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Motor scooter rider injured in accident @ Pasea

The scene of the accident involving a motor scooter at Pasea today, July 11, 2021. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police directing traffic at the scene of the accident at Pasea on July 11, 2021. Photo: Team of Reporters
Police directing traffic at the scene of the accident at Pasea on July 11, 2021. Photo: Team of Reporters
PASEA, Tortola, VI- A motor scooter rider received injuries when he became involved in an accident at Pasea, on the main island of Tortola, this afternoon, July 11, 2021.

The mishap occurred around 3:00 pm in the westbound lane of James Walter Francis Drive, in the vicinity of the traffic lights.

Information is still sketchy; however, our newsroom was told that the scooter rider was thrown off his bike and ended up partially under an automobile. The extent of the scooter rider’s injury is unknown.

It is also unclear how many other vehicles were involved.

Police and ambulance were called to the scene.

Our newsroom will bring more details as they become available.

15 Responses to “Motor scooter rider injured in accident @ Pasea”

  • Fingers crossed (11/07/2021, 16:41) Like (31) Dislike (30) Reply
    Praying for a speedy recovery because if you die they’ll say your the 4th corona death
  • I hope that his injuries are not too serious, that his recovery will be full. (11/07/2021, 16:49) Like (27) Dislike (7) Reply
    However most motor cycle rider ride recklessly arrogant and selfishly stupid. If they were given helmets free of cost, plus being paid to wear them, they will take the helmets and the money, throw the helmet away, or simple refuse to wear them, and continuing their ignorance for attention sake. In spite of this truth, they are our children. We are responcible to help protect them. Another truth is, that we adults are partly to blame for their blatant, reckless behaviors.
  • The Watcher (11/07/2021, 16:49) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Oh my again
  • LockDown (11/07/2021, 17:23) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply
    Maybe it's time to lockdown the scooter kids again. Not really a good time to go to the hospital during this virus surge! The injuries might not kill you but the virus could.
  • Jzh (11/07/2021, 17:29) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply
    Another stupid cyclist who think they are invincible..the stop light red light mean stop...but it seems you wasn't in school long enough to know colors..feel the pain of your own stupidity...
  • q (11/07/2021, 18:00) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Whistleblower (11/07/2021, 18:16) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr.Skelton , Hon. Rhymed the Police. So much efforts have been placed in curbing the vexing problem of these motor scooters on our roads with nothing to shown for it. In some cases the scooter rider is not at fault however, because of the way these bikes are being used on our road one assumes that each time a collision between both vehicles occur the scooter is wrong. I would like to bring to the attention of you gentlemen that persons are involved in the illegal sale of cone test, road test or even the written exams and drivers licenses . The names of these persons are known. You will be surprised This is not an allegation this is a fact. Question your staff, question the so called driving schools. Mr. Skelton question your boys. If this continue the evidence will be given to the authority.
  • Rubber Duck (11/07/2021, 18:44) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
    Ban them.
  • Jane (11/07/2021, 19:11) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    It's not because there was an accident mean the scooter rider caused it
    • ... (12/07/2021, 06:36) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
      Heard the car ran the red light the tape.. ti.e for the scooter man them to start suing car drivers for hitin them
  • See (11/07/2021, 21:53) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    One less problem
  • @Jane (12/07/2021, 06:45) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    In this case, yes he did cause it. He ran the Redlight.
  • H (12/07/2021, 07:55) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I believe them scooter riders don't care so why worry about them thay worst than the virus sad to say
  • BVI love (12/07/2021, 13:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please try to apply your brakes a lil when its curving road/blind spot(i mean drive with brain inside your skull) . Let the Police officers do their formal or systematic investigation. Fabricated story/Gossips/ Fake story its not helping to this kind of incident. Just saying.

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