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Moving full speed ahead with little or nothing

- Truth for the Youth-BVP… Sat - 6pm – 7pm on CBN 90.9 FM
June 12th, 2023 | Tags:
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
Alred C. Frett

When the Results You need is Driven by the Hearse in a Grand Prix Race:

Years ago, President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Judge Clarence Thomas abandoned the Rules of Law, and abused their Power… Months ago I said that unless they were made accountable, it would be unfair for Ex-Premier Fahie to be held under arrest… It seems Andrew may be about to lose this one because the long Arm of the Law and Wheels of Justice are awake or ‘Woke’.

That would be a grave mistake, for, if out of hundreds of deaths, there were only two Radio Talkers, then you may be safer being a Radio Voice, since they have the smaller Dying Percentage… Besides, it is far too difficult delivering your Message from beyond the Grave…. Perhaps, Trump knows this, so his struggle is not a matter of Fairness, Justice, or Court House verdict, but simply to avoid dying in Prison.

For over 70 years, he roamed wild and lawless… During his first Campaign he saw himself as invincible, and boasted of being able to shoot someone in broad daylight without losing Supporters… He swore he  was bigger than God; for God only worked 6 days before taking a break while the Devil never seemed to quit… The News Media appeared to support his concept because they constantly had him on the Air.

In the process, he polluted and corrupted Democracy, and as a Cult Leader, he was the springboard or catalyst, who provided the excuse and momentum for those Persons who were already predisposed to Evil… Even in his absence, these bad effects may still linger on, but Today, we watch as things not expected in a million years, occurred in a day… His World changed, and the Walls are now closing in. 

When we Think that the Cost of being Wrong is Cheaper than the Price of being Right:

Because of Trump, racist Republicans and self-righteous Christians increased their Conservatism, invented their WOKEISM foolishness, and resurrected their Anti-Abortion drive… None of this is about a love for Children… Instead, it’s directly aimed at destroying the Human Rights of others, and by forcing you to have unplanned children, they seek the revival of cheap labor to support the rich and powerful.

Think about it… Aren’t these the same Leaders who seem comfortable with School Children as target practice, because of the effects from Laws they created for legalizing guns and mass murder? You may say, that is there and we are here, but in Trickledown Syndromes, their problems become our problems, and our future is directly threatened as our Young Men and Women populate prisons and graveyards.

Elections may be over, and some may say it’s too early, but nothing has changed for the better... They may have worsened... Funeral Homes have doubled with no shortage of Customers, but we are just as broke as ever... We are still burdened with problems, and while the list may be too long to present, it is clear that a major factor comes from spending Monies we do not have, on Things we do not need.

This is all unnecessary since so much can be done at low costs & affordable prices, but it would seem that unless it’s Concrete and Steel, Leaders refuse to look beyond their Noses, and the end products accomplish less, and punish more than they provide… Basic things like the Futures for the Children are ignored, and Seniors who should be enjoying comforts in their latter years, are treated more like victims. 

A simple example is demonstrated every day at the DMV… While the special service line is appreciated, the established Rules appear to punish Seniors who have been accident free, careful & experienced Drivers… These are charged far more and given far less than brand-new inexperience drivers, although statistics show the young ones as more likely to be Daredevils and the causers of accidents.

Misleading the Youth about the price of Progress:

As we consider Cause & Effect, we find the prosperity of a Country judged by its Education, Health, and Roads… However, Leaders pay less attention to Education of the Youth, and more to Society’s calls for their Imprisonment… Prevention is better than cure, but they fail to recognize the young mind is an active sponge that will regard Prison as the University where they can excel in all subjects of Criminality. 

Meanwhile, Health is directly linked to Productivity, and while Sports and Entertainment contribute to & enhance Health, they are unable to stand on their own… Simply put, Health is a necessary commodity, from the Cradle to the Grave, while Sports & Entertainment are mainly for the young… By failing to see this, Leaders squander scant resources on Playing while ignoring basic requirements for Health Care. 

Roads connect us, and we daily experience their disrepair - If Pot Holes made Kitchens we would be well fed… However, in reality, we may lack the necessary Funds for repairs so it’s a matter of doing what we can with the little we have… Of course, every District should and would have their own needs & priorities, and since it is the Squeaky Wheel that gets the grease, Residents should raise their concerns.

