity that was openly displayed over the Emancipation Festival is just mind boggling. What were those young ’ladies’ and hard women trying to portray? They should all be ashamed of themselves.
The men were dressed properly while the majority of the half naked women carried themselves like
harlots. It is very embarrassing for our islands and I think that we need to stop wasting our money on this foolishness (to entertain who?) if the horses
cannot be bridled.
Shameful behaviour! No wonder decent
people do not stick around and participate in the celebrations. Those brazen women were like they were in heat.
Enough of this. Our festivals are totally out of control. Bring back our culture. Congrats to the organisers of the East End/Long Look Culture Village and the Carrot Bay Festival Celebrations.
Stop the jouverts/rise and shine in Road Town and East End and keep the horny strippers out of the parades. Sickening. Too much vulgarity.
If you don't like the truth, go somewhere
A woman has the right to dress however she damn well pleases as long as she does not break the law of this Territory. Folks may roll their eyes and cast the first stone of judgment, as is THEIR right. However, there is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor Ms P?
Question. Did any of you notice the men were fully clothed while our women left nothing to the imagination?
In the name of being adult and being able to do what you want, these young people have taken us down to dregs. But if you have no pride and respect for yourself, so be it. I for sure not going back to the parade. I know that is done at jouvert, but somehow it is okay to wear down to the parade where all are there to see, including their children? Well, I hope that the Government will send out costume guidelines for next year because this is outrageous.
Walk with ticket books
Share tickets like crazy
Let them pay their fines after
Some ayuh ladies ga too much tataz and chingal to be wearing them dental floss costumes.
By now most of them stale like stale bread
Everybody done see their business
They shouldn’t bother wear clothing for work etc
Guess that’s why most of them ain’t married or getting married anytime soon
I respect my body and sees it as sacred
Moreover, property and major crimes, eg, murders, etc, are a cancer in the community but we castigating these young women because they are not dressed like old maids. Further, we make the women chattel property of men? Is Emancipation a celebration from physical slavery for Blacks?? But now we want enslave women? What happen to feminism?? What happen to women suffrage?? What have to women suffrage?? What happen to women movement??
We are blaming the young women for how they dress, breaking no jaws?? There is individual responsibility but we should be looking at parents, community, school system,,etc. Maintaining community standards don’t happen by accident, by osmosis, by decree, etc. it takes community engagement. Let us stop the holier than thou crap. Who can cast the first stone? If we peel back the onion will we be surprise what we will find? Let’s take a peek back in time at the BVI? Will we be surprise at what is unearthed relative to moral behavior? Nuff things use to happen after dark in Road Town and in the Villages. Don’t get me started, for I know and observed nuff things? I leave that for now.
Just a smash.
I am a woman and I am ashamed of all the nakedness. I always say by the time some of them get married everybody already see all dem stuff.
Big Cheeks! Jiggly cheeks! Bunny cheeks!
Dimple cheeks- You see it all on show.
..Quite, quite shocking, to say the least..
Perhaps, more feathers, bows, ribbons, should be looked into as additional coverings for those "areas", going forward..
Yes, we are emancipated.But, we can be conservative,while with modesty, showing various cultural styles..as true respect for our freedom..