Ms Caryl O'Neal forced out of BFEC
This news site has confirmed this by several sources within the Government system of the Virgin Islands (VI), Teachers of the BFEC and other persons close to Ms O'Neal.
While she could not have been reached for comment the sources close to the Principal of the Secondary Division for over 25 years said that while she was allegedly frustrated by the Minister for Education and Culture's Honourable Myron V. Walwyn alleged style of micro management, she was prepared to stick it out for another year when she was given parting decision by the Department of Education.
"She had approached the Chief Education Officer asking for her retirement from this year. She told us (allegedly) that they told her that she couldn't until next year and she adjusted her life to suit staying for another year," said a close family of Ms. O'Neal. A senior teacher and a Department of Education Officer also confirmed. Both insisted on not being named.
It was alleged that while Mr O'Neal had an undoubted passion to continue the legacy and standard that she can be credited for as having an excellent record at the school she was frustrated by the Minister's micro management.
"There are some teachers there even some parents who try to have their own way and were allegedly entertained by the Minister. He used to micro manage terribly. They used to bypass the Principal and go straight to him, ignore her and did their own thing. She couldn’t say anything to those teachers as their first line boss was Myron and not the Princpal," said a teacher.
It is alleged that the early sendoff stemmed for an apparent incident at the school's most recent Graduation Ceremony.
It was said that during his speech the Minister was allegedly making sinister and sarcastic remarks which pointed to the Principal. "We are teachers there. We knew what he was referencing and who certain remarks were directed to," alleged another teacher.
The teachers and parents had brought this to the attention of this news site shortly after the graduation when they complained bitterly of what they considered to have been in bad taste for a Minister for Education. They had told this news site back then that as the Minister said certain things in his speech he kept ‘eyeballing’ the Principal which made her uncomfortable resulting in her leaving the room while the Minister was still on the floor.
A close family relative alleged that it was subsequent to that incident that two Officers from the Ministry of Education visited the Principal informing her that the Minister had given instructions that she proceed on retirement from this year.
Further confirmation of this was an advertisement on the Government's web site for a Principal for BFEC with an application deadline of September 9, 2014.
When contacted a receptionist at the Ministry of Education told this news site that the Chief Education Officer was the only person to respond to our request for confirmation but would not have been available before sometime mid-week.
It is this news site's understanding that interviews are being conducted by the Public Service Commission with the two names on the top of the list being Mr Paul Fenty, Assistant Principal of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre Secondary Division, and Ms Glenda Stevens.
111 Responses to “Ms Caryl O'Neal forced out of BFEC”
@huh, it matters not who hire her and who fire her, but it's the way things are done under this NDP government. M..on want to have people he can control
The Department delayed iher retirement and then the Minister sent to retire her. My dear, she no longer wanted to be there. The behaviour at the graduation ceremony was atrocious and unbecoming of a Member of Parliament. And I wonder if his colleagues took his to task about this bad behaviour. Karma , oh karma!!!!!!!!
I believe that this coming election is going to be a tricky one because if the enemy, RTO words.
I believe this election is going to be a dangerous one. Lives and livelihood are being destroyed under this regime and they must be stopped.
Don't mix apples with oranges please although they are all fruits.
The only students that had problems with her were the ones raised by incompetent parents. And God forbid she tried to correct them, she got a load of thud flung under her backside by the parents.
The minister will surely get what's coming to him. He threw out the ESHS principal and now he's throwing out BFEC principal, based off of what? Based off of what VI people good for! Gossip!
Keep moving them Mr. Education Minister.
Me personally don't think so. He is one of the best in the BVI.
Ms. O'Neal got what was long coming and Myron will get his share so not to worry.
This eye for an eye family war between VIP and NDP is ridiculous and needs to stop before someone get hurt.
There is nothing wrong with the music teacher. There cannot be a functioning music programme in a school with just one teacher. He is not able to take on the load of all those students. And maybe if the Principal was showing an insensitive of bettering the programme, the minister would not have made such a comment. I personally think that it is crazy for music to be available for one term per form, rather than a continual throughout the school year. That is why there is no functioning programme; nothing to do with the teacher.
He was trained and is well educated for his job. And if you ask me, I think he is overqualified to be teaching at BFEC... In the BVI on a whole
Robinson O'Neal and BFEC as one of the first.
the fact. She is nothing more than an educated pig.
She looked down on people, all who here sayin all those
good things about her, should be ashame of them self.
Im am very happy to hear she is longer there and i know
the students are also glad.
some big funny shape heads, they think they know
everything on earth. You can be an astronat and they
will argue with you about space. That is just the way
they operate.