From our daily dose of Accidents it is clear that Safety should be a priority, and a few areas that come to mind include the dangers posed by the absence of Pedestrian Crossings and Speed Bumps at the High School and Festival Grounds, as well as the failure to reduce the Traffic Triangle between their Parking Lot and B&F Medical Complex… Ironically, it is the Leaders who created this Pedestrian Traffic Danger.

Traditionally, BV-Islanders believed that who owns the Land owns the Country, but if that is so, then we are losing it because Leaders continued to alienate the lands of the People… Slave Masters gave Long Look to their Slaves, but our Governments appear to be doing the opposite… I remind you again of their apparent intent to take Palmgrove Shopping Centre away from Local Owners and give it to Foreigners.

You may recall that this tiny portion of land was provided for BV-Islanders as a means of giving them a stake in their own Country… The mere idea of Government betraying this Trust, confirms an ongoing practice of Slave Descendants and Indigenous People. being willfully advantaged by those who were elected to Serve and Represent them… They effectively condition the People to become their Victims.

You can never own the Trees if the Lands belong to Others:

Some may plant the Seed and grow the Crops while others reap the Fruits… This formed the foundation of most Nations, and in its absence, they all seem to fail & fall apart… Practically no one wishes to admit that the great America is broke & in deficit, because she can no longer access free Slave Labour… In this World of Empty Promises, Plastic Credit and Paper Bags, we have made ourselves the Victims.

People always thought that they can chase & catch the Dollar, but Leaders knew the Truth so, in the past, Countries supplemented this loss by Colonialism and the importation of Cheap Labour… However, Anti-Immigrant laws and Brexit have complicated this transfer of Labour... As a result, Canada, Australia and other Countries are trying to rescue their Economies by offering attractive deals to entice Migrants.

Meanwhile, here at home, we don’t bother to learn from such Lessons… We think being broke is a qualifier, so we hasten to defeat ourselves by difficultizing the Work Permit process… We pretend to be helping by claiming to reserve jobs for BV-Islanders, when in fact we are really hindering progress… Just look around and see how many of our Grand Parents are actually born & bred BV-Islanders. 

Look in your Bedrooms and Hallways to see how many of those in positions of Power are more closely connected externally rather than internally... It is no secret that BV-Islanders are reduced to less than a third of the Population, and we are at that point where it is imperative that we look at the long-term effect and survival of BVI as a whole, and not just a privileged few intent on distressing the lives of many.

Sometimes we think we have all the Answers, so we wonder, how can persons see what we see and still follow misleaders like Trump, Johnson, and others… We can only hope that the answer is not in our own Mirror, because Life is a Mission, and whether BV-Islander or Work Permit Holder, we are all in this together... Every day is a Challenge to fix more than we break; so if we know better, then let’s do better.

PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio fxPrograms

5 Responses to “Moving full speed ahead with little or nothing ”

  • Important points (12/06/2023, 15:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Great advice for the government, and the people should pay attention.

    Borris Johnson will be remembered for the Ukraine war he was instrumental in prolonging. He was the one that stopped the first peace treaty.
  • pat (12/06/2023, 16:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another great piece brother al
  • Manjack (12/06/2023, 18:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    AC , another good read. A few take always. 1. “ Traditionally, BV-Islanders believed that who owns the Land owns the Country, but if that is so, then we are losing it because Leaders continued to alienate the lands of the People…” Indeed land, a non-renewable resource, was a BVI identify. However, along with the help of government, Virgin Islanders are trading land ,an asset, to buy liabilities, ie, cars , boats, clothes, jewelry, etc. This is not a good trade at best. 2. The US going broke: The US is approximately $22T in debt and increases every microsecond. It has been on the broke slide since 1971 when Prez Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and the printing press has been rolling ever since. The US dollar as the world reserve currency is under threat. The outcome is uncertain. And 3). Trumps politics: Trump has been avoiding being brought to justice for decades, for civil behaviour. In regards to presidential politics, it is important to note that Trump is a political novice., having never been a dog catcher. In the presidential campaign, Trump tapped into white grievance , and fear. 20-30% of the electorate forever has embrace white grievance and fear and have been looking for a politician to advance their concerns, real or imagine. Enter Trump who rode it all the way to the White House. Now he feels entitled if not invincible.
  • Hotmess (12/06/2023, 22:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pay your workers

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