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Motor scooter rider injured in hit & run @ Paraquita Bay

The motor scooter rider shortly after he was struck by a vehicle at Paraquita Bay last night, June 26, 2016. Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A motor scooter rider was a victim of an alleged hit and run at Paraquita Bay last night, June 26, 2016.

According to reports reaching Virgin Islands News Online, the man was knocked unconscious and had to be rushed to hospital.

The incident reportedly took place in the vicinity of Bouncer’s Bar around 10:30pm.

It is not clear the condition of the injured man at this time, however, photos sent to this news site by our Team of Reporters showed the young man apparently unresponsive, lying face down on the road, as persons in the area tried to assist him.

No information was received from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) up to time of publication.

Virgin Islands News Online will bring you more information as it comes in.

24 Responses to “Motor scooter rider injured in hit & run @ Paraquita Bay”

  • again (27/06/2016, 07:59) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    Oh boy so sad
  • wize up (27/06/2016, 08:17) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    and the best goes on!!!
  • Guest (27/06/2016, 09:04) Like (46) Dislike (2) Reply
    By bouncer bar? Is that the area that turns into a one way street at night with cars double parked, parked on corners and parked in the road? I am truly shocked, who would have thought an accident would happen there......
    • 82curface (27/06/2016, 09:28) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
      the cops don't enforce the laws so what do you expect
      • Online Now (27/06/2016, 10:08) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
        That implies that people only do the right thing when they are caught doing the wrong thing. How about we all take responsibility for ourselves and just DO the right thing!!
      • Me (27/06/2016, 10:35) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        When they try they have resistant. Scooter man dem that doing wrong things and bothering good citizens on dem own hurt themselves and each other and left the innocent alone please
    • SUSS (27/06/2016, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (21) Reply
      is bouncer alone have bar up there why ayu so bad mine that why we black caunt have notting don't want to see the little people try ease off
    • chad (27/06/2016, 19:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @guest agree with you but not only that. What time this happened? Bars close at 9:00 PM on sundays
  • Tram (27/06/2016, 09:19) Like (11) Dislike (13) Reply
    One of them was about five feet behind me for almost a full minute on the carriageway at normal speed before he could overtake. If I had hit brakes he would have been on my roof. So I guess I would have had to stop and waste hours dealing with a damaged vehicle, the police, gawkers and other nonsense.

    We lack leadership in the police force. This foolishness must stop.
  • right (27/06/2016, 10:35) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    I would have probably hit and run too when it comes to these nuisances. They usually ride around with guns as well....So if not badly injured you may end up being the victim with one of them..... Our society and our roads in particular lack any form of law and order.
  • wow (27/06/2016, 10:47) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    How quickly we forget! Lots of people are blaming the police force for not enforcing laws and policing scooter riders. Yet I distinctly remember the hoopla when they were doing just that! The news blogs were full of comments that they were harassing the riders and they should focus on "criminals". I guess the RVIPF is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't!
    • Tram (28/06/2016, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      So they stop enforcing the laws on the scooter riders because of hoopla and news blogs? That's exactly why we say there is no leadership in the police force.
  • NHI (27/06/2016, 11:49) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    well he was bounced for sure, hope the bouncer have a heart n come forth
  • just asking.... (27/06/2016, 12:05) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    was he wearing a helmet?
  • Sunday dinner (27/06/2016, 12:27) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    Sorry for not having smpathy, but he lay out like he eat a big Sunday meal..
  • Hon Fedup star (27/06/2016, 12:57) Like (2) Dislike (13) Reply
    It's about time the government clean up this country.get all these persons who not from here and were criminals where they came from out these virgin islands.get them out of here before its to late.they are a threat to the national security of this island.
  • Bingo (27/06/2016, 14:46) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    Whitey to de rescue.
    • @bingo (28/06/2016, 12:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I guess you would just stand around and take pictures? Get yo ignorant M*******t.
  • The Reaper (27/06/2016, 15:54) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Am back...Caught a life ,the other day or so..This one here lucky...Well have more too Come...
  • Hmm (27/06/2016, 18:39) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    if ya'll would stop being so wicked to each and learn how to get along, stop working voodoo ect maybe this place will be better?? what ya say??

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