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Mr. David D Archer Jr. is Acting Governor

Deputy Governor, Mr. David D Archer, Jr. is acting in the Office of Governor while Governor Daniel Pruce is out of state until September 22, 2024. Photo: Facebook/ Government of the Virgin Islands
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Deputy Governor, Mr. David D Archer, Jr. is acting in the Office of Governor while Governor Daniel Pruce is out of state.

Mr. Archer will hold the post of Acting Governor until September 22, 2024.

According to a press release from the Office of the Governor, Mr. Archer’s appointment is in accordance with section 37 (1) (a) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order, 2007 which states, “During any period when the office of Governor is vacant, or the Governor is absent from the Virgin Islands or is for any other reason unable to perform the functions of his or her office, the Deputy Governor shall, during His Majesty’s pleasure, act in the office of Governor and shall perform the functions of that office accordingly.”

Governor Pruce and Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) will be travelling to the United Kingdom to meet Minister Stephen J. Doughty, the Minister of Overseas Territories.

9 Responses to “Mr. David D Archer Jr. is Acting Governor ”

  • ccc (05/09/2024, 14:56) Like (9) Dislike (21) Reply
    should be ashamed that in 2024 the bvi still needs a governor from the UK SMH
  • time keeper (05/09/2024, 15:21) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    What state is Governor Pruce in?
  • Mika B (05/09/2024, 15:52) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did we ever solve the MB problem? Will the matter be brought up in courts?
  • John (05/09/2024, 17:14) Like (5) Dislike (13) Reply
    Every minute this man leaving the country
  • Plenty money (05/09/2024, 20:12) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ohhh our Party and Travel Premier is doing it again? What about a Zoom mtg to save the $12,345.00 first class ticket to London? Asking for a friend
  • ???? (05/09/2024, 20:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dis Guy looks like stinky great job for doing anything
  • Cindy- cartoon lol (06/09/2024, 06:53) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    this governor is on vacation plus I am mad he did not suspend the constitution I don't like him anymore
  • FIRE (06/09/2024, 12:08) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The farthest he can reach is acting.
  • keeps (07/09/2024, 07:44) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    @FIRE. Colonialism keeps your mind in prison.

